Meeting Prodigy

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Your P.O.V)

 It is so crowed in here. Of course it will be, it's Tuesday, and every Tuesday Popeye's has to be packed with people. I didn't feel like waiting in my car at the drive through, It's tooooo cold for that. I just decided to walk in.

By the time I walked in there was a fresh smell of chicken that was being cooked, of course. And i had the certain urge to crave red beans and rice. Only because a man walked passed me with a large bowl of it.

 I went to go get in line, and the end of the line was by the door. So....yeah. I waited and then a giant brush of December air hit the back of my legs, which made me shiver and say "UGH" out loud. Everyone turned around to look at me since I gave a loud "UGH". The only thing that I heard was "Sorry"

I turned around and there was this guy with sunglasses on. He looked really familiar. He had a friend with him. His friend look pretty buff. and had a little of his blonde. Also as I glanced at both of them, and both of them looked VERY familiar. The man that looked really buff gave a little grin which i could see he had vampire teeth. He was kind of cute. The man with the sunglasses was just trying to close the door so none of the cold wind could get in. He turned around and I guess he could see me looking dead at him and gave a little laugh and said,

"It's cold out there huh?" He smiled

Before I could say anything, his friend interrupted, and said, "Hell the way I'm Roc Royal, you can call me roc, cuz' maybe I can be your roc." He gave a sneaky grin.

The guy with the sunglasses coughed the world "LAME" really loud, which made me chuckle a bit and a few people in front of me laugh. Roc just rolled his eyes and sucked his teeth. He left to go to the restroom and that's when he tried to say something to me. I think.

"H-h-hey, I-I'm Prodigy or Craig or Prod, whatever you want to call me" He said while his head was low with a smile.

"I'm (Y/N)" I quickly said with a grin and turned back around.

"UMM, just excuse my friend, he's just hungry, well I am too but...I don't act like that."

"It's fine.....Prooooood" I said over exaggerating the "O" in his name.

He gave a big grin and laughed. I really like it when I make people laugh, or smile. It shows me that I'm funny. The line was moving kind of fast, and I was now the 3rd person until the register. The he said something again.

"Ummm, don't know if this is weird to say at this moment, but I like the way you said my name...and"

"AND" I cut him off fast.

"And your smile"

 "How cute" I said playfully

"Y-you're cute" He struggled a bit.

"Thanks for the compliment" I tried not to smile but I did. Really hard.

"See, there it is. That smile" He said smiling also.

I had to pause just for a minute. When he said Roc Royal, I had to think. And then I kind of cut him off of his next sentence and said

"Mindless --Behavior, Prodigy from Mindless--- Behavior. WOOW. This is amazing. You guys are all grown up now, well both of us, since we are practically the same age."

"You are very late at that" He laughed. This time, a little loud.

 "Sorry, I was trying to think of where I knew you guys from"

We kept talking for a while then I ended up to be the 2nd person until the Cashier. I looked over and Roc was walking to Prod, asking if he could have the key so he can wait in the car. Prod gave him the keys and I glanced a look at both of them. Roc gave me a smile and a wink and walked off. He is truly flattering.

"Hey, do you wanna go get dinner with me sometime. You know since you are a fan and allllll" he smirked a bit sarcastically.

"BOY PLEASE" I laughed loudly.

"So you want to or..." He paused staring at me"

I wanted to say yes and jump up and down but I couldn't. Only because I had a child. A son. A 5 year old son. I don't want to date him for weeks and THEN tell him out of no where "HEY, did I forget to mention I have a kid." I only stared at him for a while. And he caught me off guard and said, 

 "Sooo (Y/N), How about it?"

"I can't."

I felt the pain of rejection from him, and he asked "Why not?", with a little smile to show that he's not a little upset.

"I really can't, I'm sorry" I was next in line to go to the cashier. The cashier asked what I wanted and I told her. Then he tapped my left shoulder and said,

"Is it my breath, because if it is..." He cupped his hand over his mouth, and I gave a loud chuckle.

"See, I made you laugh, So what's wrong, Why won't you go out to dinner with me."

 I just came out and said it. With no hesitation, just very Straight forward.

"I have a son." I already knew that no guy will probably go out with a girl if she already has a kid. I mean, the guy may never know, what if she has baby daddy drama. He stared off into space a little, it almost look like as if he was thinking. I turned back around to get my food, and all I heard was a..

"How about we go to Six Flags then?" He smile with a grin.


"Just say yes" He said calmly handing me his phone to put my number in.

"Yes, we can ALL go to Six Flags." I smiled the hardest that day.

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