chapter 13

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August 20,2017

I woke up in a big room lit with candles and the moon light, tied up to a bed. I look around to see a whip on the right nightstand along with the clothes I had on when I was knocked out. I looked down to see I had on some burgundy lingerie.

I tried to loosen the ropes tied onto my hands but I heard the door open. It was too dark to see who it was that came but my thoughts were interrupted when i heard him talking.

"Has my pretty little flower has finally awoken. How are you feeling." my eyes widen in surprise.

"Rintarou? Why?" I question him struggling to get out of the ropes holding me down with my legs and arms spread apart leaving nothing to the imagination.

"What do you mean my rose, this is where you were supposed to be from the beginning. Or did you forget our meeting when we were just four? Your parents promised you to me and my family. I am simply collecting what's mine."

"If you wanted me why did you take Bo."

"Oh you mean the owl? I needed you vulnerable so your guard would be down."

"Well i will not stay here with you. My boys are smart, they will get me out of here."

"By the time they do find you, our heir will be in that stomach." when he said that he started to undress coming towards me. He got onto the bed and started caressing my cheek. I jerked my face away from his hand. The feeling of his touch disgusted me. It made me nauseous.

"If you do that again," he leaned into my ear, "i'll kill that little fiance and that boyfriend of yours if you keep rejecting me this way."

I spat in his face and looked at him as if he were a vile and repulsive creature to me.

"If you touch them ill murder you and i swear to you it wont be pretty."

"Its cute when you think you have power over me princess, but I don't think you realize just how bad this situation is. I have that boyfriend of yours here already"

"Bring him in."

When he said that I was shocked. How did he get kenma too. This is bad, how am I going to get us out of this situation?

The door opened to reveal a tied up tsukishima being brought in by two tall and buff men. His eyes widened to see me tied up to the bed wearing anything but appropriate clothing.

"How about i leave you two in here for a while and you can discuss how you will go about this." The two men dropped tsukki on the floor and Rin walked out of the room.

Tsukki got up and ran over to the bed fumbling since he was still tied up.

"Kiori how are you here? What happened?"

"He caught me while I was at home cooking, how did you get here?"

"I was walking back to the compound next thing I know I got knocked out and now I am here. What's going on?"

"Well, when i was a lot younger at the time my parents didn't know the Kuroo family nor the Kozume family. They had an alliance with the Suna family and with that alliance I was promised to Suna Rintaro. The first time I met him we were four and we were close friends until we turned six. That's when they moved to a different country and we moved into the compound with my uncle, the kuroo's, and the Kozume's after my mother died. Now apparently rintaro is back and is determined to take me as his bride whether it be forced or not." I looked down feeling the tears start to come down on my face.

"He said he would kill my boyfriend if i didn't comply and he thinks that person is you."

Kei's eyes widened when he heard that new information. He looked down at his feet and back up at me with a hurt smile on his face.

"If it'll save you I wouldn't mind dying pipsqueak."

"Since when did you become tougher than me."

"I guess i learned it from you."

"Well I don't care we are getting out of here together. I will comply with him."

Just as i said that suna came into the room with his arms out to the side as if he were going in for a hug.

"Now that's what i like to hear."

"Ohhhh Kanaye."

"What does my brother have to do with this?"

"Oh did you not know, he works for me."

Kanaye came into the room with a smile on his face.

"What's the matter boss? Oh hi little sis surprised aint ya?"

"You left to join this bastard. You'd let him rape your sister just like that?"

"YOU'RE THE REASON I LEFT YOU BRAT. IF IT WASN'T FOR YOU FATHER WOULD HAVE ENTRUSTED ME WITH NEKOMA BUT YOU WERE ALWAYS LITTLE MISS PERFECT-" he stopped and took a deep breath, "now little miss perfect gets what she deserves. Now then, what did you need boss"

Suna whispered into my brother's ear but i couldn't hear them at all but as soon as they were done my brother's smile turned into a sadistic smirk as he pulled tsukki by the hair and dragged him out of the room.

"Now then let's get down to business shall we."

He climbed on top of me and I let him have his way with me. He played with my pussy, sucked on my neck, left his own marks on my body. All I could do was cry and moan in pleasure. I couldn't help but feel good yet disgusted under his touch.

"That's a good girl, you're already so wet for me."

He sat up and positioned himself at my entrance and with no warning rammed inside of me. I screamed in pleasure as his pace was relentless and precise hitting my g-spot with every thrust.

Soon I felt mine and his release coming. He rutted inside of me and placed a pillow underneath my lower back.

"I'll go get you a towel and change of clothes."

When he left I heard a loud gunshot and realised what had just happened. He killed tsukki. I let out the sobs I'd been holding in and he came into the room and cleaned me up.

"I am sorry princess, I did what had to be done. When I untie you go shower and come to bed."

He untied me and I did what he said. When I crawled into the bed I cried myself to sleep as he held me. Kuroo please. Come save me from this nightmare.

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