Suga's POV
"So for Sunday I'm thinking we can go get lunch, see that new movie you've been wanting to see, and then maybe go ice skating at night." Daichi seemed very excited for our weekend plans.
"I want to ask you something." School ended a few minutes ago, volleyball practice was cancelled, so Daichi and I took the long way home so that we could walk together. I was a bit nervous to bring up my Frida plans to Daichi, I mean he knew I was going to hangout with Kuroo and Oikawa but he didn't know I planned to tell them about us. He won't be mad or anything, I know that much for sure, I just don't want him to worry about anything. "How would you feel about me telling Oikawa and Kuroo?"
"Telling them what?" He asked obliviously.
"About us." He stopped to think for a moment before answering.
"If you trust them then it's fine." God he's the best boyfriend. Since we were already away from the school, and hidden in an untravelled side street, I pulled him in for a hug which he of course accepted.
"Thank you." I whispered quietly while smiling.
"Of course." We eventually pulled away and continued our walk home, hand in hand. Normally we'd be scared of being seen but the only people who lived on this block were old people who barely left their homes anyways. Which is why we usually travel through these streets before and after school.
"Oh I've something interesting to tell you." I smiled devilishly, Daichi had mentioned ice skating Sunday and I figured this was the perfect time to put my ideas in action. "So Kuroo defiantly has a crush on this boy who ice skates at that rink, whether he knows it or not, so I think we should do a double date Sunday." Mainly because I want to met the boy, who's name I learned only recently was Kenma, that convinced Kuroo he may be at least bi.
"Really Kuroo's got a crush?" Daichi laughed at the idea of Kuroo being flustered over a boy. To be far I've seen Kuroo have a crush or two on some girls before but nothing to this caliber, and of course I tell Daichi everything so he knows too. I mean just this morning I jokingly said the word boyfriend and he looked as red as our volleyball uniforms when he was walking to class. "Well," Daichi said as we approached his house. "Keep me updated I wanna know how it plays out and I'd love to met him Sunday." He smiled at me, waved, and walked into his house to be greeted by his mom and dad.
I got to my house a little after three meaning that idiot one and idiot two would be here in a few minutes. Both of my parents were working per usual so we'd have to house to ourselves. Just some perks of being an only child, well technically I've got a sister but she's 29 and long moved out. I had grabbed some snacks at the store yesterday for us to eat. Soon enough a knock on the door interrupted my setup.
"Hey sorry I'm a bit late." Kuroo said walking into my house and taking his shoes off.
"It's fine Oikawa's not even here yet." Kuroo probably didn't think much of it but I was worried. I knew he stayed with his dad last night and his aunt but I wonder if something happened. We sat in the living room scrolling through our phones, well I was, Kuroo was smiling like an idiot while typing away. Finally after ten minutes another knock rang through the house and I sprung up to answer it. "Holy shit." I pulled Oikawa inside before he could protest and examined his eye. It was bruised before now it seemed worse not to mention his cut seemed to have opened again.
"Oikawa what happened?" Kuroo jumped to his feet and ran over to us, he also began to stare down Oikawa's injures. "Suga do you have any ice?"
"Guys calm down." Oikawa said pushing us away slightly. "I already got it all taken care of."
"By who?" I asked not exactly believing what he was saying.
"You told him?" Oikawa said he didn't want to tell Iwaizumi since he didn't want to bother him. I of course said that was stupid but I didn't think he'd believe me.

Cold as Ice (KuroKen)
Fanfiction[COMPLETED] This is a fluff/angst story including kuroken, iwaoi , and daisuga. There will be other ships but these are the mains. Daily updates :) -Kenma doesn't have many friends, or any for that matter, and even though he may seem lonely he doesn...