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"You're a Parselmouth? Why didn't you tell us?" Ron asked as we headed to the common room "I'm a what?" Harry seemed shocked. "You can talk to snakes." My brown haired friend answered. "I know. I mean, I accidentally set a python on my cousin Dudley at the zoo once. Uh, once! But, so what? I bet loads of people here can do it." He said trying to brush it off. "Haha" I laughed, "What" they all said in unison, "Well two things really, one Old Dudders getting a snake let loose on him, I feel bad for the snake but two No, they can't. It's not a very common gift, Harry. This is bad." "What's bad? If I hadn't told that snake not to attack River." "Oh, that's what you said to it!" Ron said "You were there! You heard me!". "I heard you speaking Parseltongue. Snake language?" Ron answered him like he was an idiot. "I spoke a different language? But- I didn't realize I- how can I speak a language without knowing I can?" "I don't know, Harry, but it sounded like you were egging the snake on, or something. Harry, listen to me. There's a reason the symbol of Slytherin House is a serpent. Salazar Slytherin was a Parselmouth. He could talk to snakes, too." Hermione stated. "Exactly! Now the whole school's gonna think you're his great- greatgreat grandson, or something." "But I'm not... I can't be." He said defensefully. "Well I'm not and Heir and I doubt Harry is too, I also know how to proove him either innocent or guilty too"I cut in , "How?" They all asked, once again in unison, "Well you see when I got my, 'gifts' I became emotionally attached to things, meaning if I feel something strong enough I can use that power and feeling to do something, use my abilities", "Yes we know" Ron said. "Yes but don't you remember how when Harry first heard the voices and I could listen through him?" "Oh so you're saying that you can attach yourself to things and feel what they feel too" Hermionie cracked it "Yes, and along with that I can also delve into their memories, and find what happened in the past, and how it effected people. I have been called upon in the past to help the minister and ministry with getting people to tell the truth, and finding out Information. I do believe Harry though, I think Voldemort gave me my gifts and he must have given Harry gifts too, maybe this is part of it". "Ahh" they all nodded in agreement. "Well I believe you" Hermione said, "Me too" me and Ron said together, causing us to chuckle along. "All I'm saying is sometimes they make me look in their head for things, so if you need me to proove you had no idea what you where doing then I can, I'm here for you".

Later on we where in the great hall discussing our plan to find the real heir. Harry had made up his mind that it must be Malfoy, and his father must have opened it previously but I knew it wasn't true. I went along anyhow because I trust my brother, so me and Hermione have been brewing a Polyjuice Potion in an abandoned bathroom. "Everything's set. We just need a bit of who you're changing into." Hermione told the boys "Crabbe and Goyle." He answered looking disgusted. "We also need to make sure that the real Crabbe and Goyle can't burst in on us while we're interrogating Malfoy." I say "How?" Ron asks, "I've got it all worked out. I filled these with a simple Sleeping Draught. Simple, but powerful. Now, once they're asleep hide them in the broomstick cupboard and pull out a few of their hairs, and put on their uniforms." "Whose hair are you two ripping out then?" Ron asked us. "I've got Pugfaces hair, nicked it from the hair brush she keeps in her bag" I say. "I've already got mine. Millicent Bulstrode– Slytherin- I got this off her robes. I'm going to go check on the Polyjuice Potion. Make sure that Crabbe and Goyle find these." Me and Hermione leave to attend to our potion, leaving it up to the boys to complete step one.

"We'll have exactly one hour before we change back into ourselves... Add the hairs." Hermione said. "Ugh- essence of Crabbe." Ron moaned as we all added our hairs. "Cheers!" Hermionie said as we clinched our glasses together still just looking at it. "Ahh screw it, bottoms up" I said before chugging it, the others quickly followed. "I think I'm gonna be sick!" Ron yelled rushing into a stall. "Me too." Hermionie said, scrambling into the next one, "Ughh!" Harry bletched nearing the sink as I just stood amused at them, I had used the potion before so it didn't effect me so much. "Uh... Harry?" Ron said emerging and looking at a now Goyle looking Harry. "Ron!" Harry yelled back at a rather Crabbe looking Ron. "Bloody hell!" Ron yelled as he looked at me, I turned to the mirror and saw I looked exactly like pug face, "Ughh" I gagged. "We still sound like ourselves. You need to sound more like Crabbe and Parkinson" Harry said, "Uh... Bloody hell." Ron said lower and I giggled at him then they both turned to me expectingly. "Hey I got this covered I said before composing myself "Oh dracypoo please love me dracy, I need to cling onto your arm every two seconds else I might dieeee" I whined in a high voice. "Excellent." Harry said sniggering as Ron burst out laughing. "But where's Hermione?" Ron said looking around. "I- I don't think I'm going. You go on without me!" She spluttered from a stall. "Mionie, are you okay?" I asked approaching the stall. "Just go. You're wasting time!" She snapped back, taking me by surprise slightly. "Come on." Harry said as we rushed to leave.

We rushed down the corridors to the dungeons quickly to avoid confrontation. "I think the Slytherin common room's this way." I whispered as we approached a corner. "Okay." Ron said as we turned the corner to see. Perfect. Prefect. Percy. "Excuse me." He said. "What are you doing d- uh, I mean... What are you doing down here?" Ron stuttered changing his voice to a low one. "I happen to be a school prefect. You, on the other hand, have no business wandering the corridors at this time of night. What are your names again?" He snapped back, "Uhh..." Ron said. "I'm..." Harry droned. "We are Gregory Goyle, Vincent Crabb and Pansy Parkinson" I said quickly, wanting them to get in trouble, I just smirked but before he had time to respond a heard a familiar voice from behind us. "Crabbe, Goyle! Ughh and Parkinson, Where have you been? Pigging out in the Great Hall all this time? Why are you wearing glasses?" Malfoy said. "Ah- um... Reading." Harry spluttered back "Reading?" He questioned in a judge voice "Uh-huh." Harry said scared to blow out cover, "I didn't know you could read. And what are you doing down here, Weasley?", "Mind your attitude, Malfoy." Percy responded before he strutted off and we followed Malfoy to the Common room. "What's the new password" he asked us and Ron and Harry began to panic but I decided now was my time to shine, I twirled a piece of my hair around my finger and giggled slightly, "Pureblood of course Dracypoo" with that the painting swung open and Malfoy rolled his eyes, "Don't call me that".

"Well, sit down. You'd never know the Weasleys were pure-bloods, the way they behave. They're an embarrassment to the wizarding world. All of them. What's wrong with you, Crabbe?" Ron pulled an annoyed face but immediately changed it to one of discomfort to avoid questioning. I jumped onto a leather sofa next to Malfoy, making him try to shuffle away but I grabbed his arm and began petting his hair, to which he swatted my hand away so I pulled a pout and lent back, facing Harry and Ron again. They awkwardly slid into arm chairs aswell. "Ahem...Stomachache." Ron replied. "You know, I'm surprised that the Daily Prophet hasn't done a report on all these attacks. I suppose Dumbledore is trying to hush it all up. Father always said Dumbledore was the worst thing that ever happened to this place." "You're wrong!" You winced thinking Harry had just blown your cover. "What? You think there's someone here who's worse than Dumbledore?

Well? Do you?" "The Potters?" Harry gulped. "Good one, Goyle. You're absolutely right. Saint Potter. And people actually think that he's the Heir of Slytherin!, but if I might say the other Potter seems different, you remember I told you about that detention I made Snape give us together, I don't know something about that one is, intriguing. Hey don't tell anyone I said that though" I. Was. Shocked. But had to pretend it didn't happen so just sat and let Harry continue. "But then you must have some idea who's behind it all." He continued to question. "You know I don't Goyle. I told you yesterday. How many times do I have to tell you? Is this yours?" He asked picking up a chocolate frog from the coffee table" Harry shook his head so he quickly pocketed it "But my father did say this: It's been fifty years since the Chamber was opened. He wouldn't tell me who opened it-- only that they were expelled. The last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened, a Mudblood died. So, it's only a matter of time before one of them is killed this time. As for me, I hope it's Granger. What's the matter with you two? You're acting very...odd, exept for you Parkinson, annoying as always." I stand up and walk over to him, grappling one arm and trailing my fingers over his cheek with the other "Oh you know you love me" he just pushed you over back onto the sofa and growled, "It's his... stomachache. Calm down." Harry said, "S- scar." Ron suddenly pointed at Harry. "Hair!" Harry pointed at you, "Nose" you looked to Ron. You all immediately ran from the room as quick as you could, haring the muffled voice of Malfoy. "Hey! Where are you going?".

"That was close!" Ron said as we entered the bathroom again, ourselves. "Hermione, come out. We've got loads to tell you!" I say looking to the closed stall. "Yeah loads, quite weird actually" Ron teased and Harry scowled at him. "Go away!" Hermionie yelled. "Ahh! Wait till you see. It's awful! He- ha, ha, he- hee!" Myrtle said floating out of the stall. "Hermione? A- are you OK?" Harry said slowly approaching the stall, "Aaah!" Myrtle

screetched again. "Do you remember me telling you that the Polyjuice Potion was only for human transformations? It was cat's hair I plucked off Millicent Bulstrode's robes. Look at my face." Hermionie said whilst opening the door and stepping out, she was back to human size but her face looked like a cat and she had bits of fur here and there not to mention her tail. "Hee, ha, ha!" Myrtle laughed, "Shut up Myrtle" I said. "Look at your tail!" Ron said, slightly amused, I hit his shoulder and went over to her, holding her hand. "Ha, ha, ha!" Myrtle laughed again, this time we all turned to her "SHUT UP" then the ghost floated away through the wall.

The Princess of Dragons: Second Year 🐍Draco x Reader🐍⚡️Potter Twins⚡️Where stories live. Discover now