The Beginning (Part 2)

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3rd person

It was a couple of days after Gaster and Grillby talked late into the night and Gaster never felt happier. Grillby can't feel the same way. He's having crazy intentions to kill whoever does anything to Gaster and they are very hard to fight off. But why is he having those intentions...?

Gaster P.O.V

The past two days I felt like it was great to be alive. I was smiling like crazy and a lot more cheerful. And I wasn't faking it either. After a long time, I felt... Happy. I wasn't hearing any voices, didn't have any death wishes, I feel like talking with Grillby that one time changed me forever.  

"D-Doctor Gaster!" I see Alphys running up to me, with some concern on her face. "Something wrong Alphys? What's the matter??" I ask as she catches up to me. "W-Why are you so h-happy all of a s-sudden?!" She asks. I was confused. Why was it so important? Then she said it. "Y-Your not this h-happy usually..." I paused. I paused hard. She was right though. It's not like me to be this happy. I shook my head. "I'll be honest Alphys, I haven't really been this happy in years. But, I want to thank you for letting me realize that I'm starting to worry you. I'll do my best to keep my happiness at a tone alright?" I tell her. Alphys nods and runs off. I smile a little and continue to head home.

~Tem skip to when he got home~(He lives alone, not with the bros here.)

I open the door and see Fuku, Grillby's daughter, sitting on my living room couch. I jumped back scared. "WHAT THE HELL FUKU?! You gave me a heart attack!!!!" I yelled as I turned on the lights. She laughs. "Your window was open so I thought I could come in!" Fuku exclaimed. I sigh.  Better get a reason why she is here. I think to myself. "Just why did you break into my house Fuku?" I ask her. 

"Well, my dad wants to go out and do something with you again. He just doesn't have the courage to tell you!" Wait... Am I hearing with right? "Tell him I'll think about it. Thanks for telling me Fuku." I say in response. She nods and leaves through the door. I sigh and toss my handbag onto a nearby chair, then sit down on the couch. So Grillby wants some kind of excuse to be together huh? I wonder what he has in mind.

I sat on the couch for a couple more minutes before deciding to turn in for the night. But before I did. I kept a log of everyday. So, I went to the computer in my room and began typing.

(Okey pretend the following is in windings because I'm lazy)

Entry 231:

Today Alphys called to my attention that I was acting too happy, and was deeply concerned. But I'll admit, being that happy scares me. Mainly because I heard that humans can go crazy being that happy. So I will restrain myself for a while and see how it goes.

I pause. I can hear nothing. Strange... I continue to type.

Although... Ever since I talk to Grillby that one night, the voices in my head just... went quiet. They never done that before. Usually by now they are stabbing me with words. But... They're quiet... I have a bad feeling about it. But on the other hand, I'm not having a death wish for now. 

I save my entry and shut down my computer. If I wanted to have some energy for tomorrow, then I better get some rest. I lay down in bed, but I can't seem to fall asleep. The idea of the voices just waiting at the right moment to attack nages at me, refusing to let me sleep. So I'll just lay here.... I thought. Just... until... I fall asleep...

Grillby P.O.V.

I have been laying this is damn bed for god knows how long. and I can't fall asleep. I sigh and sit up. Maybe a walk will do it. I think as I put on something that looks decent enough to go outside in. I go outside and walk down a street that is usually very busy. But since it's late at night, only a few late nighteres are here on this street, including me. Maybe I should get back to the house. Fuku mght be worried since she more than likely heard me open and close the front door. I think as I head back to the house. 

When I got home, I saw this knife on the table. Strange... it wasn't there before. I went over to it and picked it up. Hmm... looks big, but very light. I sliced it threw the air. Very quick. Pretty good at making quick kills... I stopped when I thought that. Kill? Why would I kill someone?! I wouldn't do that! I can't even pick a fight at times! ...But the thought sounded like a good idea. I just don't know why... I shrug and bring the knife back to my room, where I tossed it onto my night stand and set my glasses next to it. Now maybe I can get some rest.... I thought as I finally dozed off.

(ALRIGHT ANOTHER PART DOWN! Man I can't believe that I am getting this done rn XD Aight, until I come again, see ya my fellow shippers!)

(ALRIGHT ANOTHER PART DOWN! Man I can't believe that I am getting this done rn XD Aight, until I come again, see ya my fellow shippers!)

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