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My P.O.V

I'm so sorry for not updating this, lifes been stressful and depressing lately. I'll try to update the story more frequently from now on, ok? Now back to the story!!
End of my P.O.V

"Ugh, my head hurts bad. I can tell I'm getting another migrane again" I get out from under the covers and check the time on my phone, 3:45am. I put my phone down and walk to the bathroom to get my meds. I finally found the panadol (not sure if I spelt that right lol). Once I take my meds I head back to bed, hoping to not wake up again, well, until I have to. "Sal?" I hear a sleepy voice say "Oh hey Travis, why are you up?", "You weren't there so I got a bit worried" he said "Oh ok, I'm heading back to bed now" "Alright, c'mon" me and Travis get back under the covers and fall asleep again with the panadol starting to kick in.




Huh? What's that noise? Where is it coming from? Where am I? Oh, just my alarm clock. "Trav, wake up" I say to Travis getting him up for school "Huh? What is it Sal?" He replies "It's time to go to h-e double hockey sticks" I say "Hell you mean" "Just trying to not offend your religion Trav" "Thanks Sal, but I am a offence to my religion" "N O  Y O U ' R E   N O T ,  I   L O V E   Y O U" I say in a stern voice "Whatever you say", we get up, get dressed, grab our bags and head to the buss stop.

Me and Travis have math together which is good. Except Mr.God's Ass Sniffer teaches math. M r . G o d ' s  A s s  S n i f f e r. Lol. I hope everything goes ok today. Atleast for a five minutes. Please, I can't stand the sight of Travis going through that sort of pain. Especially from your God, damn, FATHER. I just want the best for Travis, honestly. I walk in to the school and see Ash, Todd and Neil waiting for us. "Hey Sally Face!" They all say in union "Hey Crayola!" They all say in union. "Guys wtf-" I say on the verge of losing my shit to laughter. "C'mon guys, Travis isn't a Crayola" Says Neil "Thanks Nei-" "HE'S THE WHOLE DANG PACKET" Neil says cutting off Travis. "Oh wow Niel, just wow" Travis says in

a sarcastic manner. "Why am I friends with any of you in the first place?" I say shutting them all up "Wait, Sal" Travis says "Yeah?" "Where's Larry?" "Yeah, where is Larry?" I grab my phone out and message Larry.

S:Dude, wtf are you?yt
L:At home.
S:Why? We have school today you fucking orangatang, so why are you at home? Don't do anything stupid. I mean it.
L:Jeesus dude, I won't. Don't worry. I just caught a cold lol.
S:Ok, that isn't that bad. How you feeling though?
S:I thought you liked Travis😡
S:Don't lie to me like that you asshole😡
L:Why you mad?
S:Because you're being mean to Travis you asshole😡
L:Ok bye.
L:It was lovely seeing you all. See you next year. Or not. Ehehehehhhehehehe

Wtf- Larry is high I swear. No one adds Cardie memes into there texts- Anyways. I walk to math class with Travis and we sit in our assigned seats. After a while, kids start poring into the classroom that Mrs.Packerton once teached. "Good morning class" A disgusting voice announced. It was Kenneth. "You will all address me as Mr.Phelps" he said "Oh, so you're the biggest bitches dad?" Said a kid near the back of the classroom "Biggest bitch?" Kenneth had a questioning tone "And who is the biggest bitch, hmm?" Kenneth asks the student  "Travis Phelps duh. Everyone here hates him. He a pathetic human that thinks it's ok to make fun of people sexuality's and beliefs. I'm gay and so are alot of kids at this school and I hate him with a passion" the kid blurts out "Oh, Travis. My son" I could tell Travis was getting upset and was about to rage "Excuse me Mr.Phelps, could I go to the bathroom?" "Yes you may...Fisher?" "Ok good" I grab Travis' arm and lead him out of the class room and into the bathrooms. "You good Trav?" "No, why would I be? They all hate me because of my 'crimes'. You and your friends are the only ones who forgive me. I hate it. I hate my reputation so much. I wish I was never born" Travis was having a melt down "It's ok.." I bring Travis into a tight hug. "I love you Travis" "I love you too"


                                           💫☂️💕I'll add more later lol☂️💕💫

Who am I? A Sal×Travis fanfict by JayGoose11037 and RantaroadmirerWhere stories live. Discover now