Friends, In, Secret

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Your POV

I began to shuffle off down the hall with Harry, holding his hand as he seems rather shook up by it all, I mean you would had you just heard and seen what he had seen. The next morning you find yourself wandering during your free period because everyone was either at the library studying or in their dorms. Though soon I see a familiar Hufflepuff sat under a tree reading quietly to himself. "Hi River" you say softly sitting by him, staring out at the black lake, "Hi (y/n), are you ok you usually aren't alone during the day" he asked looking up at you. You didn't realise till now but he has such dreamy brown eyes. "Oh y yeah, I'm fine I just needed to wander for a bit, you?". "The Hufflepuff common room is always so busy and loud so I come here to escape sometimes". I felt my eyes shine a golden, I really enjoyed his company. "Crazy what happened the other day right?" "yeah well my whole house thinks Harry is the heir the writing was about, and they have a nickname for you too". "And what might that be?", he chuckled slightly "They call you the Princess of Dragons, you know because you saved me and everyone last year, and you can turn into a dragon". "Oh god" you say immediately blushing at the name. "I hope it doesn't stick". "Hey, sorry Princess but I need to steal River here for a while". Sam Wood approaches and said. "To late" River sniggered. "See you later Lake boy", "Hey" he said in a playful way. "Bye Princess" and with that they left.

Draco POV

By now the conspiracies of Potter 1 bieng the heir had swept the school like wildfire and I really wanted to find out more about it. I had been watching (y/n) for a while now, sat under a tree talking with that dipshit of a Hufflepuff, River Greens. Ughh why him, it almost pained me to see her laughing and having fun with him, what was I feeling. No. I would not be jealous of some Hufflepuff. "POTTER" I shout over the grass.

Your POV

After River left I just sat looking out to the lake when I realised River left his book. I picked it up, 'A Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy' hmm interesting maybe he would let me borrow it one day, it must be a muggle book. I wonder if river wo "POTTER" cut me off from my thoughts as I turned to see a familiar head of slicked back platinum blonde hair. I rushed over to him, oddly exited for some reason. "What is it?" "Is it true what they are saying about the chamber, that Harry is the heir". "Draco"you say lightly punching his arm, "how could you say that, he's my brother and he is not the heir". We continued to chat but he persistently added questions about the chamber that I couldn't answer. We eventually found ourselves in the astronomy tower. "(Y/n)?" You hum in response, "I was thinking, I I really like hanging out with you a and was wondering i if you" "Yes Malfoy?" I said as he spluttered out the rest, "maybewantedtobefriendswithmebutkeepitsecretforthesakesofouritherfriends"he gasped. "Jeez, why so fast" he looked up at me sadly, "hey, hey, I would love that" he quickly smiled and stood up quickly. "We should go it's late and we can't be caught after hours". Eventually we would meet every night at the tower to just chat and enjoy his company, exept for the constant asking about the chamber, which you found weird and slightly suspicious, he was actually fun to be around. Though you wished he would be himself infront of everyone else, and treat everyone equally and as kindly as he treated you.

Draco POV

It had been a few weeks since our first meeting in the tower, I was walking over to meet Goyle, Crabbe and Zabini outside when I saw a small crowd sat in a circle and the gentle strum of a guitar. I hid around a corner and looked on, intrigued. I noticed the likes of Grainger, Longbottom, Weasle-Bee, Potter 1, Wood Junior, and a few other kids from various houses. Then I heard a smooth males voice begin singing:

Tell me somethin', girl

Are you happy in this modern world?

Or do you need more?

Is there somethin' else you're searchin' for?

I'm falling

In all the good times I find myself

Longin' for change

And in the bad times I fear myself

Then a beautiful trancing voice of a girl took over, I instantly recognised it as (y/n) from the hidden room in my first year.

Tell me something, boy

Aren't you tired tryin' to fill that void?

Or do you need more?

Ain't it hard keeping it so hardcore?

I'm falling

In all the good times I find myself

Longing for a change

And in the bad times I fear myself

I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in

I'll never meet the ground

Crash through the surface, where they can't hurt us

We're far from the shallow now

In the shallow, shallow

In the shallow, shallow

In the shallow, shallow

We're far from the shallow now

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh


I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in

I'll never meet the ground

Crash through the surface, where they can't hurt us

We're far from the shallow now

In the shallow, shallow

In the shallow, shallow

In the shallow, shallow

We're far from the shallow now

She really was amazing but I hated seeing her with, Him. Who I have come to call half-wit Hufflepuff, and worse he was a MudBlood aswell, I felt he was stealing her from me, I still had a massive amount of feelings for her, but I just don't know how to tell her.

The Princess of Dragons: Second Year 🐍Draco x Reader🐍⚡️Potter Twins⚡️Where stories live. Discover now