chapter 3

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this is kinda some Penny and Elvis fluff but i do not shp them at all

2 days later, Sam, Penny and Elvis were on shift together, Elvis had made them all a cup of tea to drink. As he game over with the tray, he spotted Penny reading a book with a red cover

"What are you reading there Penny?" Elvis asked

"Oh, it's just a novel about penguins basically and the types of species" she replied not looking up from her book

"You realize there is something called the internet Penny, you don't have to read to find out" Sam said

"Yes, Sam, but there is nothing like reading a gold old fashioned book even with all this technology around" She replied softly

"Ugh, just go and do something" Sam scoffed

"There isn't anything to do though" she said looking up

"Well then find something and stop getting in everyone's way!" he said in a threatening tone

"Sam, Penny's not getting in anyone's way" Elvis said quick to defend his friend

"Don't worry, I'll go elsewhere" Penny said, her voice cracking as she picked up her book and headed for the stairs, Elvis in pursuit

"Penny? Wait up please" Elvis said as he watched Penny walk along the hallway towards the bathroom where she locked herself in one of the stalls

As Elvis walked in, he could hear some very quiet sobs who he knew were from Penny

"Penny? Are you ok?" he asked standing on the other side of the door

"Leave me alone please Elvis" Penny sobbed quietly

"Look, Penny, please, I just want to help you," He said as Penny unlocked the door. As soon as Elvis saw Penny's tear stained face, he immediately pulled her into a tight hug against his chest

"Shh, it's ok Penny. Whats wrong" Elvis said gently

"I-i don't know what i've done to make Sam hate me so much" she said quietly berrying herself further into her best friends chest

"Penny, Look at me" He said pulling her away "Ok, you have done nothing wrong, Sam, I actually don't know why he is being so horrible to you, he shouldn't, he has no reason to, and be. And believe me , i'm going to have a word with him because he cant treat you like this, it's not fair" Elvis declared

"Elvis, please, dont, he will know i told you" Penny sobbed

"Hey, hey, shh, shh, its ok Penny" He said gently as he carefully wiped a tear off of her face before he left in means of finding Sam

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