What Does The Future Hold?

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Can't believe it. It has been four years since James. I don't know why I am tripping out on it. But I did let it go. The past four years has been really good. I am living with Craig. Well kind of. Most of my stuff is still at my house but, mostly I am living with him. I gave Trish the house, but The house is still in my name. Craig has been a father figure towards John. I kind of like it, but then I don't. I don't want him to think that he has to. Even though I am single mother. But He seems to be enjoying John. And John seems to be enjoying Craig. Every now and then John would be introuble at school and Craig would give me a look.

One time John had a fight with one of the kids at school. Well three of them. I can't believe they teamed up against my baby. The principle called me and told me he put all three of them in the hosptial. Two of the kids had a broken leg. The other had an arm. Craig gave me the look like Do you want me to handle it or you. I let him handle it. He made John not watch TV for a month, then make him run around the yard like he was running a marathon. He had more chores then ever. and He had to help him clean his pool.


That is a good punishment, but I am surprised. A ten year old can put a thirteen and two twelve year olds in then hospital. I guess the fighting must have ran in his blood.


I hope that won't effect him in the future. I got over it and had a long talk with John about what he did was wrong. I also told him not to do it again unless he HAS to. Days went on and now I am focus on my boo Craig.


He doing push-ups in his gym. It's like when he is exercising he can't hear a thing.






He stopped and looked at me.

"Don't ever call me that. Ever."

"Well listen to me, What do you want for dinner?"

"Uhhh, what do you feel like cooking?" He smiled

"Come on, I have to take John to school and go to work. So I need to know this stuff now so I won't have to come home and the ask you again and then leave to go to the grocery store. That's stupid and a waste of gas."



"You." He came up to me and pinned me against the wall and kissed me neck. That is my spot. and he knows how to get it by doing that.

"NO, you're sweaty, get off." I laughed and playfully pushed him away.

"Ummm, How about some meatloaf."

"Good" I kissed him and then walked out of his gym.

"John, lets go."

He was sitting there waiting. I drove him to school and dropped him off and went to work.

Like hell I am going to work. I went to the doctors office. I think I am pregnant. I don't know but I feel the same way I did when I was pregnant with John. So I went to ge doctors office a couple of weeks ago..and I can't wait for a phone call.

I walked inside the doctor's office for my appointment.

I needed to know. They did their test. and I wasn't pregnant. That's a relief. I left the doctor's office and drove around until it was time to go pick John up from school. 

My phone ranged and it was Craig. I answered it.

"Y/N, This is important, are you sitting down?"

"Is everything okay, what's wrong, are you hurt?" 

"We should have spaghetti instead of meatloaf. Pasta could probably help my diet." 

" Really, you had me worried sick."

He laughed in the phone.

"I know."

"Hey boo, I called your job and they said you took off. Why did you say you were going to work?"

"Ummm, I didn't tell you because....."

Damn, I didnt want him yo know that I had a pregnancy scare.


"If you wanted to go shopping, all you had to go was tell me. Dont lie to me okay. Ever. Just tell me you want a day off of work. You are a beautiful hardworking woman, and my baby needs a day off. And when you get home, I will show how much of a hard worker you really are."

Woah, that was close.

"What, Craig?"

"Bring your sexy ass home right now."

"Yes sir, you don't have to tell me twice."

"But I have to pick John up."

"Oh he had after school football practice, and Trish is dropping him off, so we have about an hour or two. So come home now!"

I hung up the phone out of relief and rush home. I opened the door and went upstairs. I took off my shoes at the door. I took off my jacket and dropped ot on his staircase.

This is short and late... but..sorry

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