Futile Untruths

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Phil lying to everyone was a shock but I was a good enough actor to make it not quite obvious. Wilbur and Techno seemed to have the same reaction that I had, but they were even better at hiding it. "Will he be okay?" Nikki had tears brimming her eyes.

"He should be fine," Phil lied, "We are planning a search party of officials of law to find him. They are trained, so it's almost a guarantee that he will be returned to us soon."

Nikki nodded and was comforted by Wilbur. Phil decided to give everyone breakfast as they had already been awake for hours and not eaten. The servants brought out the meal one dish at a time. I didn't eat much, I never do. Until now, it hadn't really been that noticeable. I got some looks from Nikki, but no one else really cared. Once it was all done everyone separated to do their own things or to simply hangout.

As I was leaving I was pulled to the side by the oldest son, Technoblade. "Did you figure it out?" He seemed impatient, "What you are."

I nodded to him, "But I don't think this is a good time to tell all of them. Can I tell them once we get Tubbo back?"

He pondered on it for a while, "Fine. Once he's back I'm exposing you."

"What if he doesn't ever come back?" I say before I can stop myself.

He looked back at me for a few seconds, "Phil's lies will catch up to him. Either living or dead, when he comes back you need to tell them. The only exception is if the situation calls for concentration."

I agree and we both go our separate ways. I made my way to the training room to get my mind off of things. That failed horribly as I couldn't get the effect of the lies off of my mind. Phil knew what he was doing and he was a good king. This, however, seemed like a giant trap. The white lies keep getting darker. It's not easy to keep it all between us. I just wanted to tell Nikki the truth so she doesn't have to be disappointed.

I walked in and began browsing the weapons. I picked the staff and went to a training mat. There I practiced attacking with it and spinning it around. As I spin it my mind wonders like usual. My desperation to know why Phil is lying so much gets the best of me and I only space back in as the staff is flying across the room.

It gets caught by Dream who was standing there watching. "Something got you all up in arms?"

I sigh apologizing and walking over to get my stuff back. "Not going to tell me about it? How sad. I'm hurt."

I roll my eyes at him, "It's none of your business." I go to grab my staff but he holds it in the air out of my reach.

"Is it my business now?" He smirked at me behind his mask. I couldn't see it but I could tell.

"Dream, really it's nothing you would understand. God, I don't even understand!" I jump failing to grasp my staff.

"What a shame. I'll change the topic. Where did you learn to spin it like that?" He tilts his head and attempts to spin it himself. I grab it a few centimeters from his mask. He was about to hit himself in the face. Well, in the mask.

" I didn't get taught by anyone. I just figured It out," he finally let me have my staff.

"Can you use an ax?" I nodded, "Want to spar?" I considered refusing but decided it would be useful to gauge his power.

We lined up with wooden axes across from each other. We both counted down and began. Dream won quickly on the first spar but I was prepared for the next one. As we began the second one he tried to use the same tactic as last time to get me down but I saw that one coming. I was able to use a throw to put him on the ground but sadly he didn't stay down for long enough. He threw me off and stood again. I was barely able to stop myself before falling out of the ring.

A few spars later we were tied and had decided on this being the last one. We were both putting in all of what we had. Dream was obviously better than me but I was not a human and had superior reaction time. That was able to balance us. I found myself in a tight spot he was about to knock me out of the arena when my vision turned crimson. I began to panic, knowing where this was about to go.

I was not in control of my body as I had dodged and my ax was heading toward his neck. It was a wooden edged ax but it could do some damage. My heart pounded as I watched the ax inch closer in slow motion. As it was about to hit everything went back to normal and It was George holding the ax handle. He was the only thing stopping the ax from hitting Dream's neck. Time moved as usual and my vision wasn't red, but we all stood silently. It was as if time had stopped as I stared at the disappointment on George's face. Shit.

Sapnap and Dream trusted me pretty fine but George was far from trusting me. Now that this had happened he was never going to trust me. I could have just killed his best friend if he wasn't there to stop me.

"George I-" I was cut off by George letting go of the ax and pulling Dream away from me.

"You know I was starting to think that you weren't that bad!" George had Dream, who was still in shock, behind him, "And then you go and try to kill one of my best friends!"

"George I didn't mean to-" He refused to let me explain myself.

"DIDNT MEAN TO WHAT?! SWING AN AX AT DREAM'S THROAT?!" I flinched at the tone and volume of his voice.

This time Dream was the one to cut in. "George calm down! She didn't do it on purpose," he spoke causing George to turn toward him.

"How?!" George was in a pretty bad mindset.

"If you were to actually look at her face while it was happening, you would notice that there were tears in her eyes."

George was silent. I must not have noticed them. I remember my vision being altered but I was more focused on what I was doing than how my sight was. George glared at me before sighing and dragging Dream out of the room. On his way out he looked back to me, "Stay away from us"

I nodded but it wasn't possible. Well, look at that. Looks like I'm lying now as well.

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