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"Wow, so you're a dusty blonde?" Ash asked "Yep, my father did this shit to my hair" I sayed kinda annoyed, I brought up my father for such a silly reason. "Travis, follow me, got it?" Sal suddenly spoke up and kinda made me and Ash jump, "Ok, what for?" "Nothing, just follow me" I get up from the table and follow Sal. We were going to the far end of the school. "Why are we going all the way down here, Sal?" "You'll see" he sounded kinda upset.

After a bit more walking I could see why, my father really doesn't like the fact I'm gay. He'll do anything to keep me from being even more of a sinner. "He's taking Mrs. Packerton's job as our math teacher" "Shit, he really hates me. Doesn't he" "He's just a dickhead Travis, he doesn't have a heart. That's why he hit you and called you a fag and forced his beliefs onto you which he shouldn't have done. People have the choice of what they believe in" "You're right, he can go fuck himself for all I care" "That's what I like to hear from you, Trav" his prosthetic moved which told me he smiled after saying that.

Me and Sal begin to walk back when we see the bastard with our principal. "Ah yes Mr.Phelps, the children here are very hard workers and would love to have a preacher as their math teacher! We may need to start a class for all children here to attend, and it will be all about God!" "Mm, yes, indeed the children now a  days need something to believe in so they don't become gay and sin" "Yes they do, but you do realise that being gay is not a choice? It's something that just happens and you can't control it" Mrs. Norrese said "Nonsense, they are simply  being 'gay' for clout. They're disgusting" "Mr.Phelps, you're not to harass students over being gay or being apart of LGBTQ+ at this school. We love everyone. God died for our sins. So he died for LGBTQ+ aswell" "Fine. When do I start?" "Tuesday. That gives the current math teacher a chance to collect her belongings"

Me and Sal froze. Sal grabbed my hand and ran with me. "What the fuck! He is literally not showing any intetest in teaching! Only in judging students here!" "Sa-" "HE IS HERE FOR ME AND YOU I FUCKING KNOW IT" "SAL. Calm down. I know what he is here for. We're barely the reason. He's here for my brother/sister" "Wait what? You have siblings?!" Yep, my sibling has powers that makes them glitch and control things/make things happen with their imagination. Right now they're hiding" "Why?" "They're not human" "What!?" "That's all I'm saying. Jim listens in on you and will discover the where'abouts of my brother/sister, he wants Felix dead because Felix has infinite power"

Sal's eyes are just wide. I grab his arm walk back into the cafeteria. "Did you two make out?" Larry says "You two took so long" "No larry, I just needed to show Travis something" Larry just nods and pats his hand to a spot where me and Sal should sit. "Have you guys heard of the new math te-" Chug attempts to say but Sal quickly shuts him down "Yes, it's Travis' abusive, homophobic father. Can we never talk about the fucking Crayola man again?" "Jees, someones protecrive over their top" Maple says in a sly voice "Top?" Sal says confused "Ok, looks like this need explaining. When you and Travis have sex, if you ever do. Travis will be doing the most work. Like when it comes to female and male sex. Men are on the top. Since you both are males, Travis will do the males job, and Sal will do the females job most of the time. It's usually who is taller" "Ok" Sal says sharply and quickly.

The rest of the day is boring. My dad is introduced to the kids in my math class. Me and Sal obviously not giving a fuck and ignoring him. Todd says he is going on a date with Neil so he will be back at 5:00pm. Me, Sal and Larry head to addison appartments and head down to the basement. We play Mario and alot of other games. Sal was just minding his own bussiness playing Animal Crossing, since his anxiety would kick in really bad when he played other games. The rest of the night was good. I was staying at Sal's so we were there until 8:48pm. Me and Sal went up to floor 4 and went into apartment 402. Me and Sal stayed up to watch Lucifer until 11pm. Me and Sal went to bed and fell asleep after an hour or so. He was really cute. He had taken his prosthetic off and was laying his head on my chest, I put my on his back. He also had his arm over my body. I fucking love this man.

Thanks for the reads so far! Give me ideas on what should happen on Tuesday, fellahs. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)Maple had my favourite lines in this chapter( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Who am I? A Sal×Travis fanfict by JayGoose11037 and RantaroadmirerWhere stories live. Discover now