A Big Mistake

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Godric's feet pounded against the cold stone floor as he ran along the corridor. He found himself grinning, despite what this might all mean. It could end up being a bad thing but Godric thought it seemed quite good, for now anyway. He burst through the room he'd been running to, panting like a winded rhino. Helga and Salazar jumped out of their skins, staring in shock.

"Godric!" Helga exclaimed. "What are you doing?"

"Where's Rowena?" Salazar demanded, exchanging a worried glance with her.

"She's..." He gasped, trying to catch his breath. He was bent double, trying desperately to breathe.

"Does she know?" Helga murmured, looking petrified.

He shook his head, breathing heavily and trying desperately to speak.


"What?" Salazar urged.


"You didn't loose her, did you?" Helga murmured, her eyes wide.

"No...she's - "

"Surely not!" Salazar said. "I mean, how do you just loose someone?"

"A witch!" He breathed, making them stare in shock. "She's a witch!"

Helga was at a loss as to what she should say but soon regained the power of speech, laughing slightly, as though Godric was playing a joke on them.

"Rowena, a witch? No, " she said disbelievingly, shaking her head. "I'd know."

"That's exactly what she said about you when I told her what you were," he replied.

"What do you mean you told her?" She demanded, rounding on him. Even though she was considerably shorter she looked rather intimidating.

"I didn't mean to!" He said quickly, seeing their scared looks. "I was trying to explain it all."

"How do you know she's a witch?" Salazar said seriously. "You may have just told her our secret for nothing!"

"She did magic. Well, she didn't know what it was but she said it'd happened before."

Helga walked over to the window and stared out, her expression one of complete surprise.

"Her parents are both muggles. A witch to come from a muggle family? That's impossible!"

"Maybe not," Salazar muttered. "She's very smart, gifted in so many things."

"But that doesn't explain it!" Helga retorted. "How can a witch come from a muggle family with no magical background whatsoever?"

"Well, it's certainly a first!" Godric murmured. "I assure you she's a witch. I told her to wait downstairs. Will you come and speak to her with me? We should get your father too."

"But the royals will become suspicious," Helga said.

"I'll keep them occupied whilst you get everything arranged," Salazar offered.


So, whilst Salazar went to take them for a good, long view of the grounds, Godric and Helga rushed Rowena to see Lord Hufflepuff.

"Now, what's all this about?" He demanded when they burst into his study, obviously thinking something bad had happened.

Helga and Godric exchanged nervous glances and Helga rushed to close the door firmly, whilst Rowena stood before Lord Hufflepuff, looking rather worried.

"What is it, my dear?" He asked her, noticing her expression.

"We have something important to tell you about the princess, Lord Hufflepuff," Godric said quickly. "I witnessed her...well," he stammered, unsure of how to put this. "She was...She's a witch."

He stared blankly, as though Godric was raving mad, and laughed out loud.

"Don't be silly, boy!" He boomed. "Witches do not exist! You shouldn't frighten the princess with talk of black magic!"

"She is, father, and she knows about us," Helga said quietly, looking sheepish.

"What?" He demanded, the colour draining from his face.

For a moment Godric honestly thought he was going to start shouting at them for letting their secret slip but he took a deep breath and tried to calm himself.

"I said we'd help her, Sir," Godric piped up, after a long silence. "Help her to learn how to use her magic properly."

"But how can you...? It can't be...muggle family..." Hufflepuff stammered, looking flabbergasted. "It's impossible!"

"But I saw her performing magic with my own eyes!" Godric said quickly.

Lord Hufflepuff stared thoughtfully for a moment.

"Come here, please, my dear," he said, placing a feather quill upon his desk.

Rowena glanced nervously between Godric and Helga and Godric placed a hand on her arm to urge her forwards. She approached the desk, looking even paler than she usually did.

"I want you to move this with your powers," Hufflepuff said simply.

She nodded, looking shocked, and stared down at the quill. Very slowly, it inched across the desk top. She backed away, looking astonished, and began to breath heavily.

"You are!" Hufflepuff breathed. "This is amazing. A muggle born witch? How can I refuse to let you be taught magic now?" He asked no one in particular. "I will allow you to learn here with the others but you must not tell your father what is going on, do you understand, Rowena?"

"Yes, Sir," she replied definitely, nodding.

"Good. We should train you all at night, when the king and queen will be in bed," he said.


And so it began. Over the next few weeks that the royals remained at the Hufflepuff castle, due to heavy snowfall, Godric, Rowena, Helga and Salazar all learnt magic by darkness. Their tutor wasn't that pleased about the late hours but agreed to do it all the same and, after a few midnight sessions in one of the quieter towers, Rowena was showing signs of becoming a greatly gifted witch. She was a fast learner, something Godric admired in her. She was always thirsty for knowledge and had a sharp mind.

Soon the four of them had become close friends, staying in each others' company during the day and again during their lessons. The royals were non-the-wiser and, for some strange reason, Rowena seemed delighted about this. It was most probably the thought of having a little flaming secret kept inside her that even her parents, who usually knew everything, had no idea about.

It was over dinner the week before the royals decided they'd leave, that the king came to the conclusion that he wanted Rowena to see more of the country he owned and said that he'd happily send Rowena to the Hufflepuff castle any time she desired. A decision like this made by her father would normally have angered Rowena but she wore a smile, one that rarely lit up her face nowadays.

For the weeks that Rowena had stayed at the Hufflepuff castle, Godric had become quite attached to her. Every time he heard her voice his stomach leapt uncomfortably. He'd feel dizzy whenever she'd flash him her sparkling smile. He knew he was starting to feel something towards her - a very strong emotion. He dared not say what it was, not even to himself, but he felt it all the time. Even though he seemed to be with her every day he was lost for the few hours he wasn't with her. He so wanted to tell her how he felt but he was afraid she didn't feel the same way. On the night after the king's announcement he decided he had to try and started the ball rolling by walking Rowena to her room, insisting she shouldn't walk through the dark castle alone.

"Thank you," she smiled, when they finally reached her chamber door.

Godric smiled in reply, his throat dry. He had had a good chance to say something all the way here and his last chance to speak privately was slipping away.

"Thank you for everything," she said quietly. "For helping me to understand what I am," she added awkwardly.

"Anyone would have done the same," He replied dismissively.

"No, they wouldn't have."

They stared at each other for what felt like an age. Rowena couldn't resist looking into those sparkling eyes and vice versa.

"Well, goodnight," she breathed, finally looking away and pushing open the door.

Godric felt his stomach writhe uncomfortably and gritted his teeth, knowing he had to do something quickly.

"Wait!" He hissed, putting a foot in front of the door before she could close it. He stepped over the threshold and closed the door. "I have to tell you something important."

"What?" She asked, her eyes wide with apprehension, fearing the worse.

"I...well, I feel something," he explained, feeling himself grow hot. "It's hard to explain but it's so powerful!"

"What does it feel like?" She asked worriedly. "Is it like a chill because you could be coming down with the flu in this weather?"

"No!" He laughed, moving closer. "I feel it here." He gently took her hand and placed it over the left-hand side of his chest. She looked at him in puzzlement. "I feel it for you."

Her eyes filled with understanding and her hand became limp beneath his grasp. She was at a loss for words. What could she say to something like that?

"Say something," Godric pleaded, after a very long pause.

"I...I'm flattered," she whispered, pulling her hand away from him.

"Is that all you can say?" He murmured, feeling his heart sink painfully. He had been afraid this would happen - she didn't feel the same way. He was so sure there was some strong connection between them!

"What do you want me to say?" She replied. "That I feel the same?"

"I thought...well, I hoped you felt something like that," Godric said quietly.

"Well, I can't say it!" She hissed. "I can't!"

"Why? Because you don't feel it?"

She took a long time to answer, during which she glanced around the room, trying not to meet his powerful gaze.

"Because no one can know what I feel," she breathed. "It would be so wrong!"

"Why?" Godric demanded.

"Because I am to marry Prince Edmund!"

"But you don't love him!"

"I know that! He probably does too but it is my future and I cannot argue!" She murmured, her eyes filling up with tears as she looked up at him.

"But we feel the same," Godric breathed, grabbing hold of her wrists and pulling her towards him. "Why can't we - "

"What?" She hissed, tears spilling down her face. "Be together?" The way she said these words hurt Godric. "You think I can be with you? I can only marry a prince!"

"I know."

Godric stared down at her, looking sorrowful. Rowena couldn't help but gaze up at him and felt herself leaning forwards, despite the fact she knew she shouldn't be doing this. Their lips locked together before they knew what they were doing and Godric held Rowena in his arms as though he never intended to let her go.

He suddenly lunged forward due to a mixture of pain and shock as something hit him hard around the back of the head. He turned around, squinting through the darkness to see what it was, little stars popping up in front of his eyes.

"How DARE you!"

Godric knew that voice straight away and his blood ran cold at the sound of it.

"Father!" Rowena cried, rushing to where Godric had fallen to see if he was okay. "What are you doing here?"

He grabbed her tightly by the arm and held her back before she could reach him.

"I happened to need the bathroom and saw your door was ajar so I thought I would come and see what was going on and it's a damn good job I did too!" He boomed. "How could you act like a common whore! I'm disgusted with you, Rowena!" He spat, as she tried to get free from his grip. "You've disrespected this family! You are to marry prince Edmund and I find you kissing this boy!"

"She doesn't love Edmund!" Godric yelled angrily, getting to his feet.

"How dare you!" The king repeated, lunging forwards and punching Godric hard in the stomach. He fell to his knees, crouching winded on the floor.

"Father, no!" Rowena cried, trying to get to Godric.

"What's going on in here?"

They all turned towards the door as a group of people entered the room, looking shocked and confused. Godric's heart leapt nervously as he saw Hufflepuff, who was with Helga, Salazar and the queen, all of whom must have heard the commotion.

"I have just found this boy KISSING my daughter!" The king roared in disgust.

"Godric?" Hufflepuff asked sternly.

Godric stared up at him but did not say a word - his face said everything and Hufflepuff shook his head in disappointment.

"Father, please - it wasn't what it looked like!" Rowena pleaded desperately. "We were saying goodnight."

"I am no fool, daughter!" He spat, speaking right into her face and making her flinch. "No man enters a woman's chamber unless they intend to do one thing and I'm sure it was on his disgusting mind!"

"No!" Godric retorted angrily.

"We leave tomorrow morning!" The king snarled. "I cannot stay in a place like this any longer!"

"But your majesty, there's no need to leave!" Hufflepuff said quickly, after a swift glance at Rowena.

"Oh, I think there is! I have been friends with you for a very long time but I don't think much of the company you keep nowadays! Come on you!" He snapped, dragging Rowena towards the door.

"I'm sorry!" Godric said.

"Don't you speak to her!" The king growled, hastily leaving the room with a reluctant Rowena.

The room went quiet as the royals and Salazar left, leaving Godric, Helga and Lord Hufflepuff. For a long while all that could be heard was Godric's rugged breathing. He felt he had to say something.

"Sir, I'm sorry, I didn't - "

"I do not want your excuses, Godric!" He interrupted.

Godric felt a great sense of guilt in the pit of his stomach as he looked up at the man that had been kind enough to take him in. He looked upon Godric now in a very disappointed manor.

"You know what this means?" He demanded. Godric didn't reply. "Because you could think of nothing but your own desires you have now cost Salazar and Rowena their magical learning. Maybe Salazar can keep learning but there's no way Rowena can - not whilst she's under the king's nose all hours of the day and night!"

"Sir, I didn't mean to. I can't help the way I feel!"

"The way you feel?" He laughed. "And how's that?"

Godric looked at the floor, feeling his face turn red.

"I love her, sir."

"She is soon to be a married woman!" He boomed, looking enraged. "You do not know the meaning of the word love! You are just a boy!"

"No I'm not!" He retorted, the anger showing immediately in his face. His entire body was pumping with it.

"I expected more of you, Godric."

He left the room, leaving a deadly silence in his wake. Godric couldn't believe he'd been so stupid!

"Helga," he said quietly, seeing her standing near the doorway and looking down at him sympathetically.

"I thought there was something between you two," she murmured.

"I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologise to me. You should get some sleep."

Before Godric could say another word she left the room, leaving him on the floor, clutching his bruised stomach. He knew she was at least a little angry with him but Helga wasn't really a person that showed negative emotions. Feeling he'd let everyone down and, not being able to remember a time when he'd felt worse, Godric slowly picked himself up off the floor and went to bed.

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