Third Group: Fire and Night

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2 Weeks Later...

Deathbringer's POV

I snaked my hand around Peril's waist, her lips locked with mine. Peril this is a one-time thing and maybe it will be. But all I know is that my heart is holding love for someone and the person that I feel a connection to is Peril. 

"You know," Peril murmured. "We are breaking a lot of rules," she whispered, kissing my neck. "And I love it." 

"At least this is "a one-time" thing," I purred in her ear. Peril's fiery red hair was near my nose. Although we didn't have any windows in our room, I knew it about 10:00 at night. I kissed up her neck then her chin, stopping at her lips. 

The electric shock that pulsed through me was irresistible. But at the same time, I couldn't help but feel repulsed. It was like I was kissing my sister. I shoved the thought out of my mind and continued to kiss Peril. 

"Ahem," faked coughed a voice bellow us. "Can you STOP!" Fatespeaker growled, kicking the top of her bunk. 

Unfortunately, her top of the bunk was our bed. Peril pulled away and rolled her eyes. "What's so wrong, Fate?" Peril asked, obviously frustrated that we stopped. 

"I can hear everything you know!" Fatespeaker whispered. 

"Why don't you come up here, you can join us," I snickered. Peril smacked my arm, there was no burning. Thankfully, a few days ago I asked Darkstalker if I can be fireproof and he said yes. So, now I can kiss Peril freely. 

"Bringer!" hissed Peril. Anger flared in her eyes. 

"What? I was joking," I laughed. 

"UGH! BE. QUIET! I am trying to sleep!" Riptide groaned. He turned in his bed and faced the wall. 

Once all the anger was away and the room was peaceful and quiet, I placed a lock of hair behind Peril's ear. My fingertips burned with pleasure as I did that. "Now, where were we?" I breathed. 

"Right about..." 

"I have a question," Fatespeaker peeped. 

Peril and I groaned. Why can't we just have a little bit of time to ourselves?! "What is it Fatespeaker?" I growled. 

"When did this happen?" she wondered. 

"Do you want to tell her the little story about we came to this realization that we loved someone or should I?" I asked, tilting my head at Peril. 

"You are her closest friend, you tell her!" Peril hissed.

"Fine," I groaned. I turned around and faced Fatespeaker. Her black hair was in her eyes. "It happened yesterday..."


I was walking down the hall to go train when I heard a loud annoying voice.

"Phillips!" Peril shouted.

Grinning I turned around and crossed my arms. "Well, well, I guess you are finally warming up to me," I smirked.

The beautiful girl rolled her eyes. "Again, in your dreams," she replied. "But...I need to tell you something," Peril sighed. 

"What is it?" I asked, nervous now. 

"Um...these past weeks, I have been feeling a weird feeling for someone," Peril started, her blue eyes were focused on the floor. "I have no idea who it is and I feel like we share a connection." 

"I feel the same," I replied. "Let's say we test it...tomorrow night we see if we love each"  I wondered. 

"Deal," Peril said nodding. We turned around, smiling. I was looking forward to tomorrow night. 


"So, that's how this happened," I said. Fatespeaker nodded, but I could tell she didn't approve of us. I sighed but Fate went back to sleep. "Now where were we?" I murmured. 

"The moment is ruined, might as well go to sleep," Peril grumbled. I sighed but jumped off her bed. Growling, I walked back to my bed. I turned around and closed my eyes. 


"Deathy? What is it?" a beautiful but calm voice spoke. Guilt washed over me, I was standing in a college dorm room. In front of me was the most beautiful girl I ever saw. She had bleach blonde hair and gorgeous green eyes. 

"I-I-I think that I c-c-" I could bring myself to what I wanted to say. It was so vile. So bad that I couldn't give her an answer. 

"What? Cat got your tongue?" The woman chuckled as she placed her hand on my cheek. "Tell me," she whispered. 

"I kissed Peril," I said, tears in my eyes. "Glory, I'm sorry," I whispered. The girl named Glory pulled away from me. Tears started to fall down her delicate face. "I-I really didn't know," I groaned. 

I grabbed her hands, the tears were unstoppable. "I'm sorry Glory. I'm sorry Glory. I'm sorry Glory," I said repeatedly. Glory took back her hands and back away from me. "I'm sorry..."

"I-I need to t-think," Glory whispered. 


"CLAY! NO! I DIDN'T MEAN TOO!" someone screamed, breaking me out of my horrible nightmare. I whipped my head up and turned toward screaming Peril. Her hands started to fly everywhere like she was trying to catch someone. "PLEASE! I'M SORRY! I'M SO SORRY!" She wailed. 

I jumped off my bunk and raced over to Peril. Riptide was awake and so was Fatespeaker. Both of their faces looked like they saw a ghost. I shook Peril awake. Once her eyes flew open, tears started to stream down her face. But as soon as they touched her skin, they became steam. 

"Bringer, don't make me sleep," Peril cried. I held on to her, this felt right. Me holding Peril while she cried, her crying on my shoulder. That felt right. It felt like we've been friends for years. So...who was the love that we hold for? 

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