Uninvited Company

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The afternoon sun hung low over the Hufflepuff castle, casting long shadows across the ground. It was December 6th and, as Godric and Helga approached lord Hufflepuff at breakfast, he seemed to be in a rather good mood. He wasted no time in informing them why.

"I have some good news!" He announced, once they'd seated themselves comfortably.

"What is it?" Helga asked excitedly.

"Well, there is a certain young man I've been told of that is one of us," he muttered. "He's coming to stay for a few weeks to train up a little so he'll be joining you in lessons!" He beamed.

"Really?" Helga grinned, looking very pleased.

"Is anyone else coming to stay?" Godric asked.

"No, just him but I'm sure it'll be fun all the same!"

"This is going to be wonderful!" Helga said excitedly.

"You know, Sir," Godric said thoughtfully. "You should really consider inviting young witches and wizards here to learn magic."

"Oh no, m'boy. Something like that would never work!" He chuckled. "A good thought but it'd be discovered within no time and we'd all be done for! Now," he said, changing the subject. "You two better go and get prepared because our guest will be arriving later this week."


"Now, remember, Salazar," Benedick said quickly as they marched up the track that led to the king's castle. "Be bold. Sound confident and he'll respect you for it."

"But I can hardly TELL the king I'm just abandoning my job for two weeks!" Salazar exclaimed, now starting to get rather nervous. "Oh no!" He said suddenly, stopping halfway up the steps that led to the entrance. "What if he asks me why I'm taking time off?"

"Say you're ill!" Benedick said, looking annoyed. "Make something up. It's none of his business anyway!" He muttered, as the heavy doors swung open to admit them. "Ready?"

"I suppose," Salazar muttered. "What if he says I can't?"

Benedick threw him a stern look and then he fell silent, following him upstairs to the throne room. The two guards bowed them inside and they entered to find the king sitting in his over-large chair, munching hungrily on chicken legs and various other meat. He much reminded Salazar as a common village dog that wouldn't let go of its bone if its life depended on it.

"Ah, morning chaps!" He boomed, noticing them. As he spoke flecks of food spattered the floor and Salazar was forced to disguise his revulsion with a fake smile. "What can I do for you? Everything going well, I hope?"

"As well as can be expected, milord!" Benedick said greasily. "Salazar just wanted to ask you something," he said airily, nudging him painfully in the ribs so that he was forced to move forwards an inch or two.

"What is it, my friend?" He asked, wiping his greasy mouth with the back of his hand.

Salazar took on the posture Benedick had instructed him to display and stood with his back very straight. He cleared his throat before speaking as a sign of authority.

"Well, your highness," he said, having been told that using flattering words would make him pay closer attention. "I'm not feeling my best at the moment," he explained, with a fake grimace. "And I think I need a slight break from the pressures of my position." Benedick smiled happily.

"Indeed? Is it serious, m'boy?" The king asked worriedly.

"I think not, milord, but I wish to take a short break and ask your permission that my advisor Benedick Greyson stand in on my behalf."

"I don't see why not!" The king smiled and Salazar caught himself before he exposed an obvious look of relief. "Will you be going back to your family?"

Salazar quickly looked at Benedict - he'd feared he'd ask too many questions.

"He is not, milord," Benedick answered, with a fake smile. "He's actually going to be spending his free time in Ireland."

"Really? I was thinking of taking my family there over Christmas. I have a good friend there that would be more than happy to have us stay!" He smiled, beginning to attack the platter of food in front of him again. "Yes, Lord Hufflepuff is a good acquaintance. Poor as a peasant but very pleasant. Oh," he said, looking shocked. "That was quite poetic, wasn't it?" He chuckled.

Salazar and Benedick exchanged startled glances.

"Lord Hufflepuff?" Benedick demanded. "Lord Hufflepuff of Northern Ireland?"

"The very same! Why, are you planning to spend your time there?"

"Yes," Salazar replied. "I'm afraid so."

"Oh, well, this is wonderful!" The king boomed happily. "We can go together!"

"You know, milord," Salazar said quickly. "Now that I think about it, I don't feel it is wise if we both leave for Ireland. Maybe I should stay after all!"

"No, no...you deserve a break as much as the next man! I was thinking of leaving today. We should go together!"

"That sounds simply wonderful, milord. I'm sure you'll have great fun!" Salazar turned to face Benedick so quickly that his neck clicked painfully.

"Excellent, I shall inform my wife and daughter! You may leave!" He smiled.

Salazar followed obediently after Benedick, feeling rather worried.

"What was all that about?" Salazar demanded when they were out of earshot. "He can't come! He'll discover us! He's a muggle!"

"We must keep the king happy," he muttered. "I'm sure there are ways to keep him preoccupied whilst you and the other little wizards are making magic!"


He turned to see Rowena. She was looking as beautiful as ever. He had seen her a few times over the past few weeks but not really to speak to. He smiled as she approached.

"Princess Rowena!" He said in reply.

"I shall go and assist the king," Benedick muttered into his ear. He scooted away, leaving only Salazar and Rowena in the wide stone corridor. Salazar breathed a sigh of relief once he'd gone.

"Thank goodness," he muttered. Rowena smiled in amusement. "Honestly, I have to act all proper in front of him in case I come across wrong! He'd only give me a lecture when we get back . How have you been?"

"As good as can be expected living here," she said sarcastically.

Salazar picked up on her tone of voice and, looking more closely, could see that she seemed very down-hearted.

"What is it?"

"Nothing important," she said dismissively.

"Tell me," he muttered, beckoning to the end of the corridor, which was further away from the bustle of the rooms.

They sat in front of one of the large windows, which overlooked the village below.

"I'm being forced to marry!" She sighed. Salazar stared in shock.

"I take it you don't approve of the choice of husband?"

"No, I don't!" She said quickly, looking angry. "He's horrid! He said he'd make me his wife...even if I didn't want to be with him!"

"That's terrible," Salazar murmured, looking astounded. "What did your father say?"

"Nothing. I haven't told him," she said quietly, staring out into the chilly winter morning. "He wouldn't listen even if I did! He really likes prince Edmund!"

"You should talk with your father, tell him you don't like Edmund."

She laughed miserably. "He wouldn't listen!"

Salazar watched her for a moment and felt the greatest of sympathy towards her. He patted her on the shoulder gently and, when she continued to look sadly out of the window, he spoke again.

"Has your father told you what he has planned for today?" He asked her.

"No," she replied, looking up. "What is it?" She asked warily.

"Well, you are to come to Ireland with me," he explained and, with a great feeling of relief, he saw her smile happily.

"Really? That's wonderful!"

"We'll all stay at Lord Hufflepuff's castle. It's not meant to be the grandest of places but - "

"What do you mean...all?" She said quickly.

"Well, your mother and father will come too." She rolled her eyes, looking disheartened again and slightly angry. "I mentioned that I was thinking of going there and he sort of invited himself along too."

"As usual," She muttered.

"Look," he smiled, placing a comforting hand on hers. "It'll be fine. I'll be there. I'm sure I could convince your father to let you have a small amount of freedom whilst we're there."

She turned and smiled, looking very grateful. It now seemed Salazar wouldn't get a chance to learn any magic whatsoever.

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