mentions of drug use
————————kianna got home from her shift at hooters feeling absolutely exhausted from both her job and constantly having to tell clay to stop trying to fuck with her at work. she understood that he was trying to fix the mistake he made, but he didn't understand that it wouldn't be easy to forgive him.
listen, i was thinking, what if we started back onto our tradition we had?kianna
what tradition? i don't remember of one.of course she remembered their tradition, which one he was talking about was another story, but she definitely remembered. they had one for every day of the week, that's probably why everyone though they were dating. her favorite was taco tuesday. they would go to their favorite local taco truck and then go home and throw water balloons off of clays apartment to see how many people they soaked.
are you kidding me? you KNOW which tradition i'm talking about. it was always my favorite one!kianna
what, fuckboy friday?clay
oh real smooth. says the girl who's practically a stripperkianna
aksjdjj working at hooters makes me nothing even close to a stripper— i don't take off my clothes for money.clay
eh close enough. BUUUT you just proved that you remembered the traditions.kianna
how did i— oh fuck. shut up. remind me which one was your favorite though?clay
eaaasy, water park wednesdays. but since water parks aren't open currently, you can come to my house and swim.kianna
you're such a boy oh my god, you're trying to see me in a bathing suit you sick bastard.clay
nonono, that's not what i meant at all. you can literally come dressed head to toe in winter clothes, i just missing playing marco polo with you, my brother, and my sister. you know, they miss you too. lauren especially, she definitely grew a huge liking to you and honest to god cried when she figured out that you weren't coming back.kianna
she was always my favorite, no offense. i didn't grow up with a big female role model in my life so i wanted to give her a decent one. i guess that all fell to shit whenever we stopped talking, but i'm excited to see her.clay
wait so does that mean you're gonna come over tomorrow?kianna sat in silence for a few minutes thinking wether or not she should follow through with her previous sentence and actually go to his house. she felt as if she was trusting him too easily already and just didn't want to end up broken hearted again. she knew how excited lauren would be though which was her main reason for agreeing to go.
i guess i will. BUT the moment i see you staring at any of me that isn't my face, i swear to god i'll drown you in the pool.clay
so i have permission to stare at your face??kianna
uhm no, you can look at my face but no staring. just making it clear that i will drown you for looking anywhere inappropriate.clay
fair enough.kianna
(:the brunette laid in her bed for a few hours before rolling over onto her stomach and lighting a blunt she had on her. she took a few long drags from it just to feel something before she put it out and changed into something more comfortable than her work uniform. she contemplated on going on over to clays house just to see lauren, but she had no idea if it would be a good idea. of course she was an absolute god of making bad decisions so she said fuck it and got dressed into a simple outfit consisting of charcoal mom jeans, a light hoodie, and her doc martens.
as she neared clays house, she felt sick to her stomach. she knew she'd confused both herself and clay, but was excited to see everyone again. his whole family had grown a huge liking to kianna so whenever her and clay went their separate ways, she felt as if she lost more than only a best friend.
she pulls into the driveway of his fairly large home and sits in the car for a few minutes before getting out. she was about to knock on the door when it swung open and a very confused clay appeared in front of her.
"oh uh, hi?" she gives him a little wave and puts her hands in her pockets. "thought i'd swing by, is your family here?" lauren appears out from behind clay and immediately tackles kianna in a hug. "kianna?! you're back!" she smiles and wraps her arms around the younger girl.
"yeah, i'm back. i missed you kiddo!" clays mom and brother also engulfs her in a hug which almost brought tears to her eyes. she saw what looked like a genuine smile on clays face, something she hadn't seen in so long. maybe she'd go a little easy on him just because he seemed to be actually sorry about everything he did to her. she finally had hope again.
authors note!
ahhhh some cute stuff
between kianna and clay.
i think the next chapter will
definitely be much more
cute, but here's what
i've got for you guys
today. i hope
you enjoyed!! <3CONTINUE READING ?
yes. | no.© 2020 -p0pping0ff

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐎 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇. dreamwastaken
Fanfiction𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐎 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇༉⋆·˚ ༘ * kianna montgomery gets high constantly as a coping mechanism to try and rid her mind of someone who once meant everything to her. the one day her dealer is unavailable, a new guy takes his place. the only pro...