Chapter 15

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*Mackenzies pov

The next 3 days pass by quickly. I have managed not to embarrass myself but I can't say it has been easy. I've taken a few cold showers!
I have found that I really like spending time with him. Why wouldn't I?
He's handsome, thoughtful and kind, although, whilst witnessing some of the phone calls he has made or received over the last few days I have noticed there is an occasional flicker of danger that rises from within him. His usually deep, gravelly and sexy as hell voice sometimes has an edge of ice. He is funny, and playful, a terrible tease infact.
I have loved listening to him speak with so much passion about his music, and his plans to develop this part of his home city. His face lights up everytime he mentions any part of his plan, but when he talks about the music/arts school he literally glows!!
I have never met such an enthusiastic person.

This afternoon we are in his kitchen and I am teaching him to cook a traditional roast beef dinner with all the trimmings. He is so excited. He tells me he loves Beef, but he has never had a Sunday lunch!.
Never had a roast potato......
Never had a Yorkshire pudding!!
Poor guy....... that should be illegal. I can remedy that!

I am making batter for the Yorkshire's while he is trying, but failing miserably, to avoid skinning his fingers peeling potatoes.

A curse pierces the stillness of the room.
"Here" I say, handing him the jug of batter and taking the peeler from him simultaneously.

"I can't let you peel anymore. Not only have you reduced the size of the potatoes by half, the rest are covered in blood. Go and wash your hands and then finish mixing that batter, then come back here and watch and learn!"

"Ne Eomma!" He says with a salute!!

It means "yes mum!" He tells me! Cheeky sod.
It makes me think though....... is that how he sees me? As a mother figure?
Despite my undeniable attraction to him, and having enjoyed his company for the last few days, I am very aware of the fact that he is as close in age to my son as he is to me!

Just under 2 hours later we are sitting down to eat, and I think it would be fair to assume that he LOVED the meal, if all of the 'oohs' and 'aahhs' coming from him are anything to go by! He tells me he can't decide whether he likes roast potatoes or the Yorkshire puddings best. I promise to cook for him again to help him decide.

The mood is light, there are no awkward silences, we've had a couple of glasses of wine........ I'm completely comfortable in his company. I decide now will be a good time to push him a little more about this 'situation'.
If there's one thing Ive learned as Shauns wife it's this..... the music industry never sleeps! Business is done 24/7, 365! He hasn't left me at all for 4 days now, only taking phone calls. Surely he is being missed?
He hasn't volunteered any further information. I need to know what's going on!!
He can't seriously think I'm just going to accept that my life in England is over and spend the rest of my life alone in Korea without explanation!? Can he??

We are just finished cleaning the kitchen and are getting ready for bed. I'm struck by how absurd this situation is. I am performing a nighttime routine in a foreign country, with a man I've known for a grand total of 4 days, getting ready to slip into bed beside him!! Insane!!

I find myself giggling to myself as Im moisturising my face. He looks over at me in the mirror and raises an eyebrow......

"Share the joke?" He asks me

"There's no joke, I was just laughing at the absurdity of this situation. I mean, we're behaving like a couple...... but we only just met"

I pause briefly, taking a calming breath and ask......

"Why am I here Yoongi? Really....... please tell me, why is my life important to you? I didn't know you before I woke up here, I have no idea how you would know anything about me or my life. I want to feel grateful, but I'd like to know exactly what I should be grateful for first. You've told me my kids are safe, and that I'm thought dead, but I have no idea why. I can't stay here like this forever. Please........ I need details. I can't make plans without information" I tell him.

He sits quietly for a minute or so, emotions clear to see on his face. He is wondering what to tell me. I suspect it must be tough to tell someone things about their life that they don't even know, but I'm guessing at this moment that being the person who doesn't know is much harder to deal with.
He stands and goes into the lounge and I follow. He pulls some papers from his desk and hands them to me.
"Read these, then we will talk"

I take the small stack of papers from him and perch myself on the arm of the sofa.
Now I have this information in my hands I'm afraid to look at it. I gulp down my fear, my anxiety about to take hold. Yoongi notices my struggle and comes to sit beside me.
He tells me that we can look at it another time, when I'm ready.
I appreciate his words but I have to know what's going on with my life.
I take some deep breaths and look at the top sheet of paper.
It is a press cutting from a UK newspaper reporting my disappearance, and asking for witnesses to come forward with any information. There are some more press cuttings from other media outlets in the UK, all reporting the same minimal facts. All are illustrated with a small thumbnail picture of me, set in the corner of a larger picture of a distraught and tearful looking Shaun.
If I didn't know him better I might actually believe he is missing me..... what a good actor he is!

I shuffle through the papers and my eyes land on an insurance policy, taken out on me 5 years ago. This isn't strange to me..... most married couples have these policies. What does catch my eye is the sum I'm insured for. £5 million pounds!! This sum is doubled if I am kidnapped or murdered! How do you get that written into an insurance policy...... and why so specific?!
While I'm still pondering this I look at the next sheet and see the same policies on my kids!
I sit quietly trying to understand what I've just read.

"'Kenzie" he says "Are you ok?"
I've been silent for a while, trying to process what this all means.
Did my husband actually plan my kidnap and murder? If Shaun is after a hefty insurance payout then I can't be found alive. Why am I not dead then?
Is Yoongi involved? Is he helping Shaun by keeping me out of the public eye? For what reason?
Surely a body is required to prove murder?

"How do you know my husband?" I ask
"What makes you think I know your husband 'Kenzie?"

"Why else would you be helping him to keep me out of the way? What has he promised you in return? Or does he have some dirt on you? I was starting to think you could be trusted, but now I don't think so."

He looks hurt! I did not expect that. He continues to stare at me, his gaze unwavering. I shiver. He looks down at his hands and then back up at me, his eyes now blazing fire.
I am actually scared right now. So much for keeping my captor on side. Way to go Mackenzie!

Yoongi swiftly stands up and paces across the room, turning on his heel just before reaching the kitchen.
He runs the fingers of both his hands roughly through his hair, and for the briefest moment I wish his fingers were mine.

He takes some breaths. I see his jugular vein pulsing in his neck, the muscles of his jaw as he clenches his teeth together. His cheeks are red... he looks furious!! Now I've done it...... these are surely my final moments on earth!

"Mackenzie" he begins. I'm disappointed that he uses my full name, I've enjoyed hearing him use the abbreviated 'Kenzie.
"I understand why you would feel that I am involved in Shauns plan, but I can assure you I am not. I know you have no reason to trust me, but I promise you, I am only working to help you and your kids"

"But I don't understand why!!? How do you know of his plan? You're a famous singer, not a hitman, how did you get involved in all this?"

"That is a very long story. I'm going to need a drink for this...... want one?"

I nod yes and watch him pour 2 glasses of Whiskey, He hands me one and sits opposite me. After a huge slug of alcohol he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and begins.......

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