good afternoon :)) posting early so I can go back to bed enjoy!
.Kenma's Phone
Wednesday 5:34 pmYou
My mom left early are you still coming to the rink today?Kuroo💕
Meet there at 6?You
Also I found out the moving dateKuroo💕
When is it?You
I'll tell u when I see uKuroo💕
We should go out after ur practiceYou
I mean I'm down but whyKuroo💕
I just think it'd be a good ideaYou
Ok were are we going
I don't have any moneyKuroo💕
Leave it to me I've got a planYou
Oh god ok
gtg see u laterKuroo💕
See u later!!Kenma's POV
I made my walk towards the rink quickly, I had a lot I wanted to tell Kuroo and now I felt like I had no time to do it. I mean, two more full days. That's not nearly enough time to do anything. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least sorta scared, I mean what if we spread apart when he goes to college, I've got no experience in trying to keep in contact with friends.
Once I arrived at the rink Kuroo was sitting outside on the curb, even though the weather was warming up, it was still cold at night and it had just rained.
"The door was locked." He laughed as I pulled the keys out of my back pocket and opened the door. My aunt and uncle had gone out of town for a few days meaning the rink was closed for the week.
"You could've texted me I would've hurried up." It had completely slipped my mind that the rink would have been locked. Now looking at him stand up with a slight shiver made me feel guilty. Usually I don't feel guilty for other people, but I didn't enjoy the thought that Kuroo was probably cold and sick.
"Don't look so worried Kenma it's fine." He threw on arm around my shoulder and leaned on me for support, disregarding the fact that he's almost a foot taller than me. I opened the door and he followed me inside quickly. "Wow it's cooler here when it's empty." I looked at him and rolled my eyes while flicking on the lights. His eyes sparkled like he had just walked into an amusement park, it was honestly sort of cute. He got excited at the dumbest things.
We went to the usually rink and he took his usual spot on the bleachers while I started doing my warm up laps, all like normal. Except there's a good chance this could be the last time we do this. I felt a lot more scared than I think Kuroo did, he didn't even ask for a time frame when he saw me. I would've asked right away.
Throughout these past weeks I watched Kuroo frantically drag me from place to place to get in as much time together as we could. At first I thought it was silly but now, knowing just how limited our time was, I felt like I was gonna throw up. It's funny, I never really cared before about making friends or keeping in contact, I made a promise to myself to not get close to anyone considering the fact that they'd just leave anyways. I'm starting to understand why people find it so hard to keep promises, especially when the promises they make are unrealistic. It was more difficult being the person who was leaving rather than the person who was left, especially when I'm pretty sure I love him.

Cold as Ice (KuroKen)
Fanfiction[COMPLETED] This is a fluff/angst story including kuroken, iwaoi , and daisuga. There will be other ships but these are the mains. Daily updates :) -Kenma doesn't have many friends, or any for that matter, and even though he may seem lonely he doesn...