the warehouse

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When the pair arrived on scene, they both quickly got out

"Alright, Penny, you turn the water on at the mains and meet e inside" he ordered

"Ok sam" she replied almost silently

Sam quickly ran into the burning building shortly after putting on their BAs, Penny quickly handed him a hose and followed him inside

"Penny, Aim for the base of the fire from the left, ill do the right" he ordered as Penny moved

After 5 minutes of takling the blaze, the fire was our eventually. Sam and Penny looked around to see what the possible cause could have been for starting the fire in the first place.


Penny looked up and spotted some debris falling from the roof as it caved in

"LOOK OUT!" she yelled as she pushed Sam our of the way but got berried in the many pieces of rubble that came down


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