Utterly Petrified

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Me and Mionie went to the library to try and find more information on the Chamber and what or who was petrifiying people. As we delved deeper I found information on a basilisk, if looked at through a refelection you would be petrified but straight into its eyes you would die. That must be what Myrtle saw that killed her, the beady yellow eyes. "Mionie Look" I said pointing at the page, "This is it, the Basilik, think they said Colin got a picture, so he looked through his lense, petrified instead of killed. "Oh yes, your right it must be, but how does it get into the school", "Well Myrtle seemed sure it was in the bathroom from nowhere, maybe.... THE PIPES, That's it the pipes it must be", "Yes that's a-" *Thud, "What was that" Mionie said getting scared, I quickly scribbled the information down on some paper and balled it into your fist. "Comeone let's get out of here Mionie, us getting petrified won't help anyone. We kept around the bookshelves and heard it, a slither and a hiss. "Here" she said handing me her mirror", "No you take it, I'll use..." you reached to the thigh holster you keep your wand in and grabbed your Swiss Army knife, extended the blade and looked back at her, "This", "Ron was right before when he said you where scary, but brilliant" I smiled at her then saw the tail out the corner of my eyes, "Mionie, RUN" I said as we got up to leave I glanced in my knife and looked behind me, a pair of yellow beady eyes where there, staring into me, I saw Hermionie drop down next to me before I did the same, unable to see, speak and move. But the pecthing was I could hear people.

I heard Mcgonagall enter the hospital wing with Harry and Ron. "I warn you, this could be a wee bit of a shock." She said, presumably referring to mine and Mionies lifeless bodies. "Hermione!, (Y/n)!" Ron yelled. "They where found near the Library, along with these." She said holding up Mionies mirror and my knife "Does it mean anything to either of you?" "No, I mean that's (y/n)s knife and the mirror she got Hermionie for Christmas." After that they stayed a little while, harry spoke softly to me, how he was going to kill whatever did this to me. Shortly after though they where ushered out by McGonagall to the Gryffindor common room.

Third person PoV

"Could I have your attention please? Because of recent events, these new rules will be put into effect immediately. "All students will return to their house common rooms by six o'clock every evening. All students will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher. No exceptions." I should tell you this: unless the culprit behind these attacks is caught, it is likely the school will be closed." "Who had been petrified for these measures to be taken Professor" Neville asked. "Miss Grainger and Miss Potter", there was a gasp "But (y/n)s not muggle born Miss", McGonagall just sighed and left, everyone crowding Harry and Ron, with "Are you ok" and "Are they fine". "We've got to talk to Hagrid, Ron. I can't believe it's him, but if he did set the monster loose last time, he'll know how to get inside the Chamber of Secrets, and that's a start." "But you heard McGonagall! We're not allowed to leave the tower except for class." "I think it's time to get my Dad's old cloak out again." Harry smirked.

Your POV

I heard Harry and Ron enter and they stayed for a little while, something about going to Hagrids to find the Chamber, I was worried they would do something stupid but what can you do when your petrified, Madam Pomfrey came in with a group of professors later and told them about an antidote, she made one but it would take a little while to complete. Later on you heard footsteps and a creak on your bed. "Hi (y/n)" you recognised the voice from a familiar bleach blonde boy. "I know you don't know I'm here but I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for ignoring you, I just didn't want to upset my father, now I see I was foolish because I really like you, like more then you would know and I'm not just talking about as friends either. I just want to see you again, hear your voice and your smile, how your hair shines in the moonlight and bounces behind you, how you sing for everyone and the piano you play is the most beautiful song I have ever heard. I just want to see you ok again. Wait what's that" You didn't know how to process what he just said but realised he must have found the paper balled into your fist, you purposefully placed it in your hand, something just told you danger was coming. "Oh you clever girl" he muttered before saying "I'll come back tomorrow and see you again, promise" with that he left, you where happy that he found the paper and hoped he would help Harry.

Third person PoV

It was the same day and Harry and Ron where sat in the library trying to find out what it was that petrified his baby sister. He was so sad and angry at the same time, seeing yiu that way nearly killed him. He was struggling to hold back tears as at this very table your bags and quills lied, he just looked at them then the knife he had in his hand, he moved his hand along it and stroked the metal frame, the intricacies that had been carved into it, by her very hands. Little butterflies and sunflowers danced over the handle, those where her favourites, oh and dragons, and mandrakes, and unicorns and, like every living thing. She really is just the sweetest person he though to himself, wouldn't hurt a fly. His train of thought was abruptly ended when he heard a loud snigger from the other side of the room, headed his way. "Potter, thought you couldn't get any worse, then you petrified your own little sister, I mean comeone little filthy halfblood couldn't help himself" he sneered gaining laughs from everyone there, Slytherin or not most believed he was behind it all. "I did nothing to anyone, especially not my sister now go away Malfoy", "So you don't want the note your precious little buttercup left you", "What are you talking about Malfoy" he said standing up quickly, "Well you see, Pottah, I pay attention and when I went to visit,... Er,...., Madam Pomfrey for a headache I noticed it sticking out of her hand. Quite obvious really, see she figured it out, the petrifiying" "Where is it Malfoy", "Safe" "MALFOY GIVE ME THE GODDAMNED NOTE FROM MY SISTER" with that Malfoy slammed it on the table and left with his goons, still laughing.

Your POV

It had been a while since you heard anything but soon you heard a mumbling voice from close by, "Which students have been targeted, Professor?" You hear the voice of the minister say. "Muggle borns, just like last time, although there is one different this time", "Who?" "A halfblood" you heard the curtain get pulled back and steps rushing up to you. You know Crouch always was fond of you, fascinated by your gifts and also he really liked you from the first time he met you as a mere nine years old, now a 12 year old it made him sad to see you this way, he always treated you like his child in someways. "Oh my (y/n) don't worry dear I will find who did this to you and lock him up forever, rest easy child" Mr Crouch said gently before rushing off. 

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