Voices, Pills, and Cuts.

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Gaster P.O.V.

I roll my pencil back and forth with my hand on my desk. I have been doing this for a couple of hours on end. I still couldn't believe that Justin was dead...


I jump back a little. They're back??? Why were they even so quiet??? I panic a little. I would usually just go somewhere private like a bathroom but I was at work and more people were here... I didn't know what to do. Then I remembered.

'I can't believe you think that fire monster will ever love you.'

I open my desk drawer and take out a pill container. Whenever I have one or two of these, I don't really feel that well, but they make the voices go quiet...


I hold my breath and swallow two pills. I shake my head in disgust. I hate, HATE  taking pills but I hate hearing the voices more. I take some deep breaths and put the pill container into my desk drawer when I get a call. I sigh and answer it.

"Yes, what is it?" I obviously sound annoyed, but I have been getting calls for the past few hours. I have answered every single one and they just wasted my time. "Uhhhh hello? Hi, this is Jackie and I was wondering if I can come into your office for a few questions? I work for the local newspaper and I wanted to write an article about the CORE." I hear through the phone. I didn't like to tell people about the CORE a lot, but I didn't want to say no and ruin someone's day. 

"*sigh* Yes alright. Do you need directions to my office or can you find it on your own?" I ask. "I can find it on my own. I'm good at finding things," he replies and then hangs up. Uhhhhhhhh okay, completely random. I think as I set my phone down. I sort the papers on my desk that got spread out. Once I finish, there was a knock on my office door. "Come!" I call out and what do you know, Jackie comes in with a notebook and pen.

"Sorry, it took a little longer than I expected to find your office." He says sitting down. "That's quite alright. Now, what questions do you have about the CORE?" I reply.

 "Oh right. Alright first question," he flips to an open page in their notebook. "Why did you build it?" They ask. This is going to take forever... I thought as I sigh.

-This time skip is sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends-

Jackie P.O.V.

I have asked Gaster many questions about the CORE and he gave me an answer for every single one. I thought I wouldn't get this far with this. My boss was going to be so happy! I look at the time on my watch. "Oh geez, 2 hours went by that fast?!" I say jumping out of my seat. Gaster gets a little startled. 

"Sorry sir, but it's almost my lunch break and I'm afraid to miss it." I apologize. "Oh, well that's quite alright. If you like, I can show you a nearby place to eat at." he offers standing up. I accepted, but when I was nodding, I saw some kind of container in his open desk drawer. I try to lean to see what it was but he closes the drawer. I shake my head start to head out dragging Gaster by the arm out of his office. I really wanted to see this place Gaster wants to show me!

Grillby P.O.V.

I was cooking a million things at once. I was so tired, and going after that person last night didn't help either. The rush hour always gets me tired. I hear the door open and close again and I sigh. I look through the kitchen window to the main area and I saw it was Gaster and some other person. Who is he? Is he touching Gaster? Why is he with Gaster? These thoughts just come up in my mind as soon as I see them. But I shake my head and continue to cook everything. I eventually manage to serve everyone's food and rush over to Gaster and the person's table with menu's.

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