night shift

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Later that night, Sam and Penny were on the second part of their 24 hour shift . Penny sat down at the table as Sam scoffed to himself. Penny gave him a long hard stare

"Got a problem" He asked

"No, i haven't" She replied innocently "Have you?"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Sam asked

"Well, for starters, when I arrived you started mumbling about something, then when we were getting ready for the drill you shot me a dirty look and just then you scoffed when I sat down. What is your problem Samuel" She said slightly irritated

"Look kid I don't need you here" Sam said bitterly "I know how to take control of a situation myself, i don't need a child telling me what to do"

Penny breathed calmly "look, Sam, i'm not here to tell you what to do, i'm here to help you. And as for my age, yes, I know young but I know what I'm doing. I just want to help ok?" Penny said calmly

"Look sweetheart. I don't want you here nor are you needed. Me Evis and SO Steele are perfectly fine without you here you're just going to get in the way and create problems." Sam hisses. Penny was deeply offended and hurt by what Sam had just said

"Sam, i requested to transfer here, when i was told that they had requested an additional crew member put my name down for transfer" Penny explained

"Well maybe you shouldn't have! There is nothing for you to do here apart from get in the way!" Sam yelled at her causing Penny tensed up before calming getting up and waking to the bathrooms where she just broke down into tears

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