The Arrival

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Crossing the vast plains was in and of itself, a cumbersome task, and Tubbo complaining about how tired he was, he wasn't helping in the slightest. Being out in the open wasn't a very comfortable feeling. We had all been in the forest surrounded by trees for so long that it felt increasingly safe. As we crossed we came across many a hindering. I was walking relative to the back of the group when Dream dropped back to talk to me.

"What is your plan?" I raised my eyebrows at him, "I mean for when we arrive there. Where are you planning to go?"

I sigh and trace my steps with my eyes, "I don't know. I guess I'm just hoping that we can live more stably."

He nodded to me before looking up to the moon. He was an interesting person and I couldn't help but want to know more about him and his friends. "Hey, Dream?" I mentally facepalm as he looks back at me.

I guess I've committed now. "You're an interesting person and I wouldn't be opposed to getting to know you more."

I start to panic slightly not being able to read the expression of a mask. "It's alright if you want to go separate ways. I just thought maybe you would want to know someone in the kingdom." I look away from him pained by how awkward I was.

"Yeah," I looked back at him, " It would be fun to hang out sometime."

I space out while looking at him as I wonder if I was as awkward as I sounded from my point of view. I nod at him and we continue to walk. Strutting along the grass down a slight slope music played in my head. This moment was being nailed into my memory. My mind had chosen this calm and joyous night to store forever. Since spacing out I hadn't really been listening to anything going on around me.

I slip down half the slope and stand up as if it never happened. As I ignore the laughing around me I dust off my clothes and continue on the way. As we inched ever near to the walls the night became progressively more peaceful.

The calm before a storm.

At a certain point, we stopped to get some rest. What was rest had transformed into pitching our tents for the rest of the night.

After half a night of nightmarish stories playing out in my head, I am awoken to yells. I open my eyes and prop myself up. Yawning I rub my eyes and push off the blanket getting onto my feet. I open the tent and take a few steps out. As I blink my vision turns to the heat vision that I had gotten used to. I then realize that most of what I'm seeing is maroon.

I can define what I'm seeing to be many humans marching towards our quaint camp. They were carrying guns in the first row and the people further back seemed to hold bows. I scrambled back to my tent collecting my crossbow and quiver. I loaded the crossbow and went back out to see that they had stopped about a few hundred meters away. There was no one place to point my crossbow. There were too many. Defeat fills my head before anything could be caused.

As I stand staring down the barrels of hundreds of guns they are all put back to the owners' sides. I hold tightly to my bow shuffling nervously. One figure steps out from the crowd causing me to point my bow in his direction. This movement turned out to be an extravagant mistake. Before the person could speak to me an arrow was flying toward my face from somewhere to the man's right.

My sight floods with crimson and the arrow starts to move in slow motion. So slow that I can catch it midair only centimeters from my left eye. Whispers intertwine with the wind as I had now done something nearly impossible.

"We are not here to harm you. We are simply searching for my son." I drop the arrow on the ground as my vision is washed in indigo. As I stand looking at the man a profile appears as if something on my own eye.

King Philza of Sleepy Bois. Appeared above his head. I blinked and the words stayed there. As I looked out to the troops' many names appeared but the most prominent trait was that they were all guards. Before I could process it they had aimed once again... against their king's orders.

The air became heavy as tension fueled my heart to accelerate. This couldn't be the end. If I have to go to save all of them I will do it. But this isn't what I wanted. My life started flashing in my mind as I realized how happy I had finally been. No this can't be it. Not now. I just started to smile and laugh.

As I was staring at the falling sky of wood and sharpened metal. I stared waiting to be put to an end, but it never happened. All the arrows halted around me. I observed the face of the king and realized immediately that this was my own doing. My gaze was glazed in yellow this time around. As if on cue as Dream had climbed out of his tent all of the arrows come crashing down. None of us were hit but Dream had seen it, and now I would have to explain it.

Though the day had just begun I already felt the need to go into a deep slumber. Before I could react, the king was standing having climbed off of his horse, greeting Dream. He then turned on his heel facing me. Just his gaze was able to make me feel exponentially less important. A king standing in front of me.

"Have you seen my son? He's about 6"5, chocolate brown hair, hazel eyes?"  Even though I knew he was talking about Wilbur, I was more shocked at how he had described him. It was almost the perfect way to describe him without having to go into detail.

"Yes. Wilbur, correct?" I speak attempting to calm myself. Once he processed what I had said, hope glimmered in his retinas for a moment.

"Where did you see him last?" He was trying to sound poise and proper but it was obvious that he was worried and now hopeful.

"Oh give me a second one of my allies should know." Walking over to Wilbur's tent I hear the tapping of the king's foot on the ground. He was anxious. I open the tent and peak in seeing Wilbur already awake and collecting his things. I tell him to come out as soon as possible.

Standing and waiting for him seemed to be the longest few minutes of my life. The second Wilbur vacated his tent I see a tear glint in his father's eye. They both had frozen upon seeing each other. Philza opened his arms and Will sprinted past me to hug his father.

Dream walked up and stood next to me, "Good luck explaining those arrows to the king."
I nodded knowing that he was right.

As Philza explained to us that he would take us in if we needed, we debated on telling him our stories. Many woke up to join the discussion. After some conflicting thoughts, we all agreed to tell him. He told us that he would take us until we could figure something out or get a job.

I found it strange that Philza hadn't asked about what I had done just yet. However, that didn't concern me as much as it should have. Sapnap and George had been looking at me weirdly since they had come out of their tents. The reason this was more concerning was that they didn't look like they had woken up minutes ago. Which means that they could have seen one of the things I had done. One of the impossible ones.

After collecting all of our stuff he suggested that we walk back to his source of travel. He told us that he would bring us to his palace to stay. We all thanked him profusely as he brought us to where he had two carriages prepared for travel. They fit four people per carriage. All of our equipment was able to fit as well.

It was Dream, George, Sapnap, and me in one while the others were in one with the king. The ride was very short and in an even more brief amount of time, we were riding through the town watching the citizens go on with their lives.

This was going to be us. Happy and without a worry, loving our lives. How beautiful...

At least that's how it would have been.

If it wasn't for... him.

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