The Decision

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As Godric turned back around he saw that he'd stepped into a large entrance hall, bigger than anything he'd ever seen. Great garlands had been wound around the banisters and a great chandelier of candles hung overhead. He was so busy looking around at this magnificent sight, still amazed he'd managed to gain access, that it took him a while to notice that the crowd were milling their way into an even larger hall on the right. The enormous wooden doors were wide open in welcome and the room seemed almost too full for anyone to move.

Godric blended with these people, lost within the masses as they spilled into the room. Once inside he was even more blown away than he had been by the entrance hall. This room was even more extravagantly decorated, flaming torches burning all around the walls for light. Every wall seemed to glitter gold, giving the whole room a warm glow. Godric soon noticed that large hangings had been placed behind one of the tables. He was certain this was where Rowena would sit. His heart sank somewhat when he couldn't spot her.

"Mulled wine, Sir?" He jumped in shock as this servant addressed him and hastily tried to compose himself, taking one of the goblets and sipping at it.

Godric then decided that, instead of standing in the way of the crowds near the doors, he should probably mingle with the other guests. It suddenly hit him that he was amongst hundreds of individuals within high society. Normally it would probably interest him to find out all about them but tonight he couldn't care less.

Godric's heart suddenly skipped a beat and he felt himself begin to sweat as he spotted a familiar face. He was wearing his extravagant crown, just in case anyone failed to notice his gluttonous appearance. The king stood mere feet away and Godric felt himself freeze. He felt his heart almost come to a stop when the king's eyes met his own. The king did not throw him a second glance, as the disguise was enough. Godric silently thanked Helga and hurried on through the crowd, desperately trying to seek some sign of Rowena.

"Lords and Ladies!" Someone cried suddenly, tapping upon a goblet. "Please take your seats for the feast!"

Everyone immediately started to mill about the square section of tables that had been placed around the centre of the room. As the guests started to disperse, finding their seats, Godric saw that this section was obviously going to be used for the dancing. He hastily involved himself in the crowds that were rushing about to find their seats. He looked around for his place card, which he knew would say "Salazar Slytherin", and soon found it, a seat that faced the doors leading into the entrance hall.

Everyone around the room started to chat excitedly, all except Godric, who was staring intently around. He spotted the queen enter the room and take up a seat beside her husband. The king rose to his feet and beamed happily around at them all.

"May I present my daughter, who will be a wife this time tomorrow," he added.

Godric's heart fluttered as everyone turned to face the doors leading into the room. He was frozen, unsure of what his facial expression had become. His breathing stopped momentarily as a tall, pale woman, with her long black hair tied up in a bun, entered the room. Everyone applauded as she made her way around the table to sit beside her father. The applause was noting but background noise to Godric. Time seemed to slow down as he watched Rowena move elegantly around the room, her royal blue gown trailing along behind her.

His heart suddenly sank when he saw that she didn't look complete anymore. She seemed a shell of her former self and, even though she forced a smile to the room, he could tell she was falling apart inside. All he wanted to do was embrace her and assure her that everything would be alright.

"Now," the king said, after clearing his throat loudly. "Unfortunately, my daughter's husband-to-be could not make it here tonight but we will celebrate nonetheless. I would like to raise a toast to princess Rowena!"

The room murmured this, raising their goblets and drinking heavily from them. As the king seated himself again everyone took this as a cue to start eating the marvellous feast that lay before them. Even Godric, who obviously had things other than food on his mind, couldn't help but appreciate the delicious aroma. He tucked in like everyone else but certainly didn't eat as much.

All he found himself doing was staring at the princess. She was even more breathtakingly beautiful than he remembered but he soon realised that some of this beauty had been stolen. It seemed that she'd been down-trodden for so long that her spirit had been crushed. She barely spoke to anyone as she ate her food, as though her father had insisted it was better for her to be seen and not heard. This enraged Godric and he honestly didn't know what was stopping him from rescuing her at this very moment.

The moment the feast was over the king announced that the dancing should begin and a group of men in smart tunics began to play cheery music upon various string instruments. Godric had an idea of how he could speak to Rowena - he'd dance with her. The only problem was that, whilst most of the other guests were already dancing, Rowena remained seated next to her father. He had a feeling that the king would not appreciate him asking her to dance.

His mind was changed somewhat when Rowena was beckoned to the dance floor by an elderly gentleman and the king didn't seem to mind this. As they started to move gracefully about the room Godric got to his feet and watched their progress through the crowds. After a short while the man bid Rowena farewell and she moved to the edge of the hall, obviously not too keen on returning to her father's side. Godric saw his opportunity and was not foolish enough to let it pass. He weaved his way towards her and paused, coming to stand right behind her. He admired her for a moment, unable to believe that he was this close to the one he loved.

"May I request a dance with the princess?" He asked, leaning forwards and speaking quietly in her ear. He was smart enough to maintain Salazar's accent; he didn't want anyone to get suspicious.

She turned around in shock and stared at him, as though trying to guess who he was. Godric's heart fluttered as she met his eyes but she didn't seem to know his true identity.

"Of course," she replied, holding out a delicate hand.

Godric took it, feeling his entire body tingling nervously. His heart began to race as they stood close, beginning to glide about the room like the other couples. As he looked down at her, words failed him. He had no idea how he could tell her what he wanted to.

"You look familiar," Rowena commented, staring deep into his eyes. "Do I know you?"

"I hope so," he breathed.

She frowned at this, looking rather confused.

"I feel as though I do. Do I know your family, perhaps?" She asked.

"No," he replied. "All of my family are deceased."

"Oh...I'm terribly sorry."

Godric felt uncomfortable speaking to her like this. He desperately wanted her to know his true identity. He was tempted to whip his mask right off but even then he wasn't entirely sure she'd recognise him.

"Will you take a walk with me?" Godric found himself asking. "Outside?"

She considered him for a moment, obviously not too keen on wandering off with complete strangers. She seemed to trust him immediately, though, and nodded, letting him lead the way out of the great hall. Godric was just pleased it was this crowded, otherwise the king may have spotted them.

"No, this way," Rowena insisted, when Godric was about to walk out of the front doors.

She led him to the back of the castle and through a small side door so that they were on a balcony, overlooking rolling hills and the remnants of the city, which mainly lay on the other side of the castle.

"It's better out here," Rowena said quietly, looking out into the gathering darkness. "You can think without too much interruption." Godric didn't know what to say in reply to this so decided to remain silent. "Who are you?"

Godric turned to stare meaningfully at her.

"I was hoping you could tell me," he murmured.

"That's ridiculous," she said, looking puzzled. "I've never even met you!"

"You have!" He burst out, before he could stop himself. "Do you not recognise me?"

"No. I would not ask your name if I knew who you were."

"Perhaps I look different because you have not seen me for some time."

"I suggest you stop talking in riddles, Sir," she snapped, becoming annoyed.

"It's me, Rowena," he said, reverting back to his Scottish accent. If she didn't realise now she never would.

Her eyes widened and she froze in shock. She hastily looked him up and down and then began to back away slightly. She looked rather terrified of him.

"No..." She breathed. "It can't be..."

"You know who I am then?" He prompted.

"He is are can't be," she stammered, shaking her head violently. "You're lying to me!"

"No, I would never do that. It's me. It's Godric," he smiled, reaching out to clasp her hand. She tried to pull away but he hung on, lifting his mask to reveal his face.

She froze once more, staring intently. It was quite obvious that she recognised him but she certainly didn't want to believe it was Godric Gryffindor standing before her.

"The fire..."

"I escaped it...and Helga," he explained, placing the mask back over his eyes.

"You let me believe you were dead for all that time?" She squeaked, her eyes shining. "I mourned for you. It broke my heart!"

"I couldn't contact you. It was too dangerous," he insisted.

She was now determinedly avoiding his eyes, staring around her in confusion. She looked like she didn't want to accept this cruel truth.

"But why are you here now?" She asked, her voice shaking.

"To tell you that I love you."

She looked up at him and he was rather surprised to see anger behind those glistening eyes.

"Then I suppose your work is done," she murmured, turning to leave.

"No, wait!" He said quickly, grabbing her wrist and pulling her back. "I'm saving you from a man you hate...a marriage you'll despise!"

"Don't you dare!" She spat, looking enraged. "You know nothing about me. I don't want or need rescuing. I love Edmund!"

"I don't believe you," he said calmly, shaking his head.

"Then don't! But I shall be married tomorrow!"

"But it is not what you want - I know you!"

"You do not!" She shouted, wrenching her hand from his grasp. "Our lives are different. They were never meant to collide. You are and always will be a stable boy. I'll always be a Princess. I'll soon be a queen. You have nothing I want!"

This comment hurt Godric far more than he was able to express but he was not about to give up yet. He would not let his love walk away without a fight.

"If you want me to leave then I will," he said sadly. "But first you must look me in the eye and tell me you do not love me!"

They stared at each other for what felt like an age. Rowena then took a step forwards, her expression cold and stony.

"I do not love you," she said monotonously.

Godric's heart sank so fast that it made him feel sick. All his hopes had rested upon Rowena. He loved her more than life itself and now she had turned him down. She loved Edmund over him. He tried to keep his expression free of pain and anguish.

"Than I will stay true to my word," he muttered, now unable to look at her. "I will leave. I wish you all the best, Rowena."

He walked slowly back into the castle to make his way down into the city and, as Rowena watched him go, a glistening tear ran down her cheek.

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