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cursing/sexual-ish content??
( not graphic at all but still )

clay thanks the barista as he takes the two coffee's from their hand, "you still order the same thing? you have to be tired of it by now." he jokes with the girl as they find a table to sit at.

"to be fair, i haven't been here in forever." kianna defends herself before sitting down in the chair. the smile on her face hadn't left since they hugged in the car. every time she thought about the interaction, her heart skipped a beat. not because she liked him or had a massive crush on him previously, but because she had her best friend back. he made her so beyond happy when they were friends and she would finally feel it again.

a chill ran up the small girls back as she sipped her warm coffee.

"so, montgomery, you gotta tell me about yourself. fill me in on the juicy bits."

"i don't have much to tell you other than like one thing." they sipped their coffee almost in sync causing the duo to laugh.

"remember harley from 7th grade? the kid that tried to steal your girlfriend from you?"

clay nods his head in response to her question. she had no idea if she should be telling him about the thing she was about to say, but she didn't have anyone to speak to it about.

"well about a year or so ago, we hooked up or whatever. we both caught feelings and decided to try a relationship. it was going really well. honestly i thought i loved the guy, well i did but that's besides the point, and i thought he loved me. i came home from getting groceries one day after work and noticed a pair of shoes by the door that weren't mine. this person had tiny ass feet compared to me."

he hums, signaling that he was listening to her story. of course he kinda pieced it together and could pretty much infer what was going to happen, but he continued paying attention anyway.

"next thing i know, i hear moans coming from the bedroom so i was pretty livid. turns out his bitchass was sleeping with one of my co-workers. the same co-worker that called out sick knowing i'd replace them so they could sleep with my boyfriend!"

kianna got pretty upset talking about the situation, but it didn't bother her quite as much when she spoke about it with clay.

clay on the other hand was pretty pissed off. the feelings he was feeling wasn't exactly present on his face, but if he was questioned about it then he would definitely go off. he may have had left kianna out of nowhere, but what harley did seemed just as bad. cheating was something he had a huge thing against considering his ex girlfriend did it to him so he understood how pissed kianna must've been.

"shit k, that's terrible. you didn't deserve that."

"at least it showed me he wasn't the one, y'know?"

he nodded in response even though it killed him that anyone would think to cheat on a girl like her. not that anyone else deserved it, she was just...different. a good different of course.

"anything you wanna talk about?" kianna sipped her coffee hoping that maybe he had a few interesting stories to tell since hers wasn't. "uh...well yeah actually, i met someone! she seems like she's genuinely interested in me and is honestly so amazing to be around." although she was happy for him, it pained her a little to hear about this girl.

clay gushed over the girl for almost an hour. kianna was beyond happy that he met someone who puts a smile on his face. he deserved nothing but happiness and a good relationship, especially after his last one.

"what's her name?"

"onyx, she lives a few houses down from your complex actually. i'd love for you to meet her!"

"that's actually a really dope name, but yeah sure. i'd be down to meet her. she won't hate me will she?"

"nah she shouldn't, there shouldn't be any reason to."

"okay, cool!" she sent the guy in front of her a small smile before getting up to toss away her empty cup. onyx was such a pretty name, it was unique. a girl with the name onyx doesn't seem all that stuck up or snobby so hopefully their interactions with each other would end well. "hey k, onyx said she'd meet us here if you're okay with it?" oh...well that was a little sooner than expected.

"that's fine with me." suddenly kianna felt nervous. she wanted this girl to approve of her being around clay since she had just gotten him back, hopefully a girl wouldn't be the reasoning of them splitting again.

it took onyx only a quick fifteen minutes to get there and she was honestly the prettiest girl kianna had ever laid eyes on. —careful k, your pansexuality is showing— "hi! i'm onyx! you must be kianna, i've heard quite a bit about you." kianna was a little shocked that clay had talked about her, what he said earlier must've been true then, she had never really left his thinking space.

the three shared back and forth conversations for about an hour or so, kianna really liked onyx. she definitely wasn't one to be jealous over her boyfriends best friends and that made kianna feel ten times better about the idea of clay and her dating. they seemed like a perfect pair, the timing just sucked really bad.

"onyx, you should join mine and clays traditions. the one for today is a pool day type thing. it wording be right for us to exclude you from them." onyx looked over at clay who was already looking at her, "are you sure? i don't want to intrude on something that you guys had well before i came into the picture." kianna sent her a reassuring smile. "yeah of course we're sure! it'd be different if you were a bitch, but you're pretty cool!" the two laughed at kianna's statements while clay sat there looking at the both of them in awe — two different ways obviously.

"okay cool! i'll be there then. i've gotta get going though, my mom wanted me to go shopping with her for my brothers birthday. it was very nice to meet you though." all three of them stood since kianna and clay would be leaving as well. kianna and onyx exchanged a small hug before the three of them left.

"i really like her, she's pretty damn cool." kianna stated once her and clay were back in the car, "thank god, i didn't know what i'd do if you two hated each other." he let out a wheeze which made kianna smile, god she missed that laugh.

authors note!
pls don't hate me.
onyx isn't a bitch, i swear.
also...i apologize for not
updating in so long, i'll
hopefully be better with it
soon. as always, i hope you guys
enjoyed this chapter. lots of love
mwah mwah!! <33

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© 2020 -p0pping0ff

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