chapter 6(flashback pt.1)

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17 years ago

November 15, 2000 on shichigosan{seven-five-three}

(6 year old Kiori's POV)

Today we are on our way to the festival with our uncle and cousin. Yaku and I were running around our parents chasing Kaori and Kano around. Yesterday was Kaori's birthday and she turned 3 so instead of celebrating it yesterday we decided to celebrate it with everyone.


When we got there auntie Kana and kenma were there already waiting for us. We were enjoying the festival. I was playing with Kanaye, Kano, Yaku, and Kenma.

Kaori was on daddy's shoulders playing with mommy. As we were playing i noticed that a lot of people were starting to leave early so i brought to daddy's attention

"Daddy why is everybody leaving so early"

"I don't know sweetheart it does seem very strange doesn't-'' but he was cut off when all of a sudden we heard the sound of a gun and mommy on the floor.

Moments later bullets were flying everywhere and we had to leave mommy's body on the floor lifeless. We all got to the cars and sped off the base. In the car we were all crying.

We had just seen our mother get killed right in front of us. When we got to the base we saw that kenma was crying and freaking out running out of his car

"My mom!" he said screaming and crying

"She is bleeding out! Uncle kenji help her," he is still frantically crying

"Kiori, Kanaye take everyone up to the safe room.NOW."


After we got into the room and everybody settled down daddy came into the room with a sad look on his face hinting that she was gone. Kenma started crying again and we felt how he felt since only an hour before our mother was killed.

After that day Kenma started living with us in the base and slowly things went back to normal.

(A/N i hope you liked this part i had to change up the year so now instead of 2020 its in 2017 cause i wanted to line it up with the characters birthdays but i have so much in store for this story.)

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