The meeting

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This has got to be one of my favorite stories. Please comment :)

Katara never admired these types of parties, they were more like a ball. She thought she was invited just because she was the Avatar's girl, but no one ever noticed she was part of the gang who literally saved the world. She scowled at the thought, there was a speech going on about how the Avatar was soooo great, he was literally worshipped in Republic city. 

Her thoughts were interrupted by a journalist, "You're the Avatar girlfriend, right? Anyways I just wanted to ask if there was any sexual tension between the two of you?". Katara was stunned. How dare he ask such a personal question, she scowled at him and bent the water from her glass and turned them to sharp icicles facing the interviewer, "Get out" she said with her teeth gritted. He squirmed and quickly excused himself from the table. She put the water back and turned to the girl next to her.

"This is stupid" Katara mumbled to her.

"I think it's pretty sweet, the people thinking and supporting the avatar so much," Suki said with a smile on her face.

"They aren't supporting him! They are just blindly worshipping him even though he didn't do anything for the past year. He is nowhere to be found, do you know where he is? Probably went to take a vacation forever. Suki, there is no Avatar anymore" Katara whisper shouted to Suki, she was furious now.

"Kat, he will come back for you, for all of us, just don't lose hope," Suki said with a hand on Katara's shoulder.

"He didn't come back in the past year, did he? I doubt he's coming back now, for me or for you" Katara said avoiding Suki's eyes.

"Do you want to go for a walk near the lake?" Suki smiled hoping to calm her down.

"Alone" Katara mumbled standing up. Suki's smiled disappeared and gave Katara a slow nod. Katara walking out from the main door in a fit of rage, her blue thinking out loud skater dress flowing behind her.

She reached the lake and sat on a nearby bench taking a deep breath. She couldn't believe that people still wanted him back. I have lived alone, with a hole in my heart for the past year I can manage for the rest of my life. I don't need a stupid person who can leave me whenever he wants just to go babysit the fucking world. I don't need him or anyone else, I can take care of myself. I don't care if my love will be incomplete, I don't need anyone's love. Katara thought this with tears in her eyes and her hand on her mother's necklace. "That...shitty...asshole" Katara nearly shouted.

"Who, me?" Katara heard a voice beside her, then she saw him, after a whole year. A handsome, young, tall man about the age of 18. He stared at her with a smile on his face, his gray eyes shining at the sight of her, and his eyebrow raised at her questioningly. His bald head exposing an arrowed tattoo that went down his neck and his hands in his pocket.

"A-Aang?" Katara said standing up, she forgot all her anger and rage and ran to him and brought him into an embrace. She melted in him until her anger returned to her.

She pulled away with a scowled expression. Aang looked at her confused.

"You...fucking...bastard," She said pushing him after each word.

"Ow, Kat, What's the matter?" He asked.

"What's the matter! You think you can come here whenever you want, leave whenever you want, and then not tell me anything! Who do you think you are?" Katara screamed at him, pinning him to a tree and both her hands holding his shirt in front of her.

"The Avatar?"Aang replied with a smirk, thinking he would get a laugh out of her. Oh, how wrong he thought.

"How dare you?! When I'm done with you, you won't be the Avatar anymore!" She said pushing him harder.

Aang gulped making his adam apple move. But Katara refused to get distracted.

"Where the fuck were you, Avatar?" She spat the word out like it meant nothing, "After four months when you left I got so worried. I sent letters to Zuko asking for your whereabouts, but he never replied, did you know that? I sent Sokka and Suki with some Kyoshi warrior to look for you, they looked in the Southern Water Tribe, the Earth Kingdom, and even the Air temples for goodness sake. I even threatened the Firelord, because I couldn't find you. You didn't even tell 6 of your closest friend where you were, you didn't tell me. You weren't anywhere in the world..."

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