chapter 2

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August 8, 2017 10:00 A.M.

As her second class of the day had just finished Kiori couldn't help but think about what happened earlier in the day.


5:10 A.M.


A part of her past she thought would stay buried has just risen from the dead.

"Hey baby did you miss me?" He smirked at her as if he knew exactly what was going through her mind at that exact moment.

Fury engulfed her as she walked up towards him and punched him with all the strength she could possibly muster up. He spit out the blood building up in his mouth still smiling although that shit hurt like hell.

"Dont fucking call me that you piece of shit you lost that privilege when you did what you did"

"Aww pipsqueak you still mad about that its been 4 years i know you miss me"

The smirk still relevant on his face, while you just glared at him remembering what he did.

" i don't appreciate you letting other men touch and have what's mine you know better than that dont you?"

"Shut the fuck up you sadistic fuck i am not yours and you know it. I told everyone in japan about me, kuroo, and kenma's relationship so who do you think you are trying to hurt him."

" I'm the one who wants you back and I'll get you back babygirl just you wait"


10:00 A.M.



"Kiori!" kenma whisper-yelled trying to get her attention

"H-huh oh sorry ken i was thinking what did you say bubs"

"Its time to go back home come on" he said extending his hand out to her as she took it. They walked back home holding hands enjoying the scenery. Kenma enjoyed moments like this, when they didnt have to worry about mafia stuff or people in general. He enjoyed seeing the sun bounce off her skin and her curls bouncing around as she smiled her perfect smile.

"Hey pudding?"


" you know i love you more than you could ever know"

" of course bubs i love you too." after that they walked in a comfortable silence.

Kiori POV

After kenma and i got home i went straight upstairs to me and kuroo's bedroom to see him working on his midterm paper for his business class.

"Tetsuuuu" I purred taking off my school clothes changing into some more comfy clothes.

"Yes kitten" I saw that smirk on his face that he had when he wanted to take me.

I got closer to his ear "do you wanna help me torture that tall bastard"

"Depends on how you're gonna torture 'im"

" how about we have some fun in front of him that should be enough to drive him crazy."

"Oh you are on"

A/N: I really hope you guys like the story so far the next chapter will probably come out on sunday.

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