chapter 7(flashback pt.2)

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                                                                            March 28,2011

                                                                 (17 year old Kiori's POV)

We finally found out who took Kano. It was one the rival gangs in our territory. We have been getting a lot of threats from them but we were ignoring them hoping that they would go away. That was until they decided to kidnap my little brother.

When i found out they got him yesterday i blacked out and my brother, sister, and father all had to restrain me from going apeshit. I have been in my room ever since waiting for them to tell me the plan since they won't let me out of here. After a while I got tired and fell asleep.

                                                               (19 year old Kanaye's POV)

We finally decided to go and attack Ubagawa at night. That way we will have time to prepare everybody and make sure Kiori is cooled down. I go to ask my father about certain preparations and other things since i am the underboss and need to be clear about certain things. I knock on fathers door and wait for him to answer.

"Come in" he said, his voice booming in the confinement of his office.

"Hey dad, I wanted to ask about the plan and confirm a couple of things before we move on with the plan."

"Yes okay, and how is Kiori? Is she okay? Have you checked on her? I want her to be in here as well while we are talking."

"She is fine and asleep but I don't understand why you would want her to be in here since she is just a capo."

"She is not just a capo she is going to be the next leader after me when i retire i want to make sure she is properly groomed"

When i heard that i automatically zoned out. My entire body filled with anger knowing that my little sister would end up the leader instead of me. I've always known she was better than me at certain things, really everything, but I always thought that me being the next don would cancel all of those things out.

Yet here I am walking out of my fathers office to go wake her up so she can be groomed to take the position.

"kiori wake up dad is calling for you"

"give me five more minutes"

"no we have to go now you wet sock"

"i'm s wet sock that would look better than you any day"

"yeah yeah whatever let's just go please"

                                                                                kiori pov

While we were walking to dad's office I noticed Kanaye acting a bit distant from me and it was starting to bother me but I just decided not to question it since I know hen has his little mood swings on a daily basis. I swear if he wasn't a guy i'd think he was on his period 24/7.

When we got to the door instead of knocking i just opened the door since i know dad doesn't mind when i don't knock.

"Hey dad whats up?" i said ready to get this over with

"Kiori, Kanaye sit down please we need to start getting ready to get Kano and I need to brief you on the plan kiori. Jiro and his group are going to be a distraction so that we can slip in and get out. You two and your groups will slip in and kill anyone who tries to get in our way. Kiori, I will be travelling with your group to make sure you are leading them correctly."

"Oh come one you already know I am more than capable of leading them alone" I said sarcastically while leaning back in my seat.

"I know I just want to make sure you are okay. That's all, now go prepare your groups and you're dismissed."

I got up and went to find Yaku, Kenma and Kuroo. Yes it's only four people on the squad but it's the four people I trust the most with my life. I found them all in the weapon room already getting ready.

"Ohoho you guys are always so reliable it warms my heart." i said, rubbing my cheek on kenmas.

"Well what did you expect kitten? We are the best squad." Kuroo said, pulling me into a hug kissing my lips. Kenma and I met Kuroo in junior high. At the time kenma and i were dating but we had been talking about adding another to our relationship and it just so happened that in my third year of junior high

Kuroo had moved into the neighborhood with his dad who was in the gang as well.

"Yeah yeah okay get off of my cousin you perverts" yaku said clearly aggravated.

"Okay let me get my weapons and gear and we can head out ill meet you guys in the the living room."

                                              (Timeskip to them at Ubagawa's Base)

"Okay jiro go ahead and distract them while we go in" dad said over the mic

"Alright....we're distracting them go on in" the sounds of gunshots prominent within the headsets

"Alright Kanae i want your group to come in through the back while we go through the front."

"Yes sir," he said running to the back with his men,"okay we are in position"

"Okay everyone go in now"

We all ran in shooting every single person in the way. I saw one man in the corner of my eye and shot him in his shoulders and thigh so i could find out where my younger brother was.

"Where is Kano"

"He is in the basement you bitch but it's not like you guys will get out of here alive. There are bombs all over the base. You f-" i slit his throat before he finished and told everyone the information over the headset.

"Me and my squad will head to the basement right now and be careful of setting anything off."

We ran towards the basement and saw Kano tied up and beaten brutally. Dad walks up to him but gets shot in the stomach. The person who shot him comes out from the shadows.

"And just like that the mighty Kenjiro Morisuke has fallen and now that you are down your entire gang will be wiped out" i see him pull out a remote and press a button and automatically see what he has done.

Anger rushed over me and I shot him in the head. I rush over to my dad while kuroo, ken ken and yaku untie Kano and take him out of here.

"Hold on daddy, I'll get you out of here."

"No Kiori no, leave me here,"


"No GO NOW, I love you sweetheart but you need to stay alive. Now go" he says as I see his eyes close. Tears come down my face as I run out telling everyone to fall back.


The next day Kanaye was appointed don. I became the underboss and uncle jiro retired.

Two years later on my 19th birthday my Kanaye left without a word making me the Don and made Kuroo my underboss.

(A/N i hope this gives you guys a little more insight<3)

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