Kenma's POV
"Kenma wake up!" I heard the familiar voice shout as my blankets were pulled off exposing me to the cold of my room. I opened my eyes slowly and watched the bedhead pull me off my bed. "You gotta put your stuff in the van." Kuroo promised to come visit me before I left Saturday, I didn't know I was leaving at 7 in the morning though, I was utterly exhausted.
"5 more minutes." I complained shoving my face into the pillow.
"I already gave you 30 more minutes get up." I sighed and sat up staring at the taller boy in front of me who had a pleased smirk on his face. "I told your mom I'd get you up now let's go." I was happy Kuroo and my mom got along but I really didn't want to get up at 7 in the morning on a Saturday.
I dragged myself to the bathroom were I brushed my hair and teeth quickly. Kuroo had already put the few boxes I had packed away in the van but I did have a few more things to put away first. I didn't have that much stuff and the only thing let the pack was clothes really. So Kuroo sat in my room and watched as I folded my clothes and put them into boxes.
"Finals are coming up soon." Kuroo mentioned as I continued to pack. "Then I go straight to college once school ends I don't even get a summer break." He laughed trying to make the situation less sad than it was. "I won't be able to visit till I get settled in my new school."
"It's ok, can we call at least?" I understood Kuroo was going to have his hands filled with school, in fact I assumed this would happen.
"Yeah of course."
"Then it's ok." I was truly fine with it, well not fine I wanted to see him soon but I couldn't really do much about it, I just knew he felt really guilty so I didn't want to make him feel worse. It'd be a bit over a month till I'll see Kuroo again, well it depends on how long it takes him to get used to his new school that is. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms hug me from behind while I was still folding my clothes.
"I'm gonna miss you." He was muffled as he hide his face in my shoulder. With my aunt and uncle out working and my mom already knowing, I felt happy to be able to just be myself. I turned around to face him, making him pick up his head, and hugged him tightly. It was a given that we'd miss each other, yet somehow hearing him say it made me want to cry.
"I'm gonna miss you too." I sniffled, I felt him rub my back again like he did last night. I didn't want to cry so I held it back to best I could, I didn't want the last time we're together for a bit be a sad memory. "But," I picked my head up and looked up at him. "We'll see each other again, in about a month." I smiled hopefully at him, he eased at and I watched the sadness slowly leave him face.
"In about a month." His smile was always brighter then mine, I was never much of a smiler so for me to be smiling this much at all is shocking.
After I finished packing up my boxes I had to have Kuroo bring some of them out to the van since they were sort of heavy. I carried the smaller ones with little decorations from my room in them. My mom was already situated in the drivers side of the van waiting for me to join her in the passenger seat.
"Call me when you get there, text me before bed and when you wake up, call me if anything interesting happens or if you need help, oh or-" I cut him off from what would've been endless worrying.
"Got it I'll call you when I can." I laughed pulling him in for another hug. It was early and pure daylight but at this point neither of us cared who saw what. "And you too."
"Call me whenever you can." He laughed and released me from the hug. He ruffled my hair and looked into my eyes, I stared back at his.
"Will do, send me videos of your skating I wanna see how good you get."
"Will do." We just stood there staring at each other for a few seconds, even though it felt like a few minutes, before Kuroo quickly leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. It was quick, but slow enough for me to kiss back. He pulled away before anyone around us could see what happened.
"See you in about a month." He smiled as I began to back up and head towards the door to the van.
"Yeah about a month." I hopped into the car and smiled at my mom who smiled back at me as I buckled up. She started the car and began to drive away from my old life. Everything began to fade as we drove away, however, I could still make out Kuroo waving at me from a distance. Eventually, even he faded from my view leaving me to look out the window in front of me. Shortly after passing the sign that signified I'd left the town I got a text.
I miss you.
..(950 words)
And it's over :( well except for the epilogue which will be out later today :) anyways I'll leave my ending message for that chapter so I'll see you all at 5 pm est

Cold as Ice (KuroKen)
Fanfiction[COMPLETED] This is a fluff/angst story including kuroken, iwaoi , and daisuga. There will be other ships but these are the mains. Daily updates :) -Kenma doesn't have many friends, or any for that matter, and even though he may seem lonely he doesn...