Nothing of Pain

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Please be aware that I may not upload for some time for personal reasons. I will respect your time please return the favor. I'm making sure that all of the chapters will be 1,000 or more words. I also reread them a few times to try and catch some of the petty errors.

Thank you, Enjoy the story!

Warning! Please read the TW below.

TW: Some sensitive subjects will be discussed in this story. Self-harm literally happens in the second paragraph and much later in the story. If you are uncomfortable with this please leave for your own well-being. Also a whole lot of blood and swearing.

I was always intrigued as to how people would cry at the most simple of occurrences. Well, that was before someone made me aware of that of which I was missing. I was completely oblivious to the world of feeling I had been missing out on. Pain. I had never felt pain, at least not physical pain. I had many emotions but no physical pain to caution me against common errors.

Laying back in my bed I listen to the dripping of blood dropping slowly on my bedroom floor. I didn't even feel it. As I have picked up over the years, I'm no normal person; normal people's wrists would be stinging, and they would be crying or screaming in pain. Maybe, just screaming internally from the pain. I was screaming on the inside, but not for the reason you would assume. Only the fact that I felt nothing, could make me scream internally.

I snap out of my thoughts, deciding to check the time. Sitting up, I stare down at the blood leaking out of my left wrist. The puddle of blood on my floor seemed to taunt me. All this blood and I only felt slightly light-headed. No pain. No emotions. Except for frustration. Sighing, I force myself to stand and walk to my dresser, where I keep the bandages I use. Shuffling through one of my drawers, my eyes land on the dress. I don't wear dresses. It usually causes problems, but I never like wearing that stuff. It was uncomfortable and made it hard to fight if I needed to.

Staring at the dress, I feel my mind begin to wander to the last time I wore it. Noticing where my mind was going, I quickly found and grabbed the bandages. As soon as I start wrapping the cuts, I realize that the bandages don't seem like they will last long against the amount of blood leaking out. I wouldn't be overtly against dying and I would almost say I would prefer it. I finish wrapping the wounds and walk over to my closet where I grabbed my long-sleeved hoodie. Putting it on, I open my door and walk out of my room. Sitting down at the table by my sister, I look over to see what she's doing. She looks up, "Hey, Lana!"

I nod to her and raise my eyebrows at the parchment she is writing on. She understands without needing me to say a single word. "I'm writing a letter," she smiles.

"To who?" I ask. She hesitates, unconsciously making me aware that it's someone mother wouldn't appreciate, "Will," she whispered.

"Wilbur?" I lean in closer to hear better. She nodded, "We've been talking a lot lately and he's really nice so I've decided I want to meet him. He's the prince of the Sleepy Bois kingdom." I could clearly see that she really wanted to meet him, but our mother isn't the most easy-going of mothers. She's way overprotective and also extremely abusive at the same time. It's not that she physically hurts us, she just keeps us from having social lives, friends, acquaintances, boyfriends or girlfriends, and even pets. She is abusive only in light of mental stability.

I nod to her and whisper, " If you need I can cover for you." Her expression brightens, " Thank you, Lana!" She hugs me, "No problem Nikki."

We both break the hug simultaneously, as we hear our mother's bedroom door open. Nikki goes back to writing, and I grab the book I had been reading for a while that was sitting on the side of the table. I reread the title to myself; "The Art of War, Sun Tzu" I open to the page I was on as my mother walks in.

"Nikita what are you writing?!" She reached to snatch the parchment away from Nikki. 'Nikita' prefers to be called Nikki instead, but her mother never cared. Mother was trying to snatch Nikki's parchment. In doing so she caused Nikki to deflect her hand, causing her to spill ink everywhere. My father walks in, having heard the commotion from his newspaper reading chair.

Knowing which way this is about to go, I stand up and walk over to Nikki and help her out of her chair. "What happened here?!" The sound of our father yelling made Nikki flinch. I lead her out of the room and into her own bedroom, but before I could close the door she put her hand in the way looking desperately at me to stop. "Nikki, You know I don't feel the pain they can't hurt me. We have less to lose if I get it rather than you."

"But I don't want you to get hurt," Nikki teared up. I shush her and close the door. Turning back to the commotion of my parents speaking of how to punish Nikki, without saying a singular word, I pick up the parchment, ink, and quill bringing them to Nikki, who once again tried to stop me.

"Nikita!" Father yelled. Then he saw me, "Lana get your sister out here right now."

I shake my head and watch as he raises his eyebrows. Shit. This is the face he makes before-

"EXCUSE ME YOUNG LADY YOU WILL LISTEN TO YOUR FATHER!" He screamed shaking the whole house. Mother just stood by and watched with a slightly perturbed look plastered on her face.

My silence agitated my father even further and he walked over to me. As he slapped me my face stayed as stone-cold as it was before. He then grabs my hair yelling. I was wondering what Nikki was doing when I noticed that I felt a little too light-headed. My vision started to become impaired. My father didn't even notice my unnaturally pale complexion. As he continued to hit me, I waited.

"I think that's enough," my mother steps in suddenly caring. My father scoffed and yelled, "You hear that Nikita?! You're lucky your sister knows that she has no worth!" He then left back to the living area.

My mother went to help me up, but I swat away her hand getting up myself and limping to Nikki's room. I open the door making sure to close it behind me. I could hear Nikki crying in a hushed tone. She's a kind person and doesn't deserve the pain. No pain was shared. The only thing hurting me was simply the words, but I had become good at acting as if I didn't feel emotions either. I didn't feel anything. Well, that is other than my head pounding as the room starts to spin.

"Try and meet Wilbur, you deserve it," I spoke stumbling through the door. One step into the room my blurred vision and a fuzzy brain turned into darkness and I went unconscious.

"Lana?! Lana-" Nikki cried out. That was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

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