the police

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mentions of assault

 Later that day, Penny was back in her bed, Sam was sitting on the chair next to the bed like he has before. The police had knocked on her door before entering, when they came in they saw Penny on her side Laughing and joking away with Sam.

"Miss Morris" One of the officers began as Penny sat up properly

"My name is Officer PC Lauren Homes, I'm from the Cardiff Police force. I'd like to ask you a few questions if thats ok" She said softly as Penny nodded

"Would you like your friend to stay or leave?" she asked

"He can stay if he wants" Penny said looking over to Sam who nodded at her

"Ok, do you mind if my college records this interview?" she asked politely as Penny nodded again

"Right, so, we are here to basically ask you about your version of events that took place this morning in the office" lauren beggan "If you could start from the stat of the day to now please if thats ok" She said smiling at Penny

Penny hesitated before opening up to her

"I got up around noon and i had been told i had a checkup at 2 pm, i went to the checkup like normal, when i got to the room it had a nurse and Mellissa in the room with me, Sam was there but when the Nurse left me with Mellissa, Melissa asked Sam to leave the room in which he did, Once that had happened, Marcus had walked into the room and pinned me down on the bed. I basically panicked as he held the blade to my neck and screamed, that's when Sam and the doctors and nurses came in and stopped them and then about 10 minutes later, the police officers (They were different ones) arrived and arrested them. I then got checked on and taken back here and i am re scheduled for my check in an hour" Penny explained

"And what is the check for?" the other officer asked

"Just to see how my injuries were and to see if i'm aloud to go back home yet" She explained

"Ok, it says here that you are currently at Newtown fire department, is that correct?" She asked

"No, i got transferred to Pontypandy less than a week ago" she explained

"Ah ok, that's fine, this system is sometimes slow" she laughed as Penny smiled

"What's your current rank?"

"Leading firefighter" Penny replied

"Ok, thank you" She smiled at Penny

Lauren then turned to Sam

"Ok, now, sir, is it alright if we take a statement from you as well?" She asked

"Of course, I'm happy to help," he replied. Penny layed down on her bed just listening to what Sam had to say

"Ok, what is your name sir"

"Samuel Jones"

"Ok, you are also a leading firefighter at Pontypandy fire station?"

"Yes, i am"

"Ok sir, if you could please recall the incident from your point of view"

"Ok, so me and Penny went down to the Office at 1400 hours, Penny was in and there were two nurses, I didn't think anything of it because I knew Penny was getting her injuries checked over and was getting told when she could go back home. However, when one of the nurses had to go somewhere The nurse that was left, Mellisa, I think?" he said as Penny nodded " she asked me to leave and so i did, when i was in the halfway, i sat down and wired, it wasn't until about 2 minutes later when i heard Penny scream that i rushed in and some staff followed me inside and then that's when i saw this man and woman on top of her trying to put a blade to her neck, after thats its the same as what Penny told you" Sam admitted to the police

"Ok, thank you, Oh! Before we go tho, what was the cause of the injuries. We have to know for legal purposes" Lauren asked

"We found it to be an electrical fault that set fire to the warehouse, it was only after that we put the fire our that the roof caved in, we had no warning" Sam told her confirming what he had found our

"Ok, thank you, we have gotten statements from everyone involved and we will be in contact" They said as they left

"What was that all about" Penny said sleepily

"Don't know, hey don't worry, have a nap Penny i'll wake you when it's time to go" He told her running his hand through her hair

"Ok, night sam" she muttered before falling asleep

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