I look at the message before I went to bed and I just keep thinking about it and I assumed it was maddison
*BANG*I heard some thing down stairs,so I went down and I saw red sauce everywhere I stood there in shock and then *thud*I heard upstairs and I looked up stairs and I saw a shadow in my room it just creeped me out and I ran out the door and I saw a truck out the front I couldn't think so I just ran ,I ran to Carter and I knocked on the door and Mrs Reynolds awsered and saw me crying and she let me in and she was completely the nicest person ever. Then I saw Carter at the stairs and ran over and hugged me and I just cryed into his cheasted.
I stayed at Carters house for the night.
--------------next morning-----------------
I woke up early and went up to my room and looked around it was trashed and there was a stain on the carpet saying you will regret it.
Who ever the number is has gone too far.
I had a shower and put on a tank top ,some denim jeans and put on my purpel vans I get my school books and put them in my bag.
I walk to school with carter and we held hands and he smiled down and we were about to kiss and then we got ambushed with water bombs!!
I was so annoyed who ever it is,is going too far!
We finnaly got to school and I went to class in maths.
I go to open my book and my pages were glued together and I saw Amy across the room lauphing with her friends and I just got through is without telling her what up she really popular and such a thot tho.
Janayas POV:
I saw Suzie in math class and lucky I had a spear book so I walked it to her class like a ninja and gave her my book she look so relived "Thanks, I ow you one."she whispered.
I walked out and the I bumped into Carter and he just smiled and walked into class.
Carters POV:
I walked into class and then there was a set behind Suzie and Amy walked pass and dropped a note
'Hey your ment to be with me what are you doing?You know I'm better and so low even for you.'
I looked over at her and she winked I wrote on the page'sorry I think im gonna swerving lains and say loyal' I told Pete to pass it down to her.
When she opened it you should have saw her face tho
--------------2nd break-----------------
At lunch Carter and I sat at the
Lunch table with gilinsky and Naya they so attached. Then Amy decides to sit with us "hey Carter"she flirted
I looked at suzie she was about to blurt out but then Naya controlled her damn she's so cute when she jealousthen Amy touched my arm and winicked and Suzie lost it and climbed over the table and sat between us and gave her a dead star.
It was funny and scary cause it looked like she was gonna cut a hoe.I have the best girl friend ever!
"What are you still doing here"Suzie questioned and did her little hand signit was so cute then janaya leaned over and star and did it
"Dafuqu" they said together the were so funny.
"What ever you guy are so weird anyway"Amy flipped her hair and walked away.
"That's how you shut down a hoe!"Suzie flipped her hair,I love her so much
"Swerving lains"janaya lauphed
They were the best of friend.
"You know who I havent seen all day?,Madison beer"Suzie said
"She must have layed it off after yesterday"janaya smirked.
"Yer mabey"Suzie look down
----------later after school----------
I walked home with Suzie,I held her hand and we went to the park.
We sat down on the bridge and let our leg hang over.
She leaned against my cheast and look up at me she so cutei leaned in for a kiss her lips felt like rose pedalsand taste like heven.
It was getting late so we went home.
Suzie's POV:
I went home I was really scared my parents didn't believe me they thought that I was lying.I went to my room and tryed to sleep but it felt impossible then I saw a black shadow at my window so I ran to Jayme's room I felt like I was 10 seeing things. I was just about to fall asleep then we herd a noise at the backyard.
We looked at each other,we went down to the kitchen Jayme grabbed a pan and I grabbed a knife she looked at me"of course"
We looked around the the back yard and we saw carter
"What are you doing here?"
"Whatching over you"he smiled
I love him so much he's sweet.
I invited him inside and we were watching a movie. I walked it to the kitchen then I notice butter all over the ground but it was too late I slipped and everything went black.
------------*I wake up*------------
I look around and I'm in the hospital and then I felt pain in my arm and I have a cast on I look over to see carter by my side and he gives me a smile of relief then all the boys came in with balloons a a giant teddy bear and the all squished me with a hug.Carter hugged my tight"don't ever scare me like that"he squeezed tighter and I kissed his cheek.
Oml what will happen next?
I can't wait till the next chapter it intence ass!plzz vote for my chapter
Ily so muchand leave comments on what you thought

Endless Love(Carter Reynolds and Jack Glinsky fan fic!)
RandomSuzie is average teenager,well seem like it but her neighbour is Carter Reynolds they gave been friends for like forever they start to fall could some thing happen and go wrong? (I've just re ently changes it to a carter reynold and jack glinsky f...