Third Group: Scarlet

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Riptide's POV

"Finally!" I yelled, excited that everyone had their memories back. "Does everyone have their memories back or are we missing someone?" I asked, joking. Tsunami smacked my arm playfully. I laughed. Clay and Peril had just came to Glory, Deathbringer, Sunny, Starflight, Unconscious Fatespeaker, Tsunami, and I. 

"Actually, we still have Fatespeaker but for now she's not a problem," Starflight said. 

"Peril," Deathbringer whispered, looking away from Peril. 

"Deathbringer," Peril replied, looking away from Deathbringer. 

The two stood awkwardly and were a really long distance away. Clay and Glory raised their eyebrows at the two friends. 

"We shall never speak of that moment before the fight," Peril whispered. 

"Yup. I agree a hundred percent," Deathbringer gagged. 

"Okay, come on guys, we have Darkstalker to stop!" Tsunami roared. I laughed but lead everyone to the room that my friends and I woke up in. Once we got in, we saw Scarlet. She had messy red hair and her green eyes were focused on the floor. In one hand she had a bottle of her rum and in the other, she held a phone. 

"You're too late," Scarlet muttered. I looked at her confused, what happened? Where was Darkstalker? 

"What do you mean?" I wondered. 

"He left to kill the mayor," Scarlet growled. 

"Why aren't you thrilled?" Peril asked. 

"Because he turned his back on me!" fumed Scarlet. "He called the cops on me, the only reason I got away was because Burn saved me. But then she died from a venomous snake," Scarlet said, waving her hand. "So, now I'm helping you get to the Mayor's house." 

"I'm not sure we should trust you," Glory hissed. Deathbringer nodded and wrapped his arms around Glory. Glory pushed him away but let him touch her fingers. 

"Hey, it's either you don't trust me and be too late again. Or you trust me and I take you to the Mayor's office so you can stop that Son of a Goat," Scarlet growled. I sighed and nodded. 

"Fine, we'll trust you...for the ride and the ride only," I said. Scarlet smiled and brought us outside. We went into a car and Scarlet drove us to the Mayor's office. I could tell that Sunny was anticipating to see her mother. 

Once we stopped, Scarlet pulled out a gun. "Listen little brats, you are going to take me upstairs and into that office. You are then going to kill Darkstalker and then kill Mayor Thorn, understand?" Scarlet threatened. 

"And this is why you don't trust Scarlet Queen," Tsunami hissed. 

"Hey! Hey! No talking! You will do as I say understand?" Scarlet exploded, pointing a gun at Clay's head. 

"HEY! Get that gun off Clay's head before I burn you INTO ASHES!" Peril raged. Scarlet just laughed. 

"Witch, please," Scarlet said rolling her eyes. "I made you." 

"Then you must know that you made a monster," Peril growled. 

"Listen- AGH!" Scarlet screamed. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Glory open her mouth and spray her venom on Scarlet's face. 

"Go, go, GO!" I yelled. We all jumped out of the car and ran into the Mayor's office. 

As we ran, I heard Deathbringer say, "That was so hot." 

"Hot? Wow, I already love the new vocabulary," Glory smirked. I imagined Deathbringer turning his head so Glory wouldn't see him blushing. We ran past some of the guards and into the room. We came in at the right time because Darkstalker had a gun at Mayor Thorn's head and Qibli was trying to reason with him. 

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