Through The Snow

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It was December the 24th and Salazar Slytherin sat on the bottom step in the entrance hall, his stomach churning horribly. He looked up at the clock on the wall. It was almost nine in the evening and Benedick would be arriving for him soon. He was to leave his Uncle's home and live in the grand house the king had kindly given to him. He could hardly refuse.

"You all set then?" Arthur asked, trying to maintain a cheery tone.

Salazar nodded sadly.

"Come here then! Give your old Uncle a hug! Don't worry, no one's around to see!" He chuckled, holding out his arms.

Salazar smiled weakly and stood up, moving towards his uncle. He didn't think he should admit it but he wanted his uncle to be with him more than ever right now. He missed his mum and dad so much and Arthur was like a second father. His uncle hugged him more tightly than was necessary, which made it obvious he was nervous for him. He slapped him on the back, sniffing slightly. Salazar let his arms fall limply to his sides as Arthur placed two porky hands onto Salazar's broad shoulders.

"You've become a fine young man," he smiled, looking tearful. "Your parents would be so proud of you!"

Salazar smiled, feeling a lump form in his throat.

"I'm proud of you too. I couldn't have wished for you to turn out any better than you have. I want you to make the most of everything now!" He beamed.

"I'll come back to see you," Salazar said quickly, trying to keep his voice steady. "It's not like I'll be gone forever!"

"No. Don't you worry about us. Just do what you have to, boy. Make me proud!"

Salazar stared into his Uncles shining eyes.

"I'll miss you," he muttered.

"And I you!"

"Thanks for everything. If I didn't have you, I don't know what I'd do!" Salazar said, glancing at the floor.

"I'm always here for you, Salazar, remember that."

Salazar nodded and his uncle looked him over, giving him another comforting smile. He waved and made his way to the drawing room.

"Oh, and by the way," he said as an afterthought, turning before he reached the door. "There's someone I think you should say goodbye to before you leave."


Arthur raised his eyebrows in shock, as though it was quite obvious.

"Oh...," Salazar said quickly. "Where is she?"

"In the gardens!" He called, as he disappeared around the doorway.

Salazar hurriedly dashed through the house, out of the double doors at the back and out into the cold winter's night. He looked quickly around and breathed a sigh of relief as he saw a familiar sheet of hair, which glowed white beneath the moonlight.

"Belle!" He called.

She looked up in shock as he ran towards her.

"Aren't you cold?" He asked, noticing that she was not wearing a cloak.

"Not really," she muttered, looking at the floor.

Salazar stared down at her, now unsure what he should say. He compromised by sitting next to her, shivering slightly as his breath rose in an icy cloud before him.

"I thought you'd already left," Belle murmured, still keeping her eyes down.

"I had to say goodbye to you first," Salazar replied.

"Oh...I didn't think you wanted to because..." She paused, looking uncertain. "You were going onto better things."

"What?" He exclaimed. "I don't care about what I'm going to do," he said seriously. "I still care about you...and Uncle Arthur," he added quickly. "I don't want to go!"

"You don't?" She asked, finally looking up at him. He admired her sparkling blue eyes for a moment before speaking.

"No. I'd much rather stay here. I want to be with my family...or what's left of it," he murmured.

There was a moment's pause, in which Salazar looked up at the dark sky and Belle watched him closely.

"I'll miss you," she said quietly.

He looked down at her and smiled gently.

"I'll miss you too. I'm sorry know, when I - "

"It's okay," she said awkwardly, looking away again. "I guess you can't stop those things just happening if you care about someone so much."

Salazar hesitated, staring at Belle as she looked up at the moon. He reached into his pocket and pulled out something he'd been meaning to give to her the following day. He looked down at it sparkling in the moonlight. It was a locket he'd had made. It was silver and was engraved expertly with the letter S.

"I've got something for you," he eventually said.

Belle looked up in surprise.

"It was meant to be for Christmas but, as I won't be here..." he said sadly. "Here."

He passed it to her and she gasped, taking it delicately with her icy fingers.

"It's beautiful," she said quietly, smiling. "It's really beautiful but I can't take this. It must have cost an awful lot!"

"Well, you're worth it," he smiled, before he could stop himself. Belle looked up and smiled at him as he smiled right back. "Besides, it's something to remember me by. The S stands for Salazar," he explained. "It's so you won't forget me."

"I could never forget you!"

Belle looked down at the necklace in her hands and smiled again, stroking a pale finger over the S.

"Here," Salazar said, taking the necklace from her. "Let's see what it looks like."

She turned her back to him and lifted up her long hair as he fastened it around her neck.

"Thank you," she smiled.

"Just have a good day tomorrow," he said, a lump forming in his throat again - he hated goodbyes.

"I wish you could stay."

"Me too," he muttered. "Wish Uncle Arthur a Merry Christmas from me." He stood up to leave but Belle hurriedly pulled him back.

"Don't I get a Christmas kiss?" She smiled.

"There's no mistletoe," Salazar muttered, his heart racing.

She looked down, seeming rather disappointed.

Salazar watched her for a moment, admiring the necklace that glinted around her neck. He leant down towards her and kissed her delicately on the cheek. She felt frozen but he felt himself blush and turn very red.

"Merry Christmas, Belle."

He walked away before he changed his mind entirely. He knew he had to leave and dashed back through the house. As he walked into the entrance hall he heard a carriage pull up in front of the house. A coachman entered, who'd come to pick him up on Benedick's behalf, and took his things to the carriage. Salazar savoured this time to look around as he knew it may be the last chance he got. He'd certainly miss it.

"The carriage is ready for you now, sir!" The coachman announced.

"Right," Salazar said quickly. He looked back once more and stepped into the cold night. He looked up and smiled. "It's snowing..." The snowflakes slowly started to glide towards him, landing delicately on his cloak.

"Yes, sir. We must really be going."

"Oh...yes, sorry," Salazar muttered, hurrying towards the coach.


Salazar spun around and looked through the great haze of thick snowflakes, which had now started to fall more heavily. A figure was running towards him, her long sheet of hair billowing out behind her. He smiled and took his foot down from the step of the coach.

Before he could say anything Belle had leapt towards him and threw her arms around his neck. He hugged her right back, the warmth of her body comforting his nervousness.

"It's too cold out here," Salazar muttered, his voice shaking. He wrapped his cloak around her and pulled her closer and she shivered. He looked down into her glistening eyes. She looked quite tearful.

"I'll miss you so much," she said, her voice trembling.

He just stared down at her, unsure of what to say. As Belle held his gaze he saw her face advancing towards his but stayed perfectly still. She pressed her lips against his and wrapped her arms tightly around him. They stayed like this for what seemed like an age, the snow continuing to tumble around them. Once they broke away Salazar felt a warmth spread over his entire body.

"What was that for?" He asked shakily.

"The necklace," she smiled.

"Right..." He murmured, knowing perfectly well that it wasn't.

"Come back soon, Salazar," she whispered.

"I swear I will," he replied. He hugged her once again, wishing he'd never have to let go.

"Sir, we really must be going. This snow could prove a bit of a problem."

Salazar let go of Belle and she stepped back, smiling tearfully as he moved towards the coach. He sat in the back and waved out of the window at Belle as the coach started to move forwards. Belle watched him go, her heart throbbing painfully. She wanted to cry out loud but kept it in. As the coach disappeared through the thick curtain of snow she clutched a freezing hand over her locket and went back into the warmth of the house.

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