Yes I am leaving you guys on a cliffhanger after last chapter, please enjoy Oikawa content :)
.Oikawa's POV
"How is it?" Iwa-chan asked me as I hesitantly gulped down a bit of his blueberry pancakes.
"Good." They really were good, food was starting to taste good again. A lot of things were getting good again. I mean, I haven't been home in a week so it makes sense. My father was still my father, so I wanted to try to make things better. I went back home with Iwa-chan, but that ended with a bloody nose and a black eye for me. I haven't left Iwa's house since, well not to go back to mine that is, his parent's didn't mind since we did this a lot in the summer as kids. I don't think they really know what's going on.
Plus I was feeling a lot healthier with him by my side. He was regulating my eating, slowly getting me back to a normal amount, and he was always there to stop the thoughts that occasional popped into my head.
I wasn't sure why Iwa-chan made me pancakes for dinner, a really late one at that I mean it's almost 10 pm on a Wednesday. I ate them regardless though because he made them for me and I'd love anything he gave me.
"How's volleyball going?" He asked, making small talk as we sat around the table. I had to take a break from practice last week since I was pretty much at my lowest point. The not eating finally caught up to me and I was exhausted. I had no energy. However, this week I was back in the game and feeling much better actually. Volleyballs my life, besides Iwa-chan of course, and not being able to do it even if it was only a week hit me hard. It was a rough week for me, to say the least.
"It's good, the teams really good." It's true, our team was facing some of the hardest private teams in the prefecture and we hadn't lost a game yet.
"I'll have to come watch your next game."
"Aww Iwa-chan's gonna cheer me on."
"I never said I'd cheer you on shittykawa." He scoffed, taking another bit of his pancakes.
"So mean iwa-chan." I fake pouted at his comment which he just laughed off. He knew I wasn't being serious, I'll admit I'm a pretty dramatic person. This is how our days usually went though, we'd talk, eat together, he'd thrown an insult or two, I'd fake getting upset, and then we fall asleep in his bed and do it all again tomorrow. It was a cycle, something similar everyday, but I'd have no problem living these days over and over again even if they were always the same. I never thought I'd feel safe in a home again, but Iwa brought me into his, help me get back on my feet, and continued to stay by my side. He's probably the biggest support I've got and I couldn't asked for someone better to fall in love with.
After eating we had settled down in bed, since we had school tomorrow, Iwa-chan feel asleep almost immediately while I was left awake scrolling through my phone. I wasn't tired in the least bit but he was so I pretended to be so he could go to sleep. He would be too worried to sleep if he knew I was still awake, he pretends he's not but I know how overprotective he can get. I laid on my side while he snuggled into me, his breaths were quiet and soothing. I was about the head to sleep myself when I heard the familiar chime of my phone. I checked it to see, my mother? Why was she texting me? She vanishes for about a month and then expect to just crawl back to me. She left me knowing full well what she was leaving me with.
I know your probably mad and I have no right to be texting you right now but I wanted to make sure you were okI didn't want to respond to her, I wanted to leave her with the crushing anxiety of not knowing what happened to me. But then again I wanted to hear what she had to say, so I'll let her explain herself if she can.

Cold as Ice (KuroKen)
Fanfiction[COMPLETED] This is a fluff/angst story including kuroken, iwaoi , and daisuga. There will be other ships but these are the mains. Daily updates :) -Kenma doesn't have many friends, or any for that matter, and even though he may seem lonely he doesn...