Loud House Shorts Part 8

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"Wow, these 4K Display graphics are amazing!  It's like I'm in the battlefield!"

*cue epic battle scene and one hell of a headache later*

"Linky," said Leni.  "Your game was too real for me..."

"Oh, crapbaskets, I forgot to switch out Battlefront of Destiny 3 for Cosmicraft!"

*tv static*

A.I.D.A: Use the controls to change the ship!

Me: Whatever you say Cortana 2.0!  (changes the ship...but pressed the wrong button causing the ship to crash into Chandler's house)

Chandler: DANN IT, Watch where you land your ships!  How can you afford these things!

Me: (yelling back) I DON'T KNOWW!

*tv static*

Ronnie-Anne: (testing out a magical girl outfit, looking annoyed)  Out of all the Ronnies you could test this on Carlotta...why me!?

Carlotta: Gradius Ronnie couldn't fit it...Linka of Skyrim-Verse said no before Shouting me into the city pool...and don't get me started on Fiona!

Ronnie Anne: And you saw fit to put me in this? *indicates the Magical Girl motif*

Carlotta: Well...Forte Maggie almost shot the place with her Forte Cannon, then headed to that Robotics Museum.

Ronnie Anne: Well then give me something that would be better fitting than this!

*Meanwhile with said Forte Maggie*

"grrr, I will be Number 1, and there is nothing you can do to stop me!  I will be the one to lead them to a better world than that Blue and Orange Bomber, Mega Loud!  Just you wait!"

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