Third Group: Awakening

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Peril's POV

I groaned, rubbing my head. Where was I? What's my name? I opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings. I was in a grey room with only one light. Is it hot in here? "Look, one's up," whispered a man. I tried to see who was here. 

Then a man stood in the light, the person in front of me had blonde hair and blue eyes. He looked about thirty years old. The man walked up to me handed me his pale hand. I took it and stood up. He was nice. 

"Hello," the man said. "My name is Darkstalker, or should I say, your father," Dark-uh, I mean father said. "Your name is Peril and you are twenty-four years old," Father said, smiling. 

"Where am I?" I asked. Looking around. There was no natural light, just the one light in the middle of the room. 

"You are in my house," Father said. 

"Pretty strange house," I replied. Father rolled his eyes. Another figure came into view. She had crimson red hair and deep green eyes. The woman looked very old.

"My name is Scarlet...also known as Mother," Mother said, giving me her hand. I took it graciously. But the moment our hands touched, Mother took back her hand, hissing. "What the moons was that," Mother hissed at Father. 

"It worked," Father whispered, smiling. I looked at both of them wondering what the heck just happened. 

"Darkstalker, you said that we will test their abilities on...," Mother trailed off and eyes me nervously. Mother leaned close to Father's ear and whispered. 

Father swatted Mother away and rolled his eyes. "I couldn't wait that long," Father growled. "I had to see if they worked now," he said. Father turned to me and knelt to the ground. "Do you know what we are talking about?" Father asked me. 

I shook my head. What was Father talking about? Father grinned and pointed at Mother's hand, which she was covering. "You have the ability to control and use fire," Father said. When Mother showed me her hand, I was absolutely horrified. Mother's hand was covered in burns. I did that. 

"How did I do that? How can touch me and not Mother?" I asked. WHAT WAS HAPPENING? I felt like I lost half of my life.  

"You were born with these powers," Father stated. He stood up and walked around. "And the reason why I was able to touch you is because I have a special coat on that lets me touch you," Father said. 

"Is there a purpose to these powers?" I wondered as I rubbed my hands together. 

"Why yes," Mother grinned. 

"Let's tell her when the others wake up," Father growled. "Speaking of the others," he said, grinning. 

Stirring next to me was a handsome man, he had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes that you could mistake them for black. He had a pale skin complexion and he had strong arms. If I wasn't so confused about what is happening, I might have had a crush on him. Father walked up to him and told him exactly what he told me. He told the man next to me that his name was Deathbringer and his ability was that he had the best fighting techniques that no one could beat. Father told Deathbringer that we were "siblings" and that I had the ability to control and use fire with my hands. 

The man named Deathbringer looked at me with a strange look on his face. I gave him the same face. The next person who woke up had long raven black hair and dark brown eyes. She looked so tired and small. Father walked up to her and told her that her name was Fatespeaker and that she had the ability to see the future. He told Fatespeaker that Deathbringer and I were her  "siblings" and he told her all our abilities. 

The last person to wake up had light blue hair and light blue eyes, just like Deathbringer, he had strong arms. Father told him that his name was Riptide and that he had the ability to control water. Father then told him what he told Deathbringer and Fatespeaker. 

"Now, that we all know each other," Father panted. "Mother will tell you your purpose." 

"Your father and I have a plan to make the world...peaceful," Mother grinned. "A thrilling plan, really. Anyway, you four were chosen to help us...eliminate anyone who stands in our way," Mother crackled. "Quite simple really." 

Father rolled his eyes. "What your mother means to say is that you play an important role in this operation...are you in or are you out?" Father asked. 

Deathbringer, Fatespeaker, Riptide, and I all shared a look. If this man is what he says who he is, then why not? They're the only family we have...maybe they will help us in return. "We're in," I answered for them. 

"Perfect," Father grinned evilly. 

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