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Grillby P.O.V.

I finally had some co-workers, so now I'm in the backroom taking a break. I really needed a break from everything. The bar, the customers, the cooking, everything. I take a deep breath and sighed. "It's okay, just a bad day. You can get through this." I tell myself as I come back out of the back room. I went to the bar and went to work as soon as I did. Not long after G walks in and sits at his normal stool. 

"Hey, Gaster." I walk over to him and sit down next to him. G looks over and smiles. "Hello, Grillby." He replies. "What brings you here?"

"What I'm not allowed to come here when I feel like seeing you?"

"Okay, you have a fair point."

"Also, remember Jackie?" He says completely out of the blue. Did he find the body??? Why is he bringing this up?! "Uhhhhh yeah? Why?" I reply. "Well, he came up to my house today and told me you were a yandere," G snickers a little. "There is no way you are a yandere. You're too sweet and normal!" I sigh in relief a little. "Heh, yeah I wonder why that thought got in his head," I say faking a snicker. "Here, I'll get you a cup of coffee." I finally say getting up. 

"Alright." G responds. I walk to the kitchen and lean against a counter, completely staggered at how Gaster doesn't know that I'm a yandere. Heck, he doesn't even believe that I am! I calm myself down and start to make some coffee.

"Hey, boss?"

I look over and see one of my co-workers at the kitchen door. "What is it?" I say, still making the coffee. "Some police officer and a guy just walked in and wants to speak to you." He says, pointing behind him. I look through the window into the kitchen. Gaster was just staring off into space, but not too far from him was Jackie and a police officer. 


"Okay tell them I will be with them in a minute," I say. The co-worker nods and leaves. I sigh and finish making the coffee. I look through the glass, then around the kitchen. Once I knew everyone was not looking, I took my knife and put it in a drawer. There was no way in hell I was not going down without a fight.

I walk out of the kitchen and give G his coffee. But before I could walk over to the police officer and Jackie, G grabbed my arm. "Grillby what is going on? Why is Jackie is a policeman here?" He asks, looking very confused. I sigh and grab his hand. "I'm not sure. I'll talk to them to see what is going on." I say. "Hey, please do me a favor and look over the bar for me okay?" I ask him. Gaster thinks about it, then agrees to it. I thank him by kissing his forehead and head over to Jackie and the police officer.

"Are you Mr. Grillby?" They ask. 

I nod. 

"Sir, this man here says that you tried to kill him. So we would like to take you down to the station to ask you a few questions." I stay in one spot trying to calm myself before agreeing. Gaster is confused as to why they want to question me. I go with them out of the bar and to the station.

Gaster P.O.V. 

I watch as Jackie and the police officer leave with Grillby, towards the station. I'm so confused about why they want to question him. Grillby didn't do anything! I really want to follow them, but I didn't. Grillby wanted me to look after the bar, so that is what I am going to do. I walk into the kitchen, put on a cooking apron, and went to work. Please be alright Grillby... maybe it's a false accusation... I shake my head, due to the voices starting back up. This was going to be a long day...

Grillby P.O.V.

I got put in a questioning room, and soon connected to a lying machine. All I had to do was stay calm and I would get through this... The police officer comes in and sits down across from me.

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