The Serpent Whisperer

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Years away from the people you care about most in the world can be extremely painful, even if, for all that time, you'd been learning about something as amazing as magic. For Salazar Slytherin he found that it did take the sting of separation away a little.

For five long years he'd been taught by one of the greatest men he'd ever met, Sir Harold Wilson. He was a great man in many ways. As far as magic went, he was phenomenal. The spells he had taught Salazar were very advanced. He'd thought it best to show Salazar all forms, whether good or bad, so that he gained adequate experience. The magical side to this man wasn't what Salazar respected most, though. He was a kind and noble being, brave and fearless, fair to all he met. When he'd first taken Salazar on he'd been rather abysmal with the advanced spells but Harold had not given up on him. He trained him to exhaustion until he finally perfected the magic, something Salazar now appreciated beyond words.

But now those long, hard (yet rewarding) years were over. He was almost home...

As he sat in the carriage that pulled him closer and closer to his uncle's grand home, he felt a buzz in the pit of his stomach and couldn't help grinning stupidly. Before the carriage had even fully stopped beside the front steps, he had flung open the door and hurried forth, his excitement getting the better of him.

Before he knew it he had disregarded every aspect of his composure as he saw a familiar face at the door, dashing forwards and almost falling flat on his face as he leapt up the steps two at a time. Before he could embrace her she'd positively throw herself upon him so that they both went crashing to the ground. Her laugh made his heart lift, even more so when she kissed him.

"Er...Belle," he said, finding himself laughing too. "This could well be seen as extremely inappropriate!"

"I don't care!" She giggled, kissing him once more.

"Salazar!" Arthur boomed happily. "Oh my..." He muttered, seeing them lying upon the stone and clearing his throat loudly so as to make sure they knew he was there.

"Sorry, uncle," he said quickly, trying to keep a straight face as he scrambled to his feet. Belle did the same, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Sorry, Sir," she said quickly.

"Not at all!" He chuckled merrily. "You make a marvellous pair!" He nodded. She smiled at this, looking mildly surprised. "Well, come on then, let me look at you!"

He stood before his uncle and he peered merrily at him, patting him fondly upon the shoulders.

"You're of a fine build," he commented. "Just like your father! Well, come inside then, we have a lot to talk about!"

Salazar followed behind, Belle doing the same. They entered the grand drawing room, where Arthur sat in his favourite chair, lighting up a cigar. He indicated for Salazar and Belle to take a seat too.

"So, tell me," Arthur muttered excitedly, after clearing his throat loudly. "I'm eager to know...what was it like with Harold teaching you?"

"It was just wonderful," he said, unable to put what he felt about these teachings into appropriate words. "He's taught me so much, uncle!"

"As I knew he would," he nodded knowingly, swirling some amber liquid around in the glass he'd just picked up. "What did you learn from him?"

"The most amazing magic," he murmured, trying to think of just one thing he could use as an example. "He taught me many spells, spells I never even imagined could exist! There were other forms of magic too," he said slowly, remembering one that stood out vividly in his mind. "The magic of minds."

Arthur stared in confusion. In this momentary lapse, he forgot to exhale his cigar smoke and ended up choking violently.

"Go - on!" He coughed, waving a hand for Salazar to continue.

"He told me of this secret art. It's a magic that allows those who know how to use it to block their minds from harm."

"What do you mean by that?" He asked, sounding intrigued.

"Well, certain magical beings can gain access to your thoughts and feelings. It's not that commonly heard of," he added, seeing their anxious expressions. "It was extremely hard to learn but I'm told it'll be worth it!"

"It certainly sounds it!" He nodded, looking impressed. "I take it he didn't teach you to fight then boy?"


"Didn't think so, not in his nature," he said knowingly. "A good job too. We can't have talent like yours squandered in wars now, can we?"

"No," Belle piped up.

"Oh, I also learnt...well, more discovered it..." Salazar said, as Arthur poured them drinks.

"What's that?"

"I have a gift with animals," he said proudly.

"Animals?" Belle asked, looking thoroughly interested.

"Well, I thought it may have been an ability to talk to all kinds of animals at first but it seems it only works on serpents," he explained. "Not the most useful of gifts but - "

"Any gift, however relevant, is a good thing!" Arthur pointed out, smiling warmly at him.

"That's what Harold kept telling me," he said.

"When do you plan on going back to London then, boy?" Arthur asked, after a slight pause, during which he blew out a great cloud of fumes from his cigar.

"You're returning?" Belle asked, unable to stop herself.

"He has to, dear," Arthur pointed out. "He's got his duties."

"Oh, I know that..." She replied, trailing off and looking rather down-hearted.

"I may return in a few days," Salazar said, forcing a smile. "I'm sure Benedick won't mind."

"That sounds like a good plan," Arthur beamed. "Gives you a chance to catch up with everyone. Many of the staff have been asking about you."

"Don't worry. I intend on seeing everyone before I'm off again," he assured him.

" long do you think you'll be down in London for this time?" Belle asked quietly, trying to sound casual. She was staring into her glass, determinedly avoiding their eye contact.

"I don't know," Salazar replied, feeling his heart sink at the prospect of leaving her behind again. It made him sick to the stomach that he had only just returned and was already talking about leaving again. It was at times like this that he wished he never had such a great responsibility.


That evening the sun sank fast, soon lacing the grounds around Arthur's grand home with eerie shadows. Even though Salazar had found himself lonely when away from home and had wanted nothing more than to return and be around the people he loved, he now found himself wanting to sit alone, contemplating just what lay ahead. He had sat out in the dark on the balcony overlooking all the sweeping lawns and watched the sun set. He hated all the troubles he'd soon have to carry upon his shoulders once he returned to his role of Lord of lower England. The setting sun, bright and vibrant, reminded him of childhood for some reason and he scowled at it, wishing he could have his back - he'd give anything.

Finally realising just how long he'd been sitting there, he moved back into the hallway beyond the archway, as though only just seeing the darkness around him. As he stepped into the dimly-lit hall he spotted a silvery glimmer further along. Belle froze before entering her room as she spotted him and wore such a sorrowful expression that it soon passed on to Salazar. He moved slowly towards her, coming to stand just inches away, where he could contently admire her beauty.

"You won't be coming back, will you?" She murmured, breaking eye contact and staring at the cold floor beneath her feet.

"Of course I will!" He assured her. "I promise I'll - "

"Don't," she said, turning away as he placed a hand upon her shoulder. "Please don't make me a promise you can't keep. I don't think I could bare it!"

"You think I'm going to forget you?" He asked, feeling rather hurt that she'd think this.

"Well, we won't see each other again. You'll have your duties as a Lord, which requires you to be miles away from here."

"It doesn't mean I'll never see you again!" He said, taking her hand and trying to gain her eye contact again.

"Forgive me for sounding selfish," she said, her eyes shining with tears. "But it's not enough. The only soul I've ever cared about in such a strong way is you. I can't bare to be apart from you. The last five years have been torture and to have to say goodbye again - "

"Maybe we don't have to," he said suddenly. "Come with me."

She stared at him but, almost immediately after making eye contact with him again she broke it, shaking her head furiously.

"I couldn't," she said sadly. "The king...Benedick would not allow it. They'd think me a distraction, you know they would!"

Salazar privately agreed. Benedick had been very lenient but, even when he'd been younger, Salazar had heard them discussing the fact that no family were permitted to be with him whilst he was bound to his duties as a Lord.

"Maybe so but it won't be forever," he breathed, moving closer and staring intently at her, as though making a silent promise. "I don't doubt they'll find someone else to take over, I know Benedick would be pleased to," he laughed. "Then I'll be back and we can be..." He trailed off, looking uncomfortable.

"Yes?" Belle prompted, her eyes wide with intrigue.

"Well," he said, clearing his throat loudly as it began to get dry. "I rather think of you day...perhaps becoming wife," he managed to say, feeling himself flush red in the cheeks.

Belle stared, as though she thought she'd misheard.

"Married?" She said in disbelief.

"Only if you - "

"Yes," she beamed. "I mean, I've always wanted to be with you. To wake up next to you once the sun is risen," she said quietly, clinging onto his hands. "But the time between - "

"We could always start as we mean to go on," he suggested.

When she stared at him in confusion he gently took her hand and pushed open the door to her room. All night he lay beside her, holding her tightly, and watched her sleep, for he was unable to do the same. His heart soared at the prospect of being able to call Belle his wife. He couldn't help but smile to himself.


The next morning was a pleasantly warm one and as Salazar and Belle joined Arthur for breakfast, they savoured the sunlight that was streaming into the dining room.

"Ah, there you are!" Arthur beamed, indicating that they should sit down.

They did so, choosing seats opposite each other at the long table, which was currently laden with all sorts of foods fitting for a hearty breakfast.

"Morning, uncle," Salazar smiled in reply, getting himself some fresh bread. "It looks like it's going to be a wonderful day."

"Indeed," he agreed, taking an envelope he'd just been passed by one of the maids, which was sealed with a very official-looking coat of arms. Even from a distance Salazar knew where it had been sent from.

"What is it?" He asked warily.

His first thoughts were that the king wanted him to return to London immediately.

"A notification of a royal wedding," he explained, scanning the piece of parchment as he absent-mindedly lifted his goblet.

"A wedding? For whom?" He asked.

Before Arthur even gave an answer Salazar's stomach flipped uncomfortably. He knew Rowena was the one to be married. He hated this thought, knowing only too well that she despised prince Edmund.

"Princess Rowena!" He exclaimed. "It seems prince Edmund of France is returning from war and they are to be wed this fall."

"That sounds like a pleasant event," Belle commented.

"Yes," Salazar nodded, forcing a smile. "We're invited?"

"It would seem so," Arthur replied, looking impressed. "What an honour it'll be to see the royal's only daughter become a queen! It won't be long before the whole of the country knows about this, what an occasion!"

Salazar nodded absent-mindedly. He couldn't help thinking how things would have turned out if his old friend Godric were still alive. He knew that the king and queen would overrule any decision other than their own but Salazar also knew who Rowena truly loved. He hated the thought of her being forced into such a bond. He just wished there was something he could do.

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