The Arival

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"Do it again, Godric!" William pleaded, looking eager.

"I dunno if I can," Godric muttered, wearing an expression of mock doubt.

"Ah, go on!" Hamish said.

Godric sat behind an upturned bucket in one of the empty stables with a gaggle of boys and girls around him, all of whom were meant to be working. They wanted him to show them his famous levitating trick.

"Okay, okay," Godric laughed, enjoying the attention. "Ready?" All the children nodded and Godric placed his hands above the bucket, waggling his fingers. Slowly, it began to rise upwards and the children all gasped in unison, looking amazed.

"How do you do it?" Luanne asked, looking awestruck.

"Magic," he replied simply, looking smug.

"What's going on in there!"

Godric jumped and so did a few of the other children as Mr. Walker's voice rung across the courtyard. They all started to scramble out of the stable but as Godric reached the door he found his way blocked by Mr. Walker himself.

"There you are!"

"I didn't do it!" Godric said quickly.

"Didn't do what?" Mr. Walker asked suspiciously.


Mr. Walker surveyed him for a moment and then shrugged it off. "Come on, boy. I want a word with you," he muttered, leading Godric out towards the fields.

Godric was always performing strange tricks he'd been able to do since before he could remember. The adults were always furious whenever he did this because that type of craft was feared by many so, understandably, Godric hoped no one would find out what he'd been doing.

"Now boy," Mr. Walker said matter-of-factly. "I don't know if you've heard but Lord Schreiver has invited the king of England to his castle for a few days."

Godric stopped walking and stared.

"Really? THE king? As in THE ACTUAL king?"

Mr. Walker rolled his eyes at this, looking rather stern.

"Well, who else would I mean, you silly boy!" He exclaimed.

"!" He stuttered, unable to believe this. "But why are you telling me this? Why didn't you tell us all together?" He asked, his brow furrowed.

"Well, the thing is that Lord Schreiver needs stable boys to saddle up the horses and whatnot for the king's visit, as he loves to ride across the moors. Now, don't ask me why, but the lord has requested you as one of those stable boys."

Once again Godric could do nothing but stare in wonderment. He felt a large grin spread across his face as he looked up at Mr. Walker, trying to tell whether he was joking.

"Are you serious?" He asked, still looking shocked. "He actually wants me? Only a few get chosen. Why does he want me?" He asked suspiciously.

"I have no idea," he replied, looking quite shocked himself. "I tried to talk him out of it but he wants to see how you'll do."

"Oh," Godric said, smiling contentedly. "Alright then."

"It'll be your job to saddle up the horses and help lead them if you must," Mr. Walker said. "Now, you'd better not muck this up, boy!" He warned, pointing a threatening finger at him. "I know what you're like!"

"I won't muck it up!" Godric said indignantly.

Mr. Walker grunted doubtfully, raising his eyebrows.

"You also have to be presentable if you want a job this important again!" He told him. "So you'd better do a good job of it! They arrive tomorrow afternoon so be ready!"


The very next day, just before noon, the king was on his way to Lord Schreiver's castle. He was in one of his grandest coaches with the queen, their daughter and the king's royal adviser, Archibald.

"Oh, are we nearly there?" Rowena asked impatiently, fidgeting about so that she could get a good look out of the coach window.

"Sit still, Rowena, you'll crease your gown!" Her mother said quickly, smoothing out the creases on it.

Her mother had insisted she wear the ridiculous gown for travelling simply to keep up appearances. Rowena particularly hated this gown because it was the tightest she owned. It constricted her breathing so that she couldn't even sit comfortably. Even her hair was making her uncomfortable. It had been pulled back into a very tight bun.

"I just can't wait for us to get there!" She exclaimed, reluctantly sitting up straight in her seat.

"Well, you'll have to," the king said, straightening his crown a little.

"Why are we wearing these?" Rowena asked, indicating the crowns the three of them wore on their heads.

"We must make an effort, dear," he mother said in a rather exasperated way.

"But we're taking a break, aren't we? We don't need to act like royalty if we're taking time out somewhere else."

Her father looked at her sternly.

"Being a royal is not a job!" He snapped. "It is a way of life, Rowena, and you should respect it! There are many young ladies who would give a lot to be where you are in society so start sounding a little more grateful!"

Rowena hung her head and stayed silent for the remainder of the journey.


"What are you wearing those for?" Robert shouted out across the courtyard. "Hey Gryffindor, I'm talking to you!"

Godric swung around wildly as the horse brush Robert had thrown hit him hard on the shoulder.

"Go away, Robert!" Godric shouted angrily, as Robert advanced towards him.

"I asked you a question!"

Godric was trying his best to control his anger because if he let an incident happen like what did last time him and Robert had had a disagreement, he'd loose his job as stable boy for the king's visit for certain. He tried to keep calm even though his chest was swelling with indignation.

"It's none of your business!"

"It is if I say it is, you little weed!" He laughed.

He stood up right next to Godric, towering over him quite considerably. Godric didn't care if Robert was rather taller and stronger than him. He squared up to him like an equal and stared fiercly into his mocking eyes.

"For your information," Godric said angrily, thinking he'd very much like to see Robert's reaction. "I've been chosen as a stable boy for the king's visit this week."

Robert stared blankly for a moment and then started to laugh.

"Yeah right! YOU? Why on earth would anyone choose you?"

"Well, Lord Schreiver seems to think I'm good enough. Didn't you get chosen?" He asked in mock sadness after a short pause.

Seeing Robert's face contort with rage like this was very satisfying and Godric couldn't help grinning.

"They're here, Godric!"

Polly, a five-year-old girl that worked in the kitchens, had appeared at the corner of the courtyard that led around to the main part of the castle and was beckoning Godric towards her. Godric smiled sarcastically and waved in Robert's angry face before dashing towards Polly, who was looking possibly more excited that he was at that point.

"Quick, they're pulling up at the front of the castle!" She squeaked.

She grabbed Godric's hand and pulled him along the path that led to it. They ran along, the sound of horses' hooves and carriage wheels moving across gravel reaching their ears as they came up to the corner of the gatehouse.

"Look, there he is - the king!" Polly exclaimed.

Godric looked around the stone wall to see a man that was unmistakably the king climbing down from his black horse-drawn carriage. As he walked forwards he looked around and smiled. He then shook Lord Schreiver's hand, who'd just moved towards him.

"I thought the king would have a bigger beard than that," Polly said thoughtfully. "He's quite tall though, isn't he?"

"Aye," Godric replied, watching intently.

After the king came the queen, who elegantly stepped out of the carriage as the footman helped her down. She too moved towards Lord Schreiver and nodded politely as he kissed her hand.

"They don't look like they'll be able to ride horses very well," Godric commented quietly as he and Polly continued to watch. "They're so posh. You know, they walk like they've got a huge branch shoved up their a - "

"Look!" Polly said quickly. "Who's that?"

Godric looked back at the carriage and his brow furrowed as a young girl climbed down from inside, not much older than himself. She certainly looked young and was unmistakably the princess. This was made clear as the king beckoned her forward and introduced her to Lord Schreiver, smiling fondly.

"She's so beautiful," Polly said enviously.

"Aye, she is," Godric agreed, watching her closely as she followed her father and mother towards the entrance to the castle. "Really beautiful. Bet it's uncomfortable in those clothes, though!" He said, regaining his composure.

"But she'd be pretty without them!"

"Yeah, maybe," he replied, trying to ignore an uncomfortable feeling in his stomach.

"Godric, quick!" Polly shouted suddenly, making him jump out of his skin and tearing his gaze away from the princess.

"WHAT?" He demanded angrily.

"You have to get to the stables, ready for when Lord Schreiver shows the king around!" She said, looking worried.

"Oh no!" He hissed, beginning to run back along the path towards the stables. "Wait!" He said quickly, doubling back. "How do I look?"

"You look very smart," she grinned. "Good luck!" She shouted after him.

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