chapter 8

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August 18, 2017 5:28 A.M.

(Kiori's POV)

"Oikawa what have you been doing this past month" i ask him a little dejectedly since he has been off the radar when he was supposed to give me weekly reports of the agreement with Inarizaki instead of fucking around.

"Relax beautiful you wont be shouting at me when you find out that i got Inarizaki to agreed to the requirements for the alliance all thanks to me"

"Are you really trying to take all the credit for that Trashykawa." I heard iwa say in the background.

" you didnt let me finish Iwa~chan."

"Yeah right," Iwa takes the phone, "hey Kiori i apologize for losing contact with you we were just so focused on closing the deal but we will be back in two days along with Inarizaki as we promised."

"It's okay i guess as long as you all closed the deal, i've had a bad feeling in the back of my head lately but this is calming me down a little. Thank you Hajime and I'll see you guys in two days."

I hung up the phone to go and inform everyone about the good news and start planning a welcome party for the recruitment for the two new groups.


While we were planning I got a little restless and decided to get some fresh air. I walked onto the balcony and after a while I heard footsteps coming towards me.

"I still don't understand why you've been so mad at me for four years" I turned around realizing it was tsukki. The one person i didn't want to be around as of right now.

"You know exactly why I hate you tsukishima. Not only did you try to kill yaku back then but you got way too jealous of kuroo and kenma when we were going to accept you, but you ruined that yourself."

"Okay but i've changed baby."

"One don't call me that. Two you obviously haven't since you literally tied to kill kenma when all Daichi wanted you to do was talk to him," i sighed calming myself, "its whatever anyways don't you have a thing for Yamaguchi, why don't you try that instead of chasing me all the damn time."

"How'd yo-"

"I see the way you look at him, it's okay just do it." I walked away to go find kenma and kuroo. I just wanted to be held. I've been having nightmares about my mother and father again. The many sleepless nights were starting to get to me. I just want to be held and cuddled and loved. But right now i just feel so alone. I know I'm not but I can't help feeling like everything is just crashing down on me. The feeling of being abandoned is starting to get to me as I start thinking about how Kanaye left. Why did he leave. Was it something I did. Was he starting to feel too much pressure? Where did he go? What's more important than family? What was so important that he left like mom and dad left me? It's not fair. Why did you guys leave me like this? Was it to make me stronger?...

I started to feel like everything was moving around me. I was having another panic attack. I haven't had one ever since I graduated . What's going on with me. I started walking to my and tetsuro's room. I just need them to help me. I started opening the door seeing him and kenma sitting on the bed almost as if they were waiting for me but when I got all the way in immediately dropped to my knees knowing they would help me.

Author POV

"KIORI" Kuroo screamed worried for her. He has dealt with her panic attacks long enough to know what was going on. So did kenma but he just wanted to comfort her so he told kuroo to go get some water and snacks for when she calmed down.

He went and picked her up and put her on the bed gently. He saw her still shaking so he got next to her holding her.

"Shhh. its okay im here for you i'm always here. I'll never leave your side i love you way too much for that." soon she stopped shaking and kuroo came in with food,water and akaashi? Kenma thought.

"Kuroo what's akaashi doing in here i said food and water not another person that's in love with the girl." kenma said, kind of irritated.

"Hey I trust akaashi he loves her and she loves him too and besides we all know i'm the favorite...Ow dammit akaashi." he had gotten hit in the back of the head by akaashi and keiji apologized to kenma.

"I apologize kenma but when i heard kuroo scream her name and then saw him running i got worried so i wanted to check on her." he said with an apologetic smile. Just then Kiori opened her eyes a little seeing the two boys near the door.

"Keiji, Tetsu please." she said to them alerting them to hold her as well.

The two men got onto the and held her. Kenma on the right, Tetsuro on her left, and keiji laying between her legs with his head on her stomach as she played with his hair. She was finally calm now that all the people she knew loved her were there with her.

"You guys would never leave me right?" she said

"Never" the boys said at the same time and she smiled. Moments later Bokuto launched himself into the room.

"HEY HEY HEY..... why do you guys always leave me out."

"Shhh. Bokuto-san she is asleep right now"

"Oh okay sorry." he said, closing the door and crawling onto the foot of the bed.

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