Holy Shit she Knew

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~Time skip till after the whole Chamber stuff because you weren't there and I'm not gonna bore you with it all cuase you all already know~

Your POV

Harry and Ron where sat in the great hall at the end of year feast, anxiously waiting for the petrified students to arrive, by now the whole school had found out most of what happened in the chamber, minus the Voldemort part. But Draco made sure that everyone knew it was You who solved it. You and Hermionie walked hand in hand down the hallway to the great hall and sighed before pushing the doors open together and stepping through. The whole hall fell silent as you looked around, catching Nevilles eye and throwing him a smile. "Harry- it's Hermione and (Y/N)!" He turned to Harry. Who looked up with Ron to see us rushing towards the table. Applause broke out and I just looked down embarrassed. I ran up to Harry and Hugged him, then Ron who hugged me too. "Uhh-um... Welcome back, Hermione." Ron said to her and awkwardly shook her hand, I knew they both liked each other. "It's good to be back! Congratulations! I can't believe you solved it!" "Well, we had loads of help from you two. We couldn't have done it without you and that note" "What note?" Hermionie asked, "The rather obnoxious one (y/n) left in her hand for us to find, although we didn't find it" "Who did?" She asked, it seemed like she was just playing along though, "Malfoy" "Oh well read it then" Seamus piped in as we all sat down, all the Gryffindors looked at us expectantly and Harry sighed and pulled out the note, "It says, Harry, if you got this note I know someone found it for you, thank them please and read on because it is important. I have a feeling something bad is about to happen and I needed you to know the information I found, The creature is a Basilik which is travelling through the pipes of the school, everyone who got petrified looked at a reflection, hence the petrifying instead of dying. I don't have much time so trust me. Also P.s I knew you wouldn't find this because one, you only ever hold my Right hand, this I deliberately placed in my left for my own reasoning and two your quite oblivious to most of your surroundings as a rather self centred teenage boy can be, your welcome that me and mpMionie have brains, This is not goodbye by put see you later xox (y/n)" By now the whole hall was listening and burst out into laughter "The Princess of dragons everyone" I heard Fred yell as I stood up and took a sarcastic curtsy, "And her witty digs at her brother" "Yeahhhhhh" the whole hall yelled even a few Slytherins joined in, mainly because we where slightly taking the pis out of Harry. "Could I have your attention, please?" Min said from the front, smiling at you. "Before we begin the feast, let us have a round of applause for Professor Sprout and Madame Pomfrey, whose Mandrake juice has been so successfully administered to all who had been Petrified. Also, in light of the recent events, as a school treat, all exams have been canceled." "Oh, no!" Hermionie squeaked and I just rolled my eyes and celebrated with the others, "Sorry I'm late! The owl that delivered my release papers got all lost and confused. Some ruddy bird called Errol. And I'd just like to say that aif it hadn't been for you, Harry, and Ron, and Hermione, and (y/n) o' course, I woulduh- I'd still be you-know-where, so I- I'd just like to say 'Thanks.'" "Well, there's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid." Harry grinned back at him as Ron hung his head ashamed of Errol. "Oh!" Hagrid gasped happily. "Yeah! Yeah!" everyone cheered.

Today would be your first time in the Hogwarts express, you had been allowed to stay with the Wesleys this summer as you have learned to control your powers but you would still be around Ministry workers and in the magical world, also Ron, Fred and George all begged their mum to let you. Eventually she caved. As you got on the train you hung back a minute till you saw a Blonde head clamber aboard and start to walk away. "Wait" you yelled after him and he turned quickly, "What do you want Pottah" you knew he was putting in a show but it still stung a bit "Thank you", "For what" he sneered "For bieng there".

Draco POV

"Huh" I said shocked, how did she know. "Here" she ha dead me a book with a marker in it, "Paragraph 6" and with that she walked away, I walked to the compartment that Crabbe, Goyle and Blaize where in and sat in the corner, opening the book, it smelt like Honey and Flowers, just like (y/n). I soon realised I had just been sniffing a book and looked up, luckily Crabbe and Goyle where asleep but Blaize looked at me and snatched the book. "Bro, why are you sniffing a book" "New book smell" I lied, clearly obvious. "Doesn't smell like new book, smells like Honey and Flowers, ohhhhhh Draco had a girlfriend" "No I don't now give me that" I say snatching it back as he continued to jeer. I ran my finger down to paragraph 6 and began to read. 'The effects of petrifiying someone can sometimes vary from wizard to wizard, most of the time the wizard feels like they simply fainted and then re awoke, but other times the wizard is still partially sub conscious, meaning they cannot move or see but they can hear still'. Holy shit she knew.

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