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This is the continuation of the first part, the flashback of when Katara threatened Firelord Zuko. Please comment :)

(Flashback)Katara saw Sokka's boat come closer and closer, she hoped her Avatar would be in the boat too. But with no luck, Sokka looked defeated. Remembering all her letters to Zuko which were clearly ignored she said, "Take me to the Firelord." When they reached there, Katara didn't even care who starred at her or wh tried to stop her. Sokka and Suki were behind her trying to calm her down even Toph tried but it was no use. Katara barged into the throne room and saw Zuko's eyes widen at the sight of her and Mai looked at both of them confused. She shouted at the entrance of the room, "Zuko, I will kill you!" At her words, Zuko looked down with regret and guilt, Mai looked at him with fury wondering what he did, they both knew Katara wasn't actually gonna kill him but they meant what she was trying to say. The guards went towards Katara ready to attack, but Katara's eyes were glued on the Firelord, and walked towards him ignoring the guards. The guards were about to attack only to be stopped by the Firelord himself, he let Katara come to him. He could tell she was in pain and he caused it. She got water from the plants nearby, making them wither and using the water to freeze him against his own throne. Sokka, Suki, Toph, and Mai looked at both of them, they knew Katara wouldn't do this unless it was for a valid reason. She looked at Zuko with a growl. Zuko was in trouble. Katara stood in front of him and shouted "Would you like to explain or should I just say it," She didn't even wait for his response, "I sent hundreds of letters over the past, let us say 4 months! All for one reason, and I am positive you read them so I don't have to say anything, but instead of answering even one of them you thought you could ignore one of your best friends and expect that I will let it go. You thought I would probably understand that 'oh, he's the Firelord and all maybe he's busy to answer my very important letters, ay maybe I should just forget' am I right?" Her hands-on both his armrest, Katara bent down inches away from his face, before she could say anything else Mai spoke up "Zuko! She is one of your best friends, one of our only friends, you could have lost her, my love," her words were quiet yet thick, they were soft, yet they made a bigger impact on Zuko than Katara's words did. Zuko dropped his head down almost the brick of tears, Katara almost felt sorry for him but refused to show her emotions at this time. She grabbed his face and made him look towards her, her hand was cold making Zuko wince. "Firelord Zuko, I will ask you one last time... Where is Aang?" Her words were cold like ice itself. "I can't tell you, Aang himself told him to not tell anyone I don't know when the Avatar will be back...I'm sorry." His words were full of guilt and sadness, he looked down unable to meet her eyes. Katara growled one last time at him, "So you knew that he's alive and yet again you ignored me, bastard," and turned her back towards him, she was about to leave the room leaving everyone in shock but she stopped at the doorway and tilt her head to the right side a little "Mai was wrong, you could have lost my friendship, but the truth is you already did, " With a flick of her wrist she melted the ice around him causing him to fall to his knees. She left. (Flashback ends)

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