Lost in mountain part 2

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Conan : K-Kaitou KID!?

Kid : konbanwa Tantei kun *land smoothly*

Conan : Why you here in this dark forest...

Kid : well...i just want to meet you, my dear Detective~

Conan : -_-lll

Kid : oh you injured

Conan : is nothing

Kid : let me give you some miracle

*5 minutes later*

Kid : done, first aid from gentleman thief *smile*

Conan : ha ha

Kid : now *carry him from behind*

Conan : O-Oi!!//// what the heck are you doing!? Put me down!!!/////

Kid : How can you walk with that leg?

Conan : *pout*

Kid and Conan walk while talking, in the middle of talk they not realize that someone watching them. Kid have mission to steal jewel but leave Conan alone while injured feel bad.

Conan : oi Kid

Kid : hm? Nani Tantei kun?

Conan : why do you help me? You know that i'm your enemy

Kid : hmmm...what about you figure by yourself, you are detective right?

Conan : Cih...Hacchu

Kid : are you cold Tantei?

Conan : little

Kid : what about we warm in that cave?

Conan : ok

Kid and Conan go in to cave while brough a piece of wood. Kid start to make fire and Conan alert around if someone watching them while shiver. Kid can't bear to see Conan shiver and hurry up finished his job. Finally the fire is done and Kid tell Conan that fire is done. After that Conan sit close to fire and feel warm but still cold because the wind just past him. Kid sit behind Conan and cover his body with cloak and hisself too.

Conan : O-Oi!

Kid : is more warm if like this, Tantei kun

Conan : you really a weird thief i ever meet

Kid : awww your compliment is too much 💕

Conan : that not compliment -_-lll

After 1 hour Conan suddenly fall sleep because warm, Kid who cover his body look at his face. Kid face turn red because of Conan cute sleepy face. Kid wonder if the time can stop and will always like this, thinking that make Kid just smile. Suddenly Kid hear sound of footsteps in bush, Kid put slowly Conan and release his cloak to cover Conan so as not to get cold. Kid call his dove and ask for help to keep Conan safe, Kid accidentally kiss Conan forehead and leave him.

Kid : oh my~ are you the serial killer that all police search?

? : hah hah...w-who are you?

Kid : oh my you so many wound, mister serial killer

? : you have to thank for god that you will meet the name of "Dead"

Kid : *smile* bring it on

Meanwhile Nakamori keibu and the other still searching. Ayumi chan so worry if something bad happen to Conan, Mitsuhiko and Genta worry too but the most worry is Hakase. Hakase think that he fail to take care Conan and now Hakase just hope that Conan is okay.

Shinichi : Hakase!

Hakase : Oh Shinichi

Shinichi : i'm glad that you all safe, is the serial killer and Conan already found?

Hakase : not yet, G-Gomen...

Genta : Gomennasai *bow*

Shinichi : eh...

Genta : Gomennasai is all my fault that Conan fall to ravine hiks hiks. Hontoni g-gomennasai

Shinichi : hahhhh...raise your head

Genta : *raise head* g-gomennasai

Shinichi : *pat his head* is okay, don't say sorry to me. After Conan back you have to thank him to save your life ^^

Genta : H-Haii *crying*

Shinichi : *smile*...ok, Hakase stay here watch the kid

Hakase : where are you going, Shinichi?

Shinichi : Of course...to find my little brother *leave them"

Shinichi go to forest and meet with Nakamori keibu, Shinichi tell them that he will help. But of course Nakamori Keibu refuse it because is to dangerous, Shinichi don't care about that. Shinichi just want to save his little brother, Shinichi don't want just sit and waiting for them to find it. Shinichi have to find Conan because is big brother's job to find his beloved little brother. After hear that Nakamori keibu give up and let him, but if something happen to Shinichi Nakamori keibu will stop the searching. Shinichi happy than Nakamori keibu let him but Shinichi feel bad feeling about this. Shinichi walking to forest and look something strange, Shinichi squat and found footprints like the serial killer. Shinichi have to hurry to find his little brother, if something bad happen to Conan he never forgive himself.

After 2 hour Shinichi still can't find his little brother but found the huge cave. Shinichi walk to the cave but something is wrong, Shinichi look something infront him (tree). Shinichi go infront the tree and shock because there is someone just sit. Shinichi check the person if his still alive, thank goodness that his just fainted. Shinichi closely to the person and found out that the person his check is the serial killer. Shinichi look up the person head and see a card stick in tree. Shinichi have to hurry find his little brother, Shinichi go inside the huge cave. In inside Shinichi can see fire on and find his little brother cover by white cloak. Shinichi hurry to check Conan and found out that Conan have high temperate. Shinichi carry Conan and go back to hotel, Shinichi tell the police that the serial killer is fainted infront cave. Shinichi want Hakase take him to the hospital immediately, Hakase hurry go to car and turn on. All go to Hakase car and of course Detective Boys join too because they worry about Conan.

Conan : Mmm...where...am i?

Shinichi : Conan! Thank goodness

Conan : Nii...chan...where everyone?

Shinichi : they all here

Conan : i'm...glad that...you all alright

Genta : G-Gomen Conan. Is all my fault *cry*

Conan : is okay hah hah at least you not injured...is fine to me *fainted*

Shinichi : *touch his forehead* his temperate...Hakase speed!

Hakase : Roger *speed it*

Finally they arrived at Hospital, Shinichi hurry to go in and want Doctor to check Conan. Doctor understand the situasion and check Conan, Doctor want everyone to wait. Shinichi just sit and hope that Conan will be okay. After few minutes, Doctor come out and tell that Conan just have high fever and have to stay 2 night in hospital because his little lost blood. Doctor want to know what is the kid blood group? And have to tranfer it. Shinichi answer it that Conan blood group like him. Doctor want Shinichi to come with him to tranfer the blood to Conan, Shinichi just follow and want Hakase to take eye to Conan. Meanwhile Conan still not awake and don't know that in the window there is someone sit looking at Conan.

"Please open your eyes...Tantei kun"

To be continued

Sorry if part 1 and 2 look boring 🙏🙏🙏

And sorry if there is a word error🙏🙏🙏

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