7: People In Black ✔︎

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    I STIR in my sleep at the sound of a camera clicking

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    I STIR in my sleep at the sound of a camera clicking. I bury myself further into the warm pillow I grasp in my hold.

All of the sudden my pillow shakes in a chuckle-like manner.

Pillows don't chuckle.

I sit up a little to see Bucky, my papa, smiling down at me. I look to where the sound of clicking came from to see everyone standing there.

Tony standing in the middle, with an iPhone in his hand. I groan as I roll into my father, again.

"What time is it?" I grumble out. It feels way to early to even be alive right now.

"It is currently 9:30 AM, Vera," Vision puts in.

"Why does it feel so early," I whine.

"Probably because the time difference from here and London, silly." Sam says as he boops my nose. Boops it!

I scrunch up my nose in distain. "That's my nose. Only I have the right of booping it," I say, matter of factly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, your Princess. Guys, the Princess has spoken! No more 'booping of the nose!'"

With that I sit up, my dad smoothing out the hair on my head. I shrug his hand away. He just smirks at me and shakes his head.

"So, I was thinking pancakes. The fluffy good kind, drowning in syrup, crying-out-for-help kind." Tony vocalizes.

Everyone shrugs their shoulders in agreement. I wonder what pancakes taste like.

"Afterwards, us girls can get ready to go to the mall?" Wanda and me nod to that. Sounds like fun. Besides the ever lingering fact of me having a panic attack from immense number of people in malls. Having known this information from the multiple missions I have had of killing people in said malls.

They didn't take those memories away. They want me to know what I did, accept it.

:; Time Skip To The Mall ;:

"While we're here I need to get a few lady items. I ran out," Wanda comments as we walk through various stores. My eyes darting to new places every few seconds.

It was a miracle that Bucky actually let me go. Him becoming way more over protective than before. Maybe from loosing me once, and not wanting to relive the loss.

"Yeah, me too. Pretty sure you and me synced up." I am in confusion of the conversation going on between the two women.

Nat must have caught that look, because she turns to me and asks, "what about you? When do you start?"


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