Kenma's POV
Two and a half weeks. That's how long it took me to figure out this whole Kuroo situation. It's not that I didn't like him, I defiantly did which was strange for me to say, I just didn't know where the line was between friend and crush. I didn't know. However, now, after a few conversations with Suga, I think I can confidently say I've draw the line. I've got s crush on Kuroo and I might've fucked up a bit. One and a half weeks, that's how long I left him sitting and worrying while I thought of my answer.
In that time our routine hasn't change. Everyday he'd come watch me skate around 6, if he couldn't he'd text me in the morning saying he couldn't go that day. However, that had only happened twice in these extended weeks. Currently it was Wednesday, meaning my mother would be coming today. She'd follow into a habit or coming on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The first week I spent most of those days with Kuroo, although I couldn't avoid her all day so it still ended with a cut, a small one on my check and a deeper one on my arm.
Last week Kuroo was busy Wednesday and I didn't want to bother him, so I just toughed it out. It was the usually deal, she'd hit me, I'd go skate, I'd come back to her being high, she'd freak out and say people were going to take me away (although these past two times I didn't give her the chance to cut me), then she'd apologize and leave. Quite the routine I've got going on.
Now I make my dreaded walk home from school, knowing fully well she'd probably be there by now.
"You good Kenma?" Oh yeah and Kuroo walks home with me now and sits with me for lunch. Sometimes I join him, Suga, and Oikawa in the lounge but other times, when I want to be alone, he joins me in the library.
"Yeah." Kuroo was getting surprisingly good at reading me now, which of course was unsettling for me, and he used it to his advantage one too many times.
"Really? What's wrong?" This is one of those times. I knew the more I lied the more annoyed he'd get, plus at this point lying to him was difficult. I didn't even know I had a tell, but apparently everyone has one.
"My moms coming today." I sounded a bit more disappointed then I meant to. I mean yeah, I was defiantly disappointed I just didn't want to let any emotion show, regardless of how small. Once you let one out they all come running after.
"You wanna come over to mine?" After that sleepover with Kuroo, I'd been going to his house a bit. His mom was fine, she didn't really talk to me (or Kuroo which I thought was sorta weird), his dad on the other hand was scary. He always questioned me when I came over, we did our best to avoid him but sometimes he'd be there when we walked in. He questioned me on my parents, school, my dating life, it was pretty intrusive.
"I gotta at least stop by and see her." If I didn't visit my mom when she came over my aunt and uncle could get in trouble. I don't know what connections my mom had but she always seemed to get her way. She got more visitation time without even getting better, and if I wasn't careful she'd get full custody again.
"Right, text me when you get home though, ok?" Kuroo and I separated by the corner store, his house was to the left while mine was straight. That left me with a few minutes to walk by myself, which today wasn't necessarily a good thing. My mind immediately began to wander to the adult waiting for me at home.
It was eerily quiet in the apartment when I walked in, it was also pitch black despite it only being 3 in the afternoon. I was nervous to call out but I figured it'd be best to know if she was here or not, maybe she got high and skipped out who knows.
"Shhh!" She shushed me, I followed her voice and found her curled up under the blankets in the living room.

Cold as Ice (KuroKen)
Fanfiction[COMPLETED] This is a fluff/angst story including kuroken, iwaoi , and daisuga. There will be other ships but these are the mains. Daily updates :) -Kenma doesn't have many friends, or any for that matter, and even though he may seem lonely he doesn...