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When his eyes flickered open the next morning he forgot for one blissful moment the events of the previous night but, as soon as reality struck, he leapt from his bed and hurriedly ran from the room, still fully clothed because he'd been too exhausted to change the night before. His head throbbed from where he'd been hit by the King as he rushed down the corridor but he tried his best to ignore it. All he could think of was that he had to see Rowena one last time because the chances were that he wouldn't again.

"Godric, what are you doing?" Helga demanded, as he almost collided with her down the hallway above the entrance hall.

"I have to see her," he said distractedly, about to rush forwards.

"Are you mad?" She demanded, grabbing his arm and pulling him back.

"Let go of me!"

"Godrc, I really don't think this is a good idea!"

He ignored her and pulled his arm from her grasp, hurrying downstairs. He paused halfway down as the king strolled into the entrance hall, leading Rowena and the Queen. Lord Hufflepuff was following close behind, looking very apologetic. Salazar came soon after.

"Rowena!" Godric called, not caring about the king being there one bit.

"How dare you!" He barked, looking sarcastically amused. "You really have the nerve to show your face?"

"I'm so sorry!" Godric said, staring meaningfully at her. She stared back for a moment but then dropped her gaze, noticing her Father's furious expression as he looked upon Godric.

"You will be if you come any closer!" The king roared.

"Godric, please!" Lord Hufflepuff said sternly.

"But - !"

"Godric - don't!" Helga hissed, hurrying towards him to stop him from advancing any further.

He stopped, staring down sadly at Rowena. He watched her with an aching heart as she left the castle with her mother and father. He had never felt so much pain and regret as he did now.

"Goodbye, Godric." He snapped back to reality, seeing Salazar standing before him, holding out a hand to shake.

"Goodbye," he replied, taking it. "I'm sorry, I - "

"You don't have to apologise," he insisted, tapping him on the shoulder. "I hope to see you again, my friend."

Something about these words made Godric's insides warm slightly. Salazar didn't resent him for taking away his opportunity to learn magic. He still had him as a fiend and he couldn't quite believe it. He nodded and then watched him go, feeling rather guilty. As the front doors slammed shut and echoed loudly all around the hallway he suddenly felt hollow. He turned to Lord Hufflepuff, who wore a mix of expressions; something between anger and disappointment. In Godric's opinion the disappointment was a hundred times worse; he felt like he'd let him down.

"Sir, I'm so sorry," he said quickly, hurrying towards him. "I didn't realise...I just...it was just - "

"What, Godric?" He demanded. "JUST a kiss? Do you think anyone else but you and her would see it that way?"

"Sir, I couldn't help it!"

"Did she force you into it then?" He mocked. "You could have helped it if you'd tried hard enough, if you'd thought about anyone but yourself!"

"But she was just so irresistible!" He said, before he could stop himself.

"You want to try keeping your brain where it belongs!" Hufflepuff snapped. "Instead of down your trousers!"

Godric flinched at these words, thinking they were highly unfair.

"It's not like that!" He said defensively.

"I don't want to hear it!" He said sternly. "Godric, I've been proud of you like I would be of my own son. I've never said a bad word about you but, right now, I'm very disappointed. I thought you'd have known better!"

These words hit Godric hard and for a long while he couldn't speak.

"So you'll be wanting me to go then?"


"It shouldn't take me too long to pack up my things," he replied quietly.

"I never said you had to leave, Godric," he said. "This is your home just as much as it is mine and Helga's."

Godric couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Thank you, Sir," he breathed, feeling very relieved. "Sir!" He said quickly, as he made to leave the entrance hall. "What will happen to Rowena and Salazar?"

"Nothing bad, I hope," he replied calmly. "Salazar may continue to learn magic, just not as much as he would have done here, and I expect the Princess will not be able to at all."

Godric's insides burnt with guilt and it showed on his face.

"Some witches and wizards are not destined to reach their full magical potential," he said simply, before leaving the room and a great silence in his wake.

"Does it hurt?"

Godric jumped; he'd forgotten that Helga was still there.


"Where the king hit you?" She said.

"A bit," he replied, feeling it throbbing again.

"Come on," she muttered, pulling him along. "We'll go and see if there's anything you can take to make the pain go away."


Rowena sat and watched her father pace up and down as he thought of what the scribe could write in the letter he was going to send.

"Just tell him that I wish for him to marry my daughter when he finishes his instruction as a soldier in the French war," he instructed.

The scribe nodded, sealing the letter and leaving the room.

The king turned to smile at his wife and daughter but it was not a happy smile in Rowena's opinion, it was a triumphant one.

"Just over two years and you'll be wed, my dear!" He informed her, clapping his hands together.

Rowena realised she still had a lot of time to come to terms with this but it still made her sick to the stomach.

"Your Mother will arrange everything, I'll sort out the date and a guest list and all you have to worry about is not eating too much. He won't want a large wife now, will he?" He chuckled.

Rowena felt a mixture of red hot anger and hurt course through her. She tried to get up as calmly as possible and then left the room. Her life was now over as she knew it.


"Salazar, m'boy!"

"Uncle!" Salazar exclaimed, looking shocked to see him.

"How are you?" He beamed, pulling him into a manly hug.

"I'm fine," he smiled. "But...what are you doing here?"

He couldn't help but show his happiness with a great beaming smile. He'd been working hard ever since he'd returned from Ireland and this was a very pleasant surprise.

"I just came to see how you're getting on!" He explained. "I heard about what happened."

"Oh...that," he said, looking uncomfortable.

"Why don't you tell me all about it. I brought this," he grinned, shaking a glass bottle that contained some amber liquid, so that it sloshed around gently.

"I wouldn't say no," Salazar replied, not about to pass up a chance to spend time with his favourite Uncle.

"So...the princess was caught kissing another man, was she?" He asked.

"Yes - Godric," he replied simply. "I could see there was something between them in the way they looked at each other. He's a nice enough lad but the king didn't seem to think so. He found them together and hit him. Looks like he's severed ties with Hufflepuff because of it."

"Oh dear," his Uncle murmured, looking concerned. "Doesn't look like the princess will be married for long without someone catching her eye, if you know what I mean," he winked, downing his drink.

"It's not like that," Salazar insisted. "Rowena actually told me that she and Godric had met before, when she was thirteen," he told him. "She said she had feelings for him from then on so I don't believe it was a spur of the moment thing."

"Really?" Arthur replied, looking rather surprised. "The king won't stand for that."

"I know. That's why she'd never tell him."

"So what will come of the marriage if she loves this Godric then?"

"I don't know," Salazar shrugged. "But I really don't think she should be forced into anything she doesn't want to do."

"Well, it's the law I'm afraid."

"I know."

"Why don't you show me around the town?" Arthur suggested, after a long silence. "I'm sure you know it well enough by now!"

Salazar nodded and they left the room together. The door on the other side swung open, where Benedick Greyson stood and he'd heard every word.


"Yes, Benedick? You wanted to see me?" The king said, as he entered the throne room.

"I did indeed, Sir," he replied, strolling forwards. "It is difficult, milord. I fear we should talk privately about this matter."

The king stared for a moment, looking rather puzzled, but then waved his hands, which immediately dismissed the guards positioned around the edges of the room.

"Well, what is it, Benedick? It must be something important for you to demand my full attention. What does it concern?"

"Your daughter," he said slowly, knowing he should go about the subject delicately.

The king's attention sharpened at once and he raised his eyebrows, waiting for Benedick to elaborate.

"I overheard a conversation within the castle, your majesty. Someone mentioned your daughter's marriage to prince Edmund and I couldn't help but listen in. Sir, they said that the Princess does not truly love him and intends not to marry him. She loves another."

"WHAT!" The king roared, his face reddening.

"I can understand your anger, sir," Benedick said quickly, maintaining his smooth manner. "They mentioned a boy that she'd been kissing."

"Godric - he lives with the Hufflepuff's," the king murmured bitterly.

"And they also mentioned the Princess meeting this boy before."

At this the king froze and Benedick glanced upwards, trying to read his expression. He longed for the reaction yet to come.

"What do you mean? She has never met him before our trip there!" He said indignantly. "I always take care in knowing the people she'll associate with!"

"Of course, sir," he said quickly, nodding slowly.

"But..." He muttered, his expression suddenly changing. "There was a boy. A boy at Lord Schreiver's castle...years ago. He took off with Rowena but..." Benedick stared, feeling his heart pound with excitement as the king began to see the obvious link. "Surely it couldn't be the same boy. Though, Schreiver did tell me he was having him removed from his lands so there's a chance that...that little SWINE!" He growled.

"Sir, if I may - I also heard that there is a plot," he added casually. He knew he had to elaborate, even if what he said was pretty far from the truth.

"A plot?" The king demanded, his eyes popping madly. "What do you mean, a plot!"

"Well, Lord Hufflepuff seems to know that Rowena is not looking forward to her marriage and he wants to help her."

The king rose from his chair and advanced towards Benedick, looking like an angry rhinoceros.

"What do you mean by that?" He hissed, in a voice of forced calm.

"He wishes to stop the wedding in some way and plans to use this boy - this Godric - as a distraction for her."

"TRAITOR!!!" He bellowed, so loudly that Benedick was certain a small amount of dust had sprinkled down from the ceiling. "How DARE he! Oh, he shall pay for this!" He spat, beginning to pace the room restlessly.

"Of course, sir," Benedick agreed, unable to hide his satisfaction.

"Send my soldiers...just a small group will do," he said, venom oozing out of every word that he spoke. "I want no trace of the Hufflepuff's to remain by this time tomorrow evening!"

"I understand, sir," he said calmly.

Benedick turned and left the room, smiling to himself as he went, the angry grunting sounds the king was making left in his wake.

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