Part 4

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// ummm, real sorry bout the pic above, that dude's just hot asf//

:what about the hickeys?


suddenly, Aizawa's phone started to ring

ring ring~ (lol)

Aizawa : " Excuse me for a second....

Ahh yes that is me
Ummm , yes?

Midoriya, it's for you "

Deku : " Is it my mom? "

Aizawa : " N-no, It's a man "

Deku : ???
[Aizawa gives Izuku the phone]

Deku: "Hello?
I-i I don't know
o-okay, I'll think about it..

beep beep beep

Aizawa : " Midoriya who was that man? "

Deku : " M-my relatives, They just heard I got hurt.....They got worried "

Aizawa : " hm , alright Me and the adults are gonna leave so you can spend some time with your friends"

Deku : .........

1-A : .........

The pro-heroes left the room and so did Recovery girl. Half of 1-A sat on some chairs and the floor while half remained standing. An awkward silence was built until Sero decided to talk.

Sero : " Hey Midoriya, Are you feeling ok now?"

Deku : " Yes Sero-kun thanks for asking"

1-A was confused as to why Deku was talking to Sero so nicely but they didn't know Sero was one of the three students in 1-A that treated Deku like their best friend even after all the lies Bakuguo told them. Todoroki then proceeded to ask the same question Sero asked to Midoriya but Deku's smile just swept away when he saw Todoroki and he completely ignored the Candy Cane. That made Todoroki mad and his face was showing it so he just looked at Deku for a while and went to the corner to play on his phone, then Bakuguo decided to say something

Bakuguo: " Who was on the phone earlier?"

Deku: " None of your business"

Bakuguo: " Don't make me angry

Deku: " You wouldn't care anyways"

Bakuguo: " wha-"

Deku: " None of you would"

1-A: ................

Bakuguo: " Just tell me"

Deku: " *sigh , It was my Dad"

Bakuguo: " You don't have a dad-"

Deku: " Shut up, you don't know shit about me"

Bakuguo: "......."

Deku: " He found out I got kidnapped and he was upset , He wants to be able to protect me so he wants me to go to England, so I can live with him......"

1-A: .............

Deku : " And I agreed"

1-A : "WHAT!?"

Uraraka : " Deku-kun! WHAT ABOUT YOUR STUDIES?!"

Mina : " Midoriya! YOU CAN'T LEAVE US LIKE THAT!"

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