Welcome Home

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The moment I had made my first step on the glossy marble floor, the echo of my boots colliding with the floor rung throughout the entrance. While I was unsuccessful in my attempt to take in all of my surroundings, Phil strutted past me. The attitude he traveled with suggested that this was his typical space. I restrained a scoff having known that he was thoughtful enough to allow everyone to stay.

Philza strode his way through the mid of the room, the manner with which he traveled resounded in ignorance. This was an everyday sight for him. After gawking for a few minutes we all gathered and followed him on a tour. The castle was extravagant. Since we all had been sitting for hours, I knew there would be complaints. Of course, no one had the guts to tell him to his face, as Philza had allowed us all to stay here free of cost. 

Adjacent to the room I was said to be staying in, was a training room. From what Phil had described, it was full of a variety of weapons, dummies, and even other people training at certain hours of the day. He offered to move my room so that I could have a more 'peaceful' sounding area. However, I disagreed and told him that I would most likely want to use the training room. He caught the message that I would like it to be of such proximity. 

To my own surprise, Phil didn't even bat an eye at this and just continued the tour. Most would have told me that I didn't need the training room, moved my room anyways, or yelled at me for being 'not feminine enough'. Phil was beyond his time. Come to think of it, no one has cared about it at all since Nikki and I had left home. Maybe it was just our own parents' perception and not society. 

I was most likely more masculine than my own father. 

Navigating the castle was going to be a hassle, or at least that's what Tubbo had said. Phil had been prepared for this and informed us that he had someone making maps for all of us to use. The only suspicious thing about it was how serious Phil had seemed when telling us not to lose it or give it to anybody. Once he had finished with the tour he walked all of us to our rooms telling us to get washed up and changed. If I had a castle similar to this I wouldn't want people to be wearing sweaty, or dirty clothes in my palace. 

I turned the door handle and pushed excessively to get it open. The door was unnecessarily heavy due to the gold-infused wood. After the door closed behind me, I began to look around. The first thing I saw was the bed. It was engulfed in blankets and had stacks of pillows atop it. It gave the impression that they had been stolen from several families. The only thing keeping me from actually considering it was the matching pattern they all seemed to share. 

The headboard was dark wood with a carved pattern and silver, gold accents. To my left, I saw a vanity accompanying a chair of the same dark wood, silver, and gold palette. Next to it were many shelves of books and a few cabinets of items to be used at the vanity. In the left corner of the room close to the bed was a small cushioned seat. It looked very comfortable and had a candle on a small table next to it. It seemed that it was meant for reading the books lining the left wall. 

Hanging above the bed was a framed renaissance painting. To the right of the bed was a window, lockable with the ability to be opened. A door on the right wall then caught my attention. It was a walk-in closet. It held all kinds of clothes. Some were intended for women and some for men. That wasn't including all of the jewelry, accessories, and shoes further to the back. Through the closet was a restroom. I then decided to get my first shower in a long while. 

After taking a shower I put on the improvised outfit I had collected just before. A simple, blouse, trousers, boots, and my hair tied up. Once I had put it all on, I looked at myself in the mirror and saw some things I would have fixed if I had cared enough, but I didn't. I just started walking to look at the library.

"A whole closet of clothes and you still look like a complete imbecile." Sapnap stopped next to me and looked at my outfit. He was wearing a good combination of the men's section that was available. However, he had made it evident that this was not his normal. Sapnap and I had found each other teasing often. It was kind of fun to have someone to tease. As it was a mutual agreement we weren't going to get all hurt or anything. 

"I just love matching that face of yours that much." I tilted my head as I finished talking. He just scoffed and shook his head. 

"Whatever, Philza wants to introduce us all to some people. Dinner is soon so he decided to do it then. It's now time to eat dinner." I was a little confused by how he had worded it but I got the message and begun in the direction of the dining room. 

I pulled the door open and looked in to see three people talking. Well, Nikki and Tubbo were arguing about what the cutest animal was while Wilbur was spacing out. The expression on Will's face told me that something wasn't right. He knew something that we didn't. All of us were nervous about Tommy missing but he seemed as if he already where Tommy was and he didn't seem too thrilled by it. I shook my head, I couldn't just speculate about the little things. I didn't want to get into anyone's business. 

"Hey Lana," Nikki waved from her seat.

"Not to be rude but, what are you wearing?" Tubbo seemed puzzled by my choice of attire. 

"I don't like dresses. Or skirts for that matter. So, I just wore my own compilation of random items of clothing," they both nodded as Wilbur continued spacing out, "Also I'm not hungry and I feel kind of tired so I think I'll go to bed early. Tell Phil I'm sorry but, I need to relax."

They both agreed and I left not on my way to my bedroom, but on the way to the library. 

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