The Literature

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There were two floors of the palace library alone,  and shelves taller than anyone would have the ability to reach. Lucky for me there were sliding ladders attached to each of them. Before I could start searching, I would have to know what I would be looking for. I needed to see anything from urban legends, to scientific studies. Once again I got lucky, the scientific section was directly in front of me. Looking at the first few bottom rows I figured I would need to look at the top rows.

I slide the ladder a few meters left, locking it in place. I start to climb and freeze as I feel it wobble slightly. I take a breath, I am not scared of heights, it was never a phobia that affected me in any way. But this was different, It didn't seem like this ladder was connected correctly. Regardless I continued holding on with the death grip of someone who had that phobia. At the point I would call the top, I look through the books and see a group of them about, and catering to old studies about species.

Gathering a good stack of them, I decided to get the rest on my next trip. I was slowly making my descent to the floor when the two top books began slipping off of the stack. In a panic, I use both hands to stabilize them. Before I could react I was losing altitude quickly. Without batting an eye my heels catch one of the rungs of the ladder. My hands follow without my own instruction clinging onto another rung. I hadn't realized that I had my eyes closed until I opened them. The floor was less than a meter away from me.

My hands were lower on the ladder than my feet. My back was to the ladder as well. It was as if I was doing a bridge vertically. I kicked my legs forward and watched them land on the floor before I let my grip leave the ladder and stood up straight. I turn around and see my books floating in random positions around the same area. I grabbed them all one at a time setting them back in my hands.

I noticed the purple tint to my view just seconds before it had gone back to normal. My hitched breath slowed as I set my books on a nearby table.

"I wonder what everyone would think if they knew what just happened," a voice abruptly sounded behind me causing me to wince. 

I spun around quickly seeing the figure of who I was hoping to make a good first impression to.

Technoblade. In my haste I had spun around one of my books had flown at him high speed. It just barely left a cut on his face. He had tilted his head letting most of the book go by. 

"I... please don't, I'm sorry," I was unsure of what I could say to him in this situation. I could hear him start to walk away. What is he doing?

"Wait. Where are you going?! Please let me explain first." Without a word he halted and turned to look at me.

"I don't know anything about how that keeps happening. I've been able to keep it from most people but I don't want anyone to be questioning me about it before I have any answers to give to them." I waited as he tilted his head.

"You have until this time tomorrow to have figured it out. Then you will have to tell them. If not I will have to. I don't usually give chances like this but since your so desperate I'll only give you this. Now, if you don't mind I was on my way to the dinner where I was supposed to meet you and your acquaintances." As he walked off I knew why he was so intimidating.

The way he spoke was easily the most matter of fact way I had ever heard. His monotone voice was only giving me less faith that he will actually wait that long. I was told that he loved himself some chaos. I hadn't even realized that he had even been inside the library. That was probably since it was bigger than any library I had seen in my lifetime.

Sighing, I walk back over to the books and start to go through them one by one. The first of the books was a long narrative about the extinction of humans that was yet to come. It gave no real insight and instead made uneducated and hopeful statements about the future. It was hardly informative writing. The cover was completely unrelated to the theory that the book was all about. 

Following that book, a very new book with all the known species. Humans were on the last page, but all it said was that they weren't extinct. I had been hopeful for a moment before the hope that was taking off was shot down. I was more closely related to humans or apes than any other animals, so that was the main cause of my false excitement. 

Most of the books coming after were as useless as the first. They included all species, the exception being whatever I am. They all explicitly avoided the subject or gave no information about it. Some even put the word extinct across some pages for the extinct ones, not caring to give any history on them. 

After about three hours, I finally found one that seemed to be the more promising of the bunch. Opening the book I saw that the first chapter was about humans. Finding the table of contents was a simple task. Going down the line I see one species that I am unfamiliar with. Hope grows like cancer inside of my head.

Flipping to the page I got a few paper cuts that I didn't notice for what was likely an eternity. I came to the correct page numbers and began to read the first of them. 'Genus Arte Subcinctus' was the name of the chapter. As I read I learned quite a few important things. The book spoke of 'Oculi subcinctus' which was some kind of shifting of the color of one's eyes. This was me. My eyes changed color as my abilities were altered. Color autem oculus enim correspondet illis quae accipit facultatem immodica, adiecit. It made perfect sense with that simple sentence.

(Use google translate to Latin if you want. I used google translate XD)

I read the whole section multiple times over to ensure that I knew what I was. I hadn't expected this to happen so soon, but I already found not so great news about my people. They were known to lack any sense of physical pain, and they also dropped off of the map only about a decade ago. It said that they had also weren't heard from for about a decade before that. They had been announced extinct after an invader had found everything abandoned in their kingdom. However, they had not found a single corpse.

They were almost certainly still out there somewhere. As I read the rest of it I decided to summarize it in my head so it would be easier to explain later on. Many believed that they had simply decided as a nation to separate and disperse. They could be anywhere. I wanted to find at least one but it didn't seem likely that it would ever happen. I sigh in relief and begin to put back the stack of around a hundred books. Once I had finished I left the library and find myself in a silent and moonlit hallway. Everyone is most likely asleep at this time.

I decide to get a drink of water before I decide to go to sleep. The excitement of now knowing is overriding how tired I thought I was. Just one glass of water.

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